Aziz Abu Sarah: For more tolerance, we need more ... tourism?
Aziz Abu Sarah: Pro větší toleranci potřebujeme víc ... turistiky?
Aziz Abu Sarah helps people break down cultural and historical barriers through tourism. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
and a peacebuilder,
a taky mírotvůrce,
I remember watching television
televizi, když mi bylo sedm,
a fun thing to do.
docela zábavný.
and threw rocks,
to throw rocks at Israeli cars.
na izraelská auta.
my neighbors' cars. (Laughter)
na auta našich sousedů.
about my patriotism.
and I know what you're thinking:
co si myslíte:
what the heck happened to you?"
co se to s tebou do prčic stalo?"
of throwing stones.
to confess that he threw stones,
že házel kameny,
he was released from prison.
z vězení jeho smrt.
Hebrew to get a job,
hebrejsky, abych sehnal práci,
in that classroom
who were not soldiers.
kteří nebyli vojáci.
like the fact that I love country music,
jako třeba to, že mám rád
opravdu nezvyklé.
for Palestinians.
mezi námi zeď zloby,
that we have a wall of anger,
která nás rozděluje.
that separates us.
what happens to me.
co stane mně.
věnuji tomu,
to dedicate my life
that separate people.
média nebo vzdělání
but also media and education,
může změnit turistika?
really, can tourism change things?
to bring down those walls
jak ty zdi zbourat
jak se spojit s ostatními
of connecting with each other
aims to connect people,
spojovat lidi.
se dvěma židovskými přáteli.
dva průvodce turistů,
we would have two tour guides,
kteří skupiny provádí společně,
guiding the trips together,
archeologii a konflikt,
and archaeology and conflict
s kamarádem, který se jmenuje Kobi.
with a friend named Kobi --
byli na výletě v Jeruzalémě.
the trip was in Jerusalem --
a Palestinian refugee camp,
palestinského utečeneckého tábora
food called maqluba.
and you flip it upside-down.
a pak to překlopíte.
Israeli and Palestinian musicians,
izraelští a palestinští muzikanti.
I'll teach you later.
vás to naučím.
protože se nechtěli rozloučit.
they did not want to leave.
stále trvají.
relationships still exist.
že ta miliarda lidí,
if the one billion people
by cestovala takto,
every year travel like this,
a převezení z místa na místo,
from one side to another,
místní lidi a kultury,
of their buses of people and cultures,
a Muslim group from the U.K.
z Velké Británie,
of an Orthodox Jewish family,
ortodoxní židovské rodiny
sváteční šábesovou večeři.
dinners, that Sabbath dinner,
židovské dušené jídlo.
which is a Jewish food, a stew,
jim došlo, že
of realizing, after a while,
their families came out
pro váš Facebook.
for your Facebook.
a změnili své cestování.
to change your travel.
změnili svět.
everywhere to change the world.
Aziz Abu Sarah - Entrepreneur + educatorAziz Abu Sarah helps people break down cultural and historical barriers through tourism.
Why you should listen
When Aziz Abu Sarah was a boy, his older brother was arrested on charges of throwing stones. He was taken to prison and beaten — and died of his injuries. Sarah grew up angry, bitter and wanting revenge. But when later in life he met, for the first time, Jews who were not soldiers, Sarah had an epiphany: Not only did they share his love of small things, namely country music, but coming face to face with the “enemy” compelled him to find ways to overcome hatred, anger and fear.
Sarah founded MEJDI Tours to send tourists to Jerusalem with two guides, one Jewish and one Palestinian, each offering a different history and narrative of the city. Sarah tells success stories of tourists from the US visiting a Palestinian refugee camp and listening to joint Arab and Jewish bands play music, and of a Muslim family from the UK sharing Sabbath dinner with a Jewish family and realizing that 100 years ago, their people came from the same town in Northern Africa. MEJDI is expanding its service to Iran, Turkey, Ireland and other regions suffering from cultural conflict. If more of the world’s 1 billion tourists were to engage with real people living real lives, argues Sarah, it would be a powerful force for shattering sterotypes and promoting understanding, friendship and peace.
Aziz Abu Sarah | Speaker |