Paula Johnson: His and hers ... health care
Paula Johnson: A lui și a ei … asistența medicală
Dr. Paula Johnson is a pioneer in looking at health from a woman's perspective. Full bio
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with just a touch of caffeine.
would spend every afternoon with her,
was known about depression.
are 70 percent more likely
sunt cu 70% mai predispuse
30 and 50 percent of the time.
of fatigue, sleep disturbance,
these sex differences occur,
nu apar doar în cazul depresiei,
by the Institute of Medicine.
men and women are different
across all of our organs.
în toate organele.
de Sănătate a fost semnat și promulgat.
be included in clinical trials
să fie incluse în studii clinice
included in clinical studies,
differences is often overlooked.
e adesea ignorat.
of these sex differences.
taking what we have learned,
impacted the health of women,
au afectat sănătatea femeilor
in the United States today.
al femeilor în SUA astăzi.
she went back to her doctor.
s-a întors la medicul ei.
another cardiac catheterization
ca pentru multe alte femei,
iar noi i-am găsit boala.
situația nu e la fel.
for heart disease in women?
pentru boli cardiace la femei?
written over a 10-year period,
pe o perioadă de 10 ani
of those that were tossed out,
were included in the studies,
between women and men.
femeile de bărbaţi.
Hortense, my godmother,
very important in common.
au murit în urma bolii.
nonsmokers are three times more likely
au șanse de trei ori mai mari
diagnosed with lung cancer,
decât ale bărbaților.
cells of both women and men.
atât feminine cât și masculine.
it can drive the science.
at whose tumors shrank,
that the drug targeted
that also includes sex.
care include şi sexul pacientului.
from breast cancer over time.
invested in breast cancer --
and you expose them to stress.
of being able to dramatically improve
de a îmbunătăți covârşitor
are often overlooked.
are not getting the full benefit
de egalitate în drepturi,
sex differences were present
la sănătatea femeilor
causes that are important to you.
for those who you love:
because the answer is likely yes,
răspunsul e probabil afirmativ,
the answer, at least not yet.
sau nu încă.
your doctor will very likely
să îmbunătățim sănătatea femeilor
Paula Johnson - Women's-health expertDr. Paula Johnson is a pioneer in looking at health from a woman's perspective.
Why you should listen
Ever think you were having a heart attack? It turns out that many of the well-known early symptoms, such as chest pain and pressure from left arm to jaw, are more typically experienced by men. Women are more likely to experience shortness of breath, unusual perspiration and abdominal discomfort. Dr. Paula Johnson was one of the first to ask big questions about women's experience of cardiac care -- and their access to care that meets their needs.
Johnson and her team at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston focus on mentoring, measuring and bringing together expertise from practicing clinicians and academics to improve women's health. She says: "One of our core responsibilities will be to address critical questions ... such as, 'How do sex and gender impact health and health outcomes?' and 'How can health disparities among different groups of women be eliminated?'"
Paula Johnson | Speaker |