Chris Hadfield: What I learned from going blind in space
Chris Hadfield: Cfare mesova kur u verbova ne hapesire
Tweeting (and covering Bowie) from the International Space Station last year, Colonel Chris Hadfield reminded the world how much we love space. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
qe keni bere ndonjehere?
per te thene kete eshte,
thing that you've ever done?
qe keni bere ndonjehere?
gjeja me e rrezikshme qe
te anijeve kozmike,
nje ngjarje katastrofike
per here te pare me anije kozmike
nje dite shume interesante
ne hapesire ate dite
effortlessly, gloriously in space,
lehtesisht dhe triumfues ne hapesire,
ku heronjte e tu te femijerise
dhe Buzz Aldrin
drejt vendit te nisjes,
dhe ne distance,
gjithmone e me e madhe
enderra dhe refuzime
kur isha nente vjec,
nje mjet shume i komplikuar;
me e komplikuar e ndertuar ndonjehere.
we have a saying, which is,
ne kemi nje thenie, e cila eshte,
wickets you have to go through.
qe duhet te kaloni.
half minutes before launch,
off its knees or something.
the space shuttle Discovery,
dhe ngrihet anija kozmike Discovery,
duke hapur rrugen
prej ketyre gjerave.
saqe nuk mund te fokusohesh
e nje qeni shume te madh
e ne rritje ne fytyren tende.
ato raketa te qendrueshme shperthejne
pa e perdorur pershpejtuesin.
ose dicka te ngjashme.
nje risk te tille?
pergjigja eshte e drejteperdrejte.
ne dicka te tille.
thinking about where it might lead,
te mendosh se ku do te te coje kjo,
help build a space station
ndihmoj ne ndertimin e stacionit hapesinor
me nje peshe prej 450 mije kg
me nje shpejtesi 5 milje ne sekonde,
te cilet na mesojne
eshte i perbere universi
boten ne nje menyre
nepermjet menyrave te tjera,
mund te binin, do te binin--
ne orbiten rrotulluese magjepese
bukurine qe eshte vete bota.
cdo 45 minuta
bashke me boten.
through the universe together.
drejt universit se bashku.
e cila rrotullohet prane teje.
could stick your hand into.
mund te vendosesh duart ne te.
me shtate miliard njerez.
te pare ne hapesire
syri im nuk po punonte.
bigger ball of whatever that is
e me te madh apo cfaredo qe eshte
topi behet gjithmone e me i madh
across the bridge of your nose
drejt hundes tende
qe keni bere ndonjehere?
nga merimangat --
dhe kane kembe te gjata, me push
eshte e tmerrshme.
horrible, big necrotic things
nga keto gjerat nekrotike te tmerrshme
nje atak spazme
is there a brown recluse
eshte nje merimange violine
50,000 different types of spiders,
lloje te ndryshme merimangash,
te cilat jane helmuese
per shkak te dimrave te ftohte
730 different types of spiders
720, 730 tipe te ndryshme merimangash
eshte si "une jam e rrezikshme,
symbol on my back, it's the black widow."
ne shpine, eshte vejusha e zeze."
te ndeshesh me nje merimange --
never going to go through
ti nuk do te ndeshesh kurre
kur nje merimange e zeze te pickon.
nuk i nderton ato siper,
ne nje rrjet merimange,
with your caveman reaction.
dhe te reagosh si nje njeri shpelle.
me nje rrjete merimange,
it's not a black widow spider,
nje merimange e zeze,
Nuk eshte nje gje kushedi cfare.
no more threat to you than a lady bug
nuk eshte nje kercenim per ty
walk through 100 spiderwebs
ecni drejt 100 rrjeta merimangash
in the park in the morning
ne park ne mengjes
nga rrjetat e merimangave --
do te jete paniku, mendoj.
dhe do te te shqetesoje.
te gjithe helmin,
variety of different spiderwebs.
dhe te shumellojshme rrjete merimangash.
qe shkojne mire,
qe shkojne keq gjate gjithe kohes,
through those spiderwebs.
duke ecur mbi keto rrjeta merimangash
also in virtual reality labs
ne laboratore me nje realitet virtual
get outside on a spacewalk,
del me te vertete ne hapesire,
sesa do te ndjehej
rreth e rrotull dhe e le kete,
shpetim ekuipazhi te paafte
tek une si nje aeroplan
per pak kohe,
in your eye starts to dilute
fillon te tretet
te vazhdosh te punosh.
the crusty stuff around my eyes,
dhe hoqi ate gjene e forte nga syri im,
qe shkoi tek syri im.
dhe atij te vertete,
nga e cila duhet te kesh frike?
e gjerave te keqinja qe mund te ndodhin.
your reaction to things
reagimin tend ndaj gjerave
komplet te ndaluara per ty
hardpan south of the Sahara,
e Jugut te Saharase,
of Eastern Europe fields
linjat e gureve ne San Francisco
per te pushtuar frikat e tua.
qe ne te kundertetn
me ne fund.
largohet nga stacioni
dhe me pas i djegim
eshte plumbi i vogel
mbi nje meteorit
teorine e kontrollit te pajisjeve,
me rradhe.
me nje rreze prej 15 kilometrash
po vinte prape
nje nga ato
spaceship at the ground
ta riprogramoje veten,
dhe nje nivel inspirimi
se ne nuk jemi makina
ne kullen e kontrollit ♫
me te vecanta ♫
ne nje kanace konservash ♫
there's so much left to do ♫
shume gjera per te bere ♫
Shume faleminderit.
Chris Hadfield - AstronautTweeting (and covering Bowie) from the International Space Station last year, Colonel Chris Hadfield reminded the world how much we love space.
Why you should listen
“Good morning, Earth.” That is how Colonel Chris Hadfield, writing on Twitter, woke up the world every day while living aboard the International Space Station. In his five months on the ISS (including three as commander) Hadfield became a worldwide sensation, using social media to make outer space accessible and infusing a sense of wonder into the collective consciousness. Check out his cover version of David Bowie's "Space Oddity," sung while floating in his tin can, far above the world ...
Now back on our home planet, he continues to share the excitement of science and space travel. He's the author of the 2014 book An Astronaut's Guide to Life on Earth. As he says, "There are no wishy-washy astronauts. You don't get up there by being uncaring and blasé. And whatever gave you the sense of tenacity and purpose to get that far in life is absolutely reaffirmed and deepened by the experience itself." A photography geek, in 2014 he also published an album of his photos from the shuttle: You Are Here: Around the World in 92 Minutes.
Hadfield is also a font of Canadian firsts: He was Canada’s first shuttle mission specialist, and the first Canadian to board a Russian spacecraft (he helped build the Mir), do a spacewalk (he's done two), and of course, to command the International Space Station.
Chris Hadfield | Speaker |