Tim Ferriss: Why you should define your fears instead of your goals
Tim Ferriss: Zašto trebate definirati svoje strahove umjesto ciljeva
Tim Ferriss is an early-stage tech investor, best-selling author and podcaster. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
was taken in 1999.
sam sretan snimljena je 1999.
about a week and a half later.
bio otprilike tjedan i pol nakon toga.
of my used minivan
svog monovolumena,
to full-blown planning very quickly.
s odluke na detaljno planiranje.
to the edge of the precipice.
my finger off the trigger
the element of chance.
taj čimbenik slučajnosti.
about testing different ways
a good investment. (Laughs)
dobrom investicijom. (Smijeh)
say, six to 10 major depressive episodes
šest do deset depresivnih epizoda
It runs in my family.
Genetski uvjetovanu.
and give any type of recipe for success
for avoiding self-destruction,
za izbjegavanje samouništenja
to be the most reliable safety net
sigurnosna mreža
my best business decisions.
u donošenju poslovnih odluka.
whatever life sends its way.
koje prihvaća što mu život pošalje.
competitor, say, Bill Belichick,
natjecatelja, nekoga kao Bill Belichick,
New England Patriots,
for Super Bowl titles.
američkog nogometa nije premašen.
in the top of the NFL ranks
među najboljima u američkom nogometu
training in the last few years.
of the Founding Fathers --
ni na Očeve osnivače --
George Washington
Johna Adamsa, Georgea Washingtona,
a play about a Stoic --
izvedbu predstave o stoiku --
to keep them motivated.
svoje čete kod Valley Forge.
focus so much on an ancient philosophy?
toliko usredotočili na drevnu filozofiju?
about stoicism a little bit differently,
promišljate o stoicizmu,
in high-stress environments,
napredak u visokostresnom okruženju,
taught many lectures
držao je brojna predavanja
trijema, naziva "stoa."
as a comprehensive system
kao sveobuhvatni sustav
was training yourself
from what you cannot control,
utjecati od onoga na što ne možemo
to focus exclusively
kako bi se usredotočili isključivo
you're a quarterback.
da igrate na poziciji vođe napada.
You get furious with yourself.
Razbjesnite se na sebe.
off the handle at a very valued employee
živce s cijenjenim zaposlenikom,
who, say, is in a downward spiral,
sve vam je krenulo nizbrdo
in the toolkit to get you there.
vam mogu pomoći da to postignete.
that completely changed my life in 2004.
mi je potpuno promijenio život u 2004.
died of pancreatic cancer unexpectedly,
iznenada je preminuo od raka gušterače,
I was going to marry, walked out.
htio oženiti, ostavila me.
give me a Dear John letter,
Nije mi napisala pismo,
to put on my desk for personal health,
podsjetnik na moje zdravlje
on my first real business.
na svom prvom pravom poslu.
I was working 14-plus hour days,
Radio sam preko 14 sati dnevno,
kako bih funkcionirao,
to wind down and go to sleep.
da se odmorim i zaspem.
to try to find answers.
kako bih pokušao pronaći odgovore.
that made a big difference in my life,
koji mi je jako promijenio život,
in imagination than in reality,"
scenarios, in detail, that you fear,
mogućeg scenarija, onoga čega se bojite,
to overcome that paralysis.
super loud, very incessant.
vrlo glasan, ustrajan.
through problems doesn't work.
ne mogu riješiti probleme.
like goal-setting,
poput postavljanja ciljeva,
quitting a job, starting a company.
otkaz, osnivanje tvrtke.
my first vacation in four years
prvog odmora u četiri godine
for a month to go to London,
za jedan mjesec u Londonu,
in a friend's room for free,
boraviti kod prijatelja
as a bottleneck in the business
jer sam postao smetnja na poslu
things you can imagine happening
koje mislite da bi se mogle dogoditi
but I'll give you two examples.
no dat ću vam dva primjera.
it'll be rainy, I'll get depressed,
bit će kišno, to će me deprimirati,
a huge waste of time.
a letter from the IRS,
zatvoriti mi tvrtku i slično.
