Tshering Tobgay: This country isn't just carbon neutral -- it's carbon negative
Tshering Tobgay: Táto krajina nie je len uhlíkovo neutrálna – je uhlíkovo negatívna
Acting on his mandate to move Bhutan into the 21st century, Prime Minister Tshering Tobgay is transforming his nation -- while maintaining its “Gross National Happiness.” Full bio
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what I'm wearing underneath.
jedinečné na našej krajine.
that's unique about my country.
carbon neutral is also unique,
je taktiež jedinečný,
to speak about today,
I should set you the context.
mal by som vás uviesť do kontextu.
in the Himalayas.
we are not Shangri-La.
my nie sme Šangri-La.
there are barely 700,000 of us
of the most populated countries on earth,
naľudnatejšie krajiny na svete,
underdeveloped country
zaostalá krajina,
is because we've been blessed
neúnavne pracujú
have worked tirelessly
environmental sustainability
zachovaním kultúrneho dedičstva,
of good governance.
múdreho riadenia krajiny.
to development
alebo HNŠ.
pronounced that for Bhutan,
že pre Bhután
than Gross National Product.
hrubý domáci produkt.
is driven by GNH,
zvýšiť šťastie
that aims to improve the happiness
of the smallest economies in the world.
ekonomík na svete.
than two billion dollars.
dve miliardy dolárov.
are worth more --
bezplatné školské vzdelanie,
free school education,
majú zdarma aj vyššie vzdelanie.
are given free college education.
úplne bezplatná.
medical treatment, medicines:
zdroje veľmi opatrne
resources very carefully,
to the core mission of GNH,
poslaniu HNŠ,
and we must strengthen it.
a musíme ju posilniť.
from undermining our unique culture
našu jedinečnú kultúru,
our art and architecture,
naše umenie a architektúru,
our national dress, too.
vrecko na svete.
at the world's biggest pocket.
is under forest cover.
that a minimum of 60 percent
aby minimálne 60 percent
shall remain under forest cover
used this constitution
didn't want democracy.
že ju zahrnie do ústavy.
in the constitution.
to impeach their kings,
obžalovať svojho kráľa,
that require all our kings to retire
vyžadujú, aby naši králi
a king in retirement:
jedného kráľa na dôchodku:
is under forest cover,
je pokrytých lesmi
a carbon neutral country.
uhlíkovo neutrálnou krajinou.
with climate change,
dnešného sveta
in the world today,
2.2 million tons of carbon dioxide,
2,2 miliónov ton oxidu uhličitého,
more than three times that amount,
trojnásobok tohto množstva.
of carbon dioxide each year.
of the renewable electricity
of carbon dioxide in our neighborhood.
asi 6 miliónov ton CO₂.
dostatok elektriny na to,
enough electricity
of carbon dioxide.
potenciálu nášho vodstva,
even half our hydropower potential,
ktorú vyvezieme,
50 million tons of carbon dioxide a year.
celé mesto New York.
of New York generates in one year.
záchytným úložiskom uhlíka,
we are a net carbon sink.
na moju krajinu.
a zosuvy pôdy,
and widespread destruction in our country.
a skazu v našej krajine.
spôsobilo túto skazu.
was caused by one glacier lake.
musíme zápasiť, máme 2 700.
neurobili nič,
of its consequences.
vnútrozemskú, hornatú krajinu
one that is landlocked and mountainous,
on our hands doing nothing.
uhlíkovo neutrálnou krajinou.
to remain carbon neutral.
arguing with one another
za klimatické zmeny,
for causing climate change,
raised our hands and announced,
ruku a vyhlásila,
carbon neutral for all time,"
uhlíkovo neutrálni,“
zopakovali svoj prísľub
for all time to come.
že vlády si uvedomili
was that governments came round together
a spoločne konať a pracovať.
and act together and work together.
od najmenších po najväčšie,
to the very large,
emisie skleníkových plynov.
the greenhouse gas emissions.
on Climate Change
budúce záväzky budú dodržané,
intended commitments are kept,
to containing global warming
globálneho otepľovania pod 2 °C .
by two degrees,
are feeling warmer than usual,
teplejšie než zvyčajne,
dodržiaval svoje záväzky.
keep our commitments.
to remain carbon neutral.
zostať uhlíkovo neutrálni.
zdarma elektrickú energiu.
to our rural farmers.
they will no longer have to use firewood
nebudú už musieť
of electric vehicles.
the cost of LED lights,
is trying to go paperless.
prejsť na bezpapierový systém.
národného programu Čistý Bhután,
through Clean Bhutan, a national program,
throughout our country
uhlíkovo neutrálnej stratégie
of our carbon neutral strategy.
našim uhlíkovým úložiskom,
našej krajiny chránená,
our country is protected,
them all with one another
to roam throughout our country.
pohybovať po krajine.
at 250 meters above sea level
subtropickom pralese,
to prevent poaching, hunting,
na boj proti pytliactvu, lovu,
žijúcim v týchto parkoch,
who live in those parks
to live in harmony with Mother Nature.
v harmónii s Matkou Prírodou.
our small economy won't have the resources
to protect our environment.
na ochranu nášho životného prostredia.
at least 15 years
all our conservation efforts.
naše úsilie chrániť životné prostredie.
going backwards.
ktorý potrebujeme.
can take over on our own fully.
postarať sa o to sama.
corporations and institutions,
spoločností a inštitúcií,
po splnení vopred stanovených podmienok
after predetermined conditions are met
účelovo viazané.
can commit without having to worry
sa nemusia obávať,
supporting an underfunded plan.
nebol dostatočne financovaný.
of carbon dioxide at stake.
to protect our parks,
na ochranu našich parkov,
to increase our own funding gradually
úplné ďalšie financovanie.
guarantees full funding forever.
koncom tohto roku.
is our principle partner in this journey,
they are doing in Bhutan
our promise to remain carbon neutral,
zostať uhlíkovo neutrálni,
our country pristine,
udržujeme panenskou,
to tell stories, are we?
rozprávali príbehy, však?
s vami podelil
one more dream that I have.
our leadership and our resources,
našich vodcov, naše zdroje,
uskutočnili aj v iných krajinách,
to other countries
svoje chránené oblasti.
protected areas for all time.
who face the same issues that we face.
ktoré čelia rovnakým problémom ako my.
for sustainability,
jeho boj o prežitie,
to invest in them now.
the Bhutan For Life throughout the world?
Bhután pre život po celom svete?
about our planet's future.
o budúcnosť našej planéty.
to protect our planet together.
kadrin chhe la.
Tshering Tobgay - Prime Minister of BhutanActing on his mandate to move Bhutan into the 21st century, Prime Minister Tshering Tobgay is transforming his nation -- while maintaining its “Gross National Happiness.”
Why you should listen
Tshering Tobgay went from civil servant to politician to prime minister -- all the while maintaining his star social media profile in one of Asia’s most progressive emerging states. As the second democratically elected Prime Minister of Bhutan, Tobgay continues to emphasize his country’s core value of happiness.
Bhutan's acclaimed "Gross National Happiness" index prioritizes well-being over financial growth. But Tobgay also seeks to solve Bhutan's great challenges: unemployment, poverty, gaps in education and infrastructure. WIth a foundation of optimism, his administration and the country's young democracy hope to become a paragon of stability in the developing world.
Tshering Tobgay | Speaker | TED.com