Robert Swan: Let's save the last pristine continent
Robert Swan: Zachráňme posledný nedotknutý kontinent
Robert Swan has explored both poles, and wants to make sure that Antarctica, the world's last great wilderness, is never exploited. Full bio
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out of the back of this room,
od konca tejto miestnosti,
as you can go anywhere on Earth,
that I'm showing you here are dangerous.
of the South and North Poles.
na severnom a južnom póle.
these places are telling us,
čo nám tieto miesta hovoria,
with our own survival situation
the most frightening thing
the Antarctic Treaty, signed in 1959.
podpísanou v roku 1959.
was entered into
50-ročná dohoda,
akákoľvek ťažba v Antarktíde,
from here in the Arctic
already that have been covered in ice
ktoré boli pokryté ľadom
actually melting?"
prečo sa vlastne ten ľad roztápa?
up here in the North
čo sa deje tu na severe,
cannot happen in the South.
nemôže sa zopakovať na juhu.
keď som mal 11 rokov.
It's a bit odd. (Laughter)
Trochu divný. (smiech)
I was inspired by the real explorers
naozajstní prieskumníci k tomu,
to walk to both Poles.
ktorý dosiahne oba póly pešo.
at parties when I was at university.
na párty na univerzite.
years of fundraising,
siedmich rokoch zháňania peňazí,
by my family to seek counseling
mi moja rodina odporúčala
marching to the South Geographic Pole
na pochod na južný pól,
ever made anywhere on Earth in history.
aká sa na Zemi kedy uskutočnila.
we are standing in an area
communications, no backup.
nikto na nás nedozerá.
90 percent of all the world's ice,
90 % všetkého ľadu na Zemi,
the danger of crevasses,
nebezpečenstvám hlbokých priepastí,
to ice inside your clothing,
we arrive at the South Pole.
sme dorazili na južný pól.
on that 70-day journey in 1986
sa mi však prihodilo niečo,
in 70 days through damage.
zmenili za tých 70 dní farbu.
and we wondered why.
we were told by NASA
had been discovered
the same year it had been discovered.
presne v tom roku, kedy ju objavili.
bounced back, fried out the eyes,
strhali nám kožu z tváre.
(Laughter) --
(smiech) –
from the safety of land
od bezpečia pevniny,
naked at -60 Celsius.
nahý umýval pri teplote -60 °C.
"I am cold" -- (Laughter) --
že mu je zima – (smiech) –
they are cold, definitely.
tak mu potom naozaj je zima.
from the safety of land,
four months before it ever had in history,
sa nám topil pod nohami
než kedykoľvek predtým v dejinách
and I'm thinking, "Are we going to die?"
a ja som premýšľal, či zomrieme.
in my head on this day,
are in a survival situation,
možno neprežijeme
for 25 long years.
ma tento pocit už nikdy neopustil.
alebo zahynúť.
TV programe o prežití.
it's life or death,
je to život alebo smrť
Afroameričanovi Darylovi,
to walk to the North Pole,
ktorý peši dosiahol severný pól,
from frostbite 200 klicks out.
päta od omrzlín.
we stood at the North Pole.
sme stáli na severnom póle.
stupid enough to walk to both Poles,
prvým človekom v dejinách
aby šiel na oba póly pešo,
than actually making it happen.
než keď na tom ešte len pracujete.
financially destroyed.
finančne na dne.
of the great Jacques Cousteau,
Jaquesa Cousteaua,
the 2041 mission.
na misiu 2041.
clear instructions:
Jacques mi dal jasné pokyny:
talk to industry and business,
hovor s ľuďmi z priemyslu a obchodu,
of the preservation of Antarctica.
o budúcnosti ochrany Antarktídy.
to every world Earth Summit,
boli na každom svetovom summite o Zemi,
with our brave yacht, 2041,
s našou odvážnou jachtou, 2041,
druhý v roku 2012,
v Johannesburgu
ever made with a yacht,
najdlhšiu cestu po súši v dejinách,
the whole of Southern Africa
naprieč celou Južnou Afrikou,
over a million young people in person
viac ako milión mladých ľudí,
a o životné prostredie.
we have taken over 1,000 people,
sme zobrali viac ako 1000 ľudí,
women and men from companies,
ženy a mužov z firiem,
down to Antarctica,
we've managed to pull out
sa nám podarilo pozbierať
left in Antarctica.
ktorý v Antarktíde zanechali ľudia.
and I'm so proud of it
a ja som na to veľmi hrdý,
back here in South America.
tu v Južnej Amerike zrecyklovať.
ever since I could walk
moja mama ma nabádala
isn't that fantastic?
was only 1.8 billion people,
iba 1,8 miliardy ľudí,
from industry and business
z priemyslu a obchodu
and will be hugely important
pravidlá hry a budú ohromne dôležité
the preservation of the Antarctic.
women to come from the Middle East,
aj ženy z Blízkeho východu,
represented their nations in Antarctica.
reprezentovali svoje národy v Antarktíde.
with this extraordinary place,
s týmto výnimočným miestom,
to go to Antarctica,
return home as great champions,
sa vrátia domov ako veľkí bojovníci,
back in their own nations.
vo vlastných krajinách.
the ice melt of the North and South Poles.
is now disintegrating.
sa rozpadá.
even compared to here --
dokonca aj v porovnaní s týmto miestom –
are breaking off from Antarctica,
sa odlamujú od Antarktídy,
that the sea level will rise,
že hladina oceánu vzrastie,
nasledujúcich 100 rokov,
has been on planet Earth.
čo je na Zemi moja mama.
the preservation of Antarctica
že zachovanie Antarktídy
in the real world,
obnoviteľnej energie,
with the energy here,
zachádzať efektívnejšie,
to go and exploit Antarctica.
pre ťažbu v Antarktíde.
we also may be able to slow down,
ktoré nás ohrozuje.
is our response to it?
A aká je naša odpoveď na ňu?
South Geographic Pole,
v našich vlastných stopách,
renewable energy to survive.
používať iba obnoviteľnú energiu.
which far down below are melting,
ktoré sa hlboko pod nami topia,
solutions on that issue.
pri riešení tohto problému.
side by side with his father,
so svojím otcom bok po boku,
to translate these messages
to the minds of future young leaders.
budúcich mladých lídrov.
a survivor -- and I'm good --
– a ja som v poriadku –
and doesn't go, "Whatever."
and deals with that problem
a rieši ho predtým,
to preserve the Antarctic.
aby sme zachovali Antarktídu.
maybe means that we can succeed.
možno znamená, že ju môžeme zachrániť.
we should fight,
na jednej strane tej čiary,
pristine place left alone on Earth.
nedotknuté a osamelé miesto na Zemi.
these words from Goethe.
power and magic in it."
génia, silu a kúzlo.“
Robert Swan - Polar explorerRobert Swan has explored both poles, and wants to make sure that Antarctica, the world's last great wilderness, is never exploited.
Why you should listen
When Robert Swan, OBE, set foot on the North Pole in 1989, he entered the history books as the first person to walk to both poles. But the South Pole, which he had reached in 1984, inspired his life's work -- to preserve Antarctica in the face of climate change.
Swan's organization 2041 (named for the date when the world’s moratoriums on mining and drilling in Antarctica will expire) leads expeditions of the world's most influential people to the continent in hopes that it will ignite their passion for preservation. The hope: to affect real and lasting environmental policy changes.
Robert Swan | Speaker |