down the answer to:
each of these bullets from happening,
the likelihood even a little bit?
vjerojatnost da će se to dogoditi?
depresivno u Londonu,
depressive episodes.
kod depresivnih epizoda.
the mailing address on file with the IRS
sam promijeniti adresu isporuke
uputili mom računovođi,
mogući scenarij ostvari,
the damage even a little bit,
biste barem malo popravili štetu
fly to Spain, get some sun --
otići u Španjolsku, malo se osunčati --
a letter from the IRS,
how had people handled this in the past.
kako su drugi rješavali slične probleme.
as you're doing this first page is:
dok radite na prvoj stranici, jest:
of an attempt or a partial success?
pokušaja ili djelomičnog uspjeha?
look at the upside.
na pozitivna očekivanja.
you're considering,
develop skills,
of, say, a base hit?
so don't skip it:
pa to nemojte preskočiti:
what might go wrong
predvidjeti što može poći po zlu
say, ask for a raise.
kao recimo zatražiti povišicu.
is the atrocious cost of the status quo --
strašnu cijenu statusa quo --
say, six months, 12 months, three years?
za šest, dvanaest mjeseci ili tri godine?
to seem intangible.
bit će teško pojmljivo.
again, emotionally, financially,
emocionalno, financijski,
a terrifying picture.
budućnost se doimala strašnom.
at any moment at all times,
trenutku mogao propasti
was no longer an option for me.
za mene više nije mogućnost.
That's fear-setting.
To je postavljanje strahova.
that on a scale of one to 10,
na ljestvici od jedan do 10,
10 being maximal impact,
a deset maksimalni učinak,
and reversible pain
jačine od jedan do tri
life-changing impact
pozitivan učinak jačine osam do deset,
from the business.
for a year and a half around the world,
i trajao je godinu i pol
for my first book,
are very well-founded.
strahovi utemeljeni.
under a microscope.
the hard choices, easy,
teška razdoblja, svi teški izbori laki,
of one of my favorite modern-day Stoics.
jednog od omiljenih modernih stoika.
in Olympic weightlifting,
prvak u olimpijskom dizanju utega,
most asses in this room.
kao i većinu u ovoj sobi.
on his stoa, his porch,
na njegovom trijemu,
movement for social change
za društvene promjene
by the government.
was kidnapped, tortured, killed
svećenik - otet, mučen, ubijen
bounce from country to country
seleći iz zemlje u zemlju
with next to nothing,
završili u SAD-u,
in a very nice place,
Kaliforniji, na lijepom mjestu
I've met in my life,
koliko sam ih upoznao u životu,
so pay attention.
any Stoic philosophy?
nešto o filozofiji stoika?
He is a terse dude.
Vrlo je suzdržan.
with stoicism,
of his most important decisions,
kod svih najvažnijih odluka,
for his principles and ethics,
and something akin to fear-setting,
slično postavljanju strahova,
any life more beautiful
which he applies to everything,
koju primjenjuje na sve
učiniti, pitati, reći --
what we most need to do.
najviše trebamo učiniti.
and problems we face
s kojima se suočavamo
with comfortable conversations,
ugodnim razgovorima,
or with other people.
important than defining your goals?
the words of Seneca:
in imagination than in reality."
Tim Ferriss - Investor, human guinea pig, authorTim Ferriss is an early-stage tech investor, best-selling author and podcaster.
Why you should listen
Tim Ferriss has been listed as one of Fast Company's "Most Innovative Business People" and one of Fortune's "40 under 40." He is an early-stage technology investor/advisor (Uber, Facebook, Shopify, Duolingo, Alibaba, and 50+ others) and the author of four #1 New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestsellers, including The 4-Hour Workweek and his latest, Tools of Titans: The Tactics, Routines, and Habits of Billionaires, Icons, and World-Class Performers. The Observer and other media have called Tim "the Oprah of audio" due to the influence of The Tim Ferriss Show podcast, which is the first business/interview podcast to exceed 100 million downloads.
Tim Ferriss | Speaker | TED.com