Danit Peleg: Forget shopping. Soon you'll download your new clothes
Datin Peleg: Zabudnite na nakupovanie. Čoskoro si oblečenie budete sťahovať.
Danit Peleg created the first 3D-printed fashion collection printed entirely using home printers. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
traveling for weeks at a time
som cestovala týždne
pozvaná na dôležité podujatie
to an important event,
something special and new for it.
na sebe niečo špeciálne a nové.
and I couldn't find anything to wear.
ale nemohla som nič nájsť.
conference on that day,
na technologickej konferencii
a skirt on my computer,
na svojom počítači sukňu
I just took all the pieces,
that I'm wearing right now.
ktorú teraz mám na sebe.
that I printed clothes.
čo som si tlačila oblečenie.
at fashion design school,
na škole módneho dizajnu
an entire fashion collection from my home.
celú módnu kolekciu z domu.
anything about 3D printing,
o 3D tlači takmer nič nevedela
how to print five fashionable looks.
zistila, ako vytlačiť 5 moderných návrhov.
keď som pracovala z domu.
when I worked from home.
s novými materiálmi
to develop new techniques
vyvinúť nové techniky,
for my fashion projects.
textílie pre moje módne projekty.
tovární a čudných obchodov,
and weird stores
of strange powders and weird materials,
práškov a čudných materiálov,
domov na experimentovanie.
to working with big machines,
pracovať s veľkými strojmi,
do mojej obývačky.
and the custom work I can do
s rôznymi technológiami,
and laser cutting and silk printing.
s laserovým rezaním a tlačou hodvábu.
sem do New Yorku na výmenný pobyt
to New York for an internship
that were 3D printed.
šatách, ktoré boli vytlačené.
like you can see here.
and that's why they were very breakable.
a preto boli vysoko lámavé.
from the plastics under their arms.
škrabance od plastov.
had so much freedom
exactly like they wanted,
on big and expensive industrial printers
a drahých priemyselných tlačiarňach,
far from their studio.
ďaleko od ich štúdií.
a 3D printed necklace,
were much cheaper
sú oveľa lacnejšie
than the ones we used at my internship.
z môjho výmenného pobytu.
print a necklace from home,
„Ak môžem vytlačiť z domu náhrdelník,
have to go to the market
že nebudem musieť ísť do obchodu
someone else chose to sell --
rozhodol predávať –
and print them directly from home.
a vytlačiť priamo z domu.
I know about 3D printing.
čo viem o 3D tlači.
gave me the key to the lab,
kľúč od laboratória,
into the night, every night.
experimentovať do noci.
filament for printing clothes with.
vhodné vlákno na tlač šiat.
you feed the printer with.
ktorý dodávate do tlačiarne.
experimenting with PLA,
experimentami s PLA,
breakable material.
when I was introduced to Filaflex,
keď som sa dostala k Filaflexu,
the first garment,
the word "Liberté" --
so empowered and free
pretože som cítila slobodu,
a garment from my home
download this jacket,
to sako ľahko stiahnuť
to something else.
to slovo na nejaké iné.
or your sweetheart's name.
alebo meno vášho miláčika.
together, just like a puzzle.
just like regular fabrics.
a pattern that I love.
ktorú milujem.
a beautiful textile
vytlačiť nádherný textil,
just like a regular fabric.
ako bežnú tkaninu.
a little bit like lace.
and changed it, played with it --
a pozmenila ho, hrala sa s ním –
another 1,500 more hours
ďalších 1500 hodín,
and just printed 24-7.
a proste som tlačila 24 hodín denne.
a really slow process,
was significantly slower 20 years ago,
výrazne pomalší pred 20 rokmi,
a T-Shirt in your home
vytlačiť si doma tričko
or even minutes.
what it looks like?
chcete vidieť, ako to vyzerá?
one of my five outfits.
jeden z mojich piatich odevov.
I printed from my home.
som vytlačila doma.
materials will evolve,
sa materiály budú vyvíjať
like fabrics we know today,
ako látky, ktoré dnes poznáme,
that fit exactly to your measurements.
ktoré presne sedia na vaše miery.
veľmi hmotnou záležitosťou.
to the record shop and buy CDs,
a kúpiť si CD,
just like this skirt is.
tak ako táto sukňa.
Danit Peleg - Fashion designerDanit Peleg created the first 3D-printed fashion collection printed entirely using home printers.
Why you should listen
Danit Peleg has always been interested in the influence of technology on fashion design. For her projects, she develops her own textiles and experiments with various technologies such as laser cutting, screen-printing and 3D printing.
Peleg believes that technology will help democratize fashion and give designers more independence in the creation process. She graduated from Shenkar in 2015 and now advises designers and fashion houses on new technologies.
Danit Peleg | Speaker | TED.com