Julia Galef: Why you think you're right -- even if you're wrong
Julia Galef: Per què creiem que tenim raó, fins i tot quan no la tenim
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
in the heat of battle.
enmig de la batalla.
or a medieval archer
o un arquer medieval,
there are some things that are constant.
però hi ha aspectes constants.
from these deeply ingrained reflexes,
molt arrelats;
to protect yourself and your side
de protegir-nos
playing a very different role,
que sou algú completament diferent:
to attack or defend.
no és atacar o defensar,
identifying potential obstacles.
identifica possibles obstacles.
that, say, there's a bridge
hi ha, per exemple, un pont
wants to know what's really there,
què hi ha allà fora,
the soldier and the scout are essential.
of these roles as a mindset --
process information and ideas
la informació i les idees
is that having good judgment,
tenir una opinió correcta,
making good decisions,
prendre bones decisions,
to 19th-century France,
piece of paper
aparentment innocu,
political scandals in history.
més grans de la història.
by officers in the French general staff.
per oficials de l'exèrcit francès.
that someone in their ranks
algú dels seus rangs
military secrets to Germany.
a Alemanya.
van començar una gran investigació
quickly converged on this man,
a aquest home:
no motive as far as they could tell.
cap motivació que poguessin trobar.
Jewish officer at that rank in the army,
d'aquell rang de l'exèrcit
the French Army was highly anti-Semitic.
l'exèrcit francès era antisemita.
to that on the memo
amb la de la nota
professional handwriting experts
in the similarity,
Dreyfus's apartment,
el pis d'en Dreyfus,
and they didn't find anything.
però no van trobar res.
that Dreyfus was not only guilty,
en Dreyfus era culpable
he had hidden all of the evidence
perquè havia amagat les proves
through his personal history
l'historial personal,
detalls criminatoris.
foreign languages in school,
llengües estrangeres,
to conspire with foreign governments
de conspirar amb governs estrangers
was known for having a good memory,
en Dreyfus tenia bona memòria.
has to remember a lot of things.
un espia ha de recordar moltes coses.
and Dreyfus was found guilty.
i en Dreyfus va ser declarat culpable.
into this public square
a una plaça
his insignia from his uniform
la insígnia de l'uniforme
en dos.
the Degradation of Dreyfus.
"la degradació de Dreyfus".
to life imprisonment
a cadena perpètua
curiosament anomenada,
off the coast of South America.
a prop de la costa de Sud-amèrica.
and there he spent his days alone,
i va passar els dies sol,
to the French government
al govern francès,
so they could discover his innocence.
perquè descobrissin que era innocent.
France considered the matter closed.
França considerava el cas tancat.
to me about the Dreyfus Affair
del cas Dreyfus
were so convinced
estaven convençuts
that they were setting him up,
que li tendien una trampa,
de manera intencionada.
that's what happened.
no creuen que fos així.
that the case against Dreyfus was strong.
el cas contra Dreyfus tenia motius de pes.
tan insignificants siguin
per condemnar algú.
call "motivated reasoning."
"raonament motivat".
our unconscious motivations,
les motivacions inconscients,
interpretem la informació.
feel like our allies.
que semblen aliades:
We want to defend them.
volem defensar-les.
or ideas are the enemy,
que són l'enemic
motivated reasoning, "soldier mindset."
és la "mentalitat del soldat".
ha perseguit mai
per alta traïció,
or politics, so you might have noticed
política, i us haureu adonat
that your team committed a foul,
que el nostre equip ha comès una falta,
to find reasons why he's wrong.
per què no té raó.
committed a foul -- awesome!
ha comès una falta, perfecte!
let's not examine it too closely.
no ho analitzem tant.
an article or a study
o un estudi
that it's not effective,
que no és efectiva,
to find all the reasons
a saber per què
that capital punishment works,
que la pena de mort funciona,
support capital punishment, same thing.
en la pena de mort, igual.
influenced, unconsciously,
molt influenciada, inconscientment,
que guanyi.
about our health, our relationships,
en la salut, les relacions,
just o ètic.
about motivated reasoning
sobre el raonament motivat
objective and fair-minded
i justos
of an innocent man.
d'un home innocent.
his story is not over.
la història no acaba aquí.
in the French Army,
de l'exèrcit francès.
he assumed Dreyfus was guilty.
creia que Dreyfus era culpable.
he was at least casually anti-Semitic.
era, casualment, antisemita.
Picquart began to suspect:
Picquart va començar a sospitar:
he had discovered evidence
havia descobert
that another officer in the army
un altre oficial de l'exèrcit
matched the memo,
a la de la nota,
que la d'en Dreyfus.
to his superiors,
als seus superiors,
they either didn't care
o bé els va ser igual,
to explain his findings,
per justificar els descobriments.
Picquart, is that there's another spy
hi ha un altre espia
Dreyfus's handwriting,
la cal·ligrafia d'en Dreyfus
after Dreyfus left.
to get Dreyfus exonerated.
exonerar en Dreyfus.
he himself was in prison
ell va anar a la presó
can't really be the hero of this story
no pot ser l'heroi de la història,
and that's bad, which I agree with.
i això és dolent, que és cert.
the fact that Picquart was anti-Semitic
que el fet que fos antisemita
siguin més admirables encara;
the same reasons to be biased
i raons per ser parcial
and uphold it trumped all of that.
per descobrir la veritat
ho va superar tot.
for what I call "scout mindset."
de la "mentalitat de l'explorador".
one idea win or another lose,
que una idea guanyi o perdi,
tan precís com sigui possible.
or convenient or pleasant.
o convenient.
I'm personally passionate about.
és la que m'apassiona.
examining and trying to figure out
he investigat i intentat descobrir
de vegades, almenys,
and biases and motivations
la parcialitat i la motivació,
and the evidence
i les proves
is rooted in emotions
s'arrela a emocions
o el tribalisme,
són curiosos,
they feel pleasure
a dir que senten plaer
un enigma.
when they encounter something
quan troben alguna cosa
they think it's virtuous
que és virtuós
les creences;
that someone who changes his mind
algú que canvia d'opinió
tenen els peus a terra,
they are about any particular topic.
en alguna cosa.
that capital punishment works.
that it doesn't, they can say,
poden dir
Doesn't mean I'm bad or stupid."
No vol dir que sigui dolent o estúpid".
is what researchers have found --
el que, segons els investigadors
to leave you with about those traits
d'aquestes característiques,
not about how smart you are
com en som de llestos
very much with IQ at all.
amb el QI.
amb el que sentim.
coming back to, by Saint-Exupéry.
de Saint-Exupéry,
"Si vols construir un vaixell,
to collect wood and give orders
agafin fusta i no donis ordres
for the vast and endless sea."
el mar vast i infinit".
us dic
our judgment as individuals
el nostre criteri com a persones
is not more instruction in logic
en lògica,
o economia,
are quite valuable.
tinguin molt valor.
to use those principles well
emprar bé aquests principis,
com ens sentim.
instead of ashamed
no avergonyits,
have been wrong about something.
que no tenim raó.
instead of defensive
no a la defensiva,
that contradicts our beliefs.
que contradiu les creences.
to leave you with is:
as clearly as you possibly can?
com sigui possible?
Julia Galef - WriterJulia Galef investigates how and why people change their minds.
Why you should listen
Julia Galef co-founded the Center for Applied Rationality, a nonprofit organization devoted to helping people improve their reasoning and decision-making, particularly with the aim of addressing global problems. Julia’s background is originally in statistics, and she did social science research at Columbia and Harvard Business Schools for several years before becoming a writer for venues such as Slate, Science, Scientific American and more. For the last six years, Julia has hosted the Rationally Speaking podcast.
Julia Galef | Speaker | TED.com