Ben Ambridge: 9 myths about psychology, debunked
Ben Ambridge: 10 mite për psikologjinë: Të ekspozuara
Ben Ambridge is the author of "Psy-Q," a sparkling book debunking what we think we know about psychology. Full bio
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your general intelligence,
inteligjencën tuaj të përgjithshme,
about what makes you tick,
atë që ju motivon
at predicting other people's behavior
sjelljen e të tjerëve
about psychology is wrong?
për psikologjinë, janë gabim?
the top 10 myths of psychology.
10 mitet më të mëdha të psikologjisë.
that when it comes to their psychology,
që sa i përket psikologjisë së tyre,
and women are from Venus.
dhe gratë nga Venusi.
are men and women really?
janë ata në të vërtetë?
by looking at something
gender differences on the same scale.
psikologjike në të njëjtën shkallë
do really differ on
ndryshojnë vërtetë
a normal distribution curve.
and a few men not far at all,
fare pak,
the same distribution as well,
quite a big difference.
can throw a ball further
some psychological gender differences
gjinore psikologjike
më të mirë
at spatial awareness than women --
for example -- and it's true,
at the size of this difference.
together they almost overlap.
than 33 percent of all men,
se 33% e gjithë burrave,
would be exactly equal.
difference and the next one I'll show you
do t'ju tregoj tani
psychological gender differences
psikologjike gjinore
that women are better
on the standardized grammar test.
në gramatikë.
but the lines are so close
mesatare, por vijat janë kaq afër
are better than the average woman,
gruaja mesatare,