Rob Knight: How our microbes make us who we are
Rob Knight: Ako mikróby určujú, kto sme
Rob Knight explores the unseen microbial world that exists literally right under our noses -- and everywhere else on (and in) our bodies. Full bio
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about the health of our bodies,
o zdravie svojich tiel,
at figuring out what's important.
rozlíšiť, čo je dôležité.
they thought they'd need in the afterlife,
údajne potrebné v posmrtnom živote,
preserved the stomach, the lungs,
uchovávali žalúdok, pľúca,
drained it out through the nose,
vytiahli cez nos
do for us anyway?
nám bol mozog?
of neglected organ in our bodies
mali v tele opomenutý orgán,
as important to who we are,
rovnako určujúci, kto sme,
and treated with such disregard.
a nevážili by sme si ho.
through new scientific advances,
pomocou vedeckého pokroku
we think of ourselves.
samých seba.
have something just like that:
in our gut that are important.
to a whole range of differences
way more often than others?
viac ako iných?
experience out camping is actually true.
sú fakt pravdivé.
get bitten by mosquitos,
ich priťahuje v húfoch,
attracts them in droves,
different microbes on our skin
na koži iné mikróby
ktoré komáre cítia.
that the mosquitos detect.
in the field of medicine.
dôležité aj v lekárstve.
you have in your gut
črevná mikroflóra určuje,
are toxic to your liver.
toxické pre pečeň.
na srdcové ťažkosti.
drugs will work for your heart condition.
s kým sa chcete páriť.
who you want to have sex with.
pri ľuďoch nepreukázali,
before we find out. (Laughter)
a huge range of functions.
be affecting our behavior.
mikrobiotických spoločenstiev?
microbial communities look like?
pre porozumenie biodiverzite.
for understanding biodiversity.
rôznu skladbu organizmov,
have different landscapes of organisms
of one place or another
although I've got to be honest with you:
hoci, budem k vám úprimný:
look the same under a microscope.
mikróby prakticky rovnako.
to identify them visually,
identifikovať vizuálne,
at their DNA sequences,
na sekvencie ich DNA.
the Human Microbiome Project,
Projekt ľudského mikrobiómu,
americký Národný inštitút zdravia,
of researchers came together
Áčka, Téčka, Céčka a Géčka
in the human body.
they look like this.
to tell who lives where now, isn't it?
kto teda kde žije, že?
computational techniques that allow us
počítačové technológie,
of sequence data
that's a bit more useful as a map,
with the human microbiome data
all the complex microbes
all look the same.
že vyzerajú rovnako.
represents one microbial community
jednu mikrobiálnu komunitu
jedného zdravého človeka.
of one healthy volunteer.
parts of the map in different colors,
tejto mapy majú rôzne farby,
regions of the body,
the oral community up there in green.
we have the skin community in blue,
to je kožná komunita,
we have the fecal community in brown.
in different parts of the body
those two microbial communities
between the microbes in this reef
when you think about it.
keď sa nad tým zamyslíte.
of difference in the human body
necelého metra v ľudskom tele
to your microbial ecology
v mikrobiálnej ekológii
look basically the same
na rovnakom mieste tela
in terms of our human DNA.
sme si veľmi podobní.
in terms of your human DNA
o vašej črevnej mikroflóre:
in terms of your gut microbes.
as the bacteria on this prairie
stepnými baktériami
of functions that I told you about,
ktoré som spomínal,
in different kinds of diseases,
of those microbes in our gut,
ani nie jeden a pol kila mikróbov,
you think of as our bodies.
čo považujeme za naše telá.
of about 10 trillion human cells,
z asi 10 biliónov ľudských buniek,
as 100 trillion microbial cells.
až 100 biliónov mikrobiálnych buniek.
we're human because of our DNA,
lebo máme ľudskú DNA,
about 20,000 human genes,
asi 20 tisíc ľudských génov,
to 20 million microbial genes.
mikrobiálnych génov.
we're vastly outnumbered
naši mikrobiotickí symbionti
to traces of our human DNA,
stopách našej ľudskej DNA
of our microbial DNA
našej mikrobiálnej DNA
the palm of someone's hand up
that they use routinely
a few years ago,
vo vedeckom časopise,
it was featured on "CSI: Miami,"
come from in the first place?
psov alebo deti,
some dark suspicions about that,
čierne podozrenie,
you to your computer equipment
priradiť k vášmu počítaču
are relatively stable,
relatívne stabilné,
microbial identity
months, even years.
first microbial communities
ako sme sa narodili.
the regular way,
prirodzeným pôrodom,
like the vaginal community,
vaginálnej komunity,
delivered by C-section,
cisárskym rezom
look like skin.
with some of the differences
even more obesity,
alergií alebo obezity,
to microbes now,
until recently, every surviving mammal
až donedávna každý cicavec
of those protective microbes
might be really important
môže byť zásadný
that we now know involve the microbiome.
ovplyvňované mikrobiómom.
a couple of years ago
moja dcéra narodila
with those vaginal microbes
vaginálnymi mikróbmi,
whether this has had an effect
či to malo vplyv
no matter how much we love her,
hoci ho aj veľmi ľúbime,
enough of a sample size
she hasn't had an ear infection yet,
a ešte nemala zápal ucha,
crossed on that one.
to do clinical trials with more children
s viacerými deťmi,
this has a protective effect generally.
či to má ochranný efekt.
on what microbes we have initially,
na naše prvotné mikróby,
again here is this map
a sample from one body site
vzorku z jedného miesta tela
develop physically.
you're going to see
develop microbially.
vyvíja mikrobiálne.
at this one baby's stool,
which represents the gut,
ktorá reprezentuje črevá,
for almost two and a half years.
po dva a pol roka.
is going to start off as this yellow dot,
basically in the vaginal community,
vo vaginálnej komunite,
podľa jeho pôrodu.
over these two and a half years
all the way down
healthy volunteers down at the bottom.
zdravých dospelých, tu dole.
and we'll see how that happens.
ako sa to deje.
each step in this is just one week,
len jeden týždeň.
of the feces of this one child,
v stolici tohto dieťaťa
are much greater
individual healthy adults
jednotlivými dospelými
down at the bottom.
to approach the adult fecal community.
k fekálnym komunitám dospelých.
is about to happen here.
for an ear infection.
this huge change in the community,
just over these few weeks,
of normal development,
reached the healthy adult stool community,
stolice zdravých dospelých,
because it raises fundamental questions
lebo to vzbudzuje zásadné otázky
at different ages in a child's life.
v rôznych obdobiach detského veku.
the microbiome is changing so rapidly,
keďže sa mikrobióm
into a stormy sea,
do rozbúreného mora,
that if you give children antibiotics
že keď dáte antibiotiká deťom
to become obese later on
or only get them later,
brali neskôr alebo vôbec.
may have profound impacts
and on later health
a na budúce zdravie,
in addition to the effects
lebo nehovoriac o vplyve
on antibiotic-resistant bacteria,
our gut microbial ecosystems,
náš črevný mikrobiálny ekosystém
to regard antibiotics with the same horror
budeme pozerať s rovnakou hrôzou,
for those metal tools
k tým kovovým nástrojom,
to mush up the brains
na drvenie mozgu,
for embalming.
have all these important functions,
majú množstvo úloh
just over the past few years,
of different diseases,
rakoviny hrubého čreva
large effect, as it turns out,
obrovský vplyv,
whether you're lean or obese
či ste štíhly, alebo obézny,
as a medical test,
je to trochu problematické,
which of these people is obese
ktorá z dám trpí obezitou,
about their gut microbes,
ich črevných mikróbov.
if we sequence their complete genomes
kompletnú ľudskú DNA,
was obese with about 60 percent accuracy.
len s 60 % presnosťou.
of microbes that you carry around with you
ktoré so sebou nosíte,
for some health conditions
pre niektoré ochorenia
to all kinds of additional conditions,
s mnohými ďalšími diagnózami
these microbial differences
či sú tieto mikrobiálne odchýlky
are cause or effect?
is we can raise some mice
je chovať myši
in a germ-free bubble.
v aseptickej bubline.
that we think are important,
ktoré nás zaujímajú,
from an obese mouse
into a genetically normal mouse
do geneticky normálnej myši,
with no microbes of its own,
from a regular mouse.
dostala mikróby bežnej myši.
is absolutely amazing, though.
is that the microbes
more efficiently from the same diet,
from their food,
z rovnakej stravy viac energie,
are actually affecting their behavior.
že mikróby ovplyvňujú správanie.
more than the normal mouse,
viac ako normálna myš,
eat as much as they want.
žrať, koľko chce.
can affect mammalian behavior.
ovplyvniť správanie cicavcov.
also do this sort of thing across species,
veci dajú robiť aj medzidruhovo
from an obese person
mikróby obézneho človeka
you've raised germ-free,
ktorá nemala žiadne vlastné,
from a lean person,
mikróby štíhleho človeka.
that we inoculate them with
ktorou myš naočkujeme,
from gaining this weight.
by the Gates Foundation,
Gatesovou nadáciou
is children in Malawi
a profound form of malnutrition,
podvýživy zvanou kwashiokor
community transplanted into them
kwashiokorovú komunitu,
the same peanut butter-based supplement
pomocou výťažku z arašidového masla,
the children in the clinic,
of the kwashiorkor children do fine.
sa darí dobre.
that we can pilot therapies
že môžeme smerovať liečbu tým,
in a whole bunch of different mice
ktoré všetky majú
all the way down to the individual level.
každému pacientovi na mieru.
that everyone has a chance
called American Gut,
for yourself on this microbial map.
na tejto mikrobiálnej mape.
science project that we know of --
vedecký projekt, o ktorom viem –
have signed up at this point.
viac než 8 000 ľudí.
they send in their samples,
and then release the results back to them.
a oznámime im výsledky.
to scientists, to educators,
zverejníme aj pre vedcov, učiteľov,
of the general public, and so forth,
at the BioFrontiers Institute,
v BioFrontier Institute
and lasers to look at poop,
robotov a laserov skúmame fekálie,
everyone wants to know.
chce o sebe toto vedieť.
if you're interested
ak máte záujem
are not just important
in terms of our health,
ako sme na tom so zdravím,
we've been able to visualize
ktorú sa nám podarilo vizualizovať
at the University of Minnesota.
of the human microbiome again.
of some people with C. diff.
ľudí trpiacich na C. diff.
up to 20 times a day,
antibiotic therapy for two years
some of the stool from a healthy donor,
trochu stolice od zdravého darcu,
do battle with the bad microbes
are about to get a transplant
in the gut community.
coming to resemble the donor's community,
s črevnou mikroflórou podobnou darcovi,
of this discovery.
have implications
bowel disease to obesity,
a kind of microbial GPS,
where we are currently
and what we need to do
to make this simple enough
Rob Knight - Microbial ecologistRob Knight explores the unseen microbial world that exists literally right under our noses -- and everywhere else on (and in) our bodies.
Why you should listen
Using scatological research methods that might repel the squeamish, microbial researcher Rob Knight uncovers the secret ecosystem (or "microbiome") of microbes that inhabit our bodies -- and the bodies of every creature on earth. In the process, he’s discovered a complex internal ecology that affects everything from weight loss to our susceptibility to disease. As he said to Nature in 2012, "What motivates me, from a pragmatic standpoint, is how understanding the microbial world might help us improve human and environmental health.”
Knight’s recent projects include the American Gut, an attempt to map the unique microbiome of the United States using open-access data mining tools and citizen-scientists to discover how lifestyle and diet affect our internal flora and fauna, and our overall health.
Knight is the author of the TED Book, Follow Your Gut: The Enormous Impact of Tiny Microbes.
Rob Knight | Speaker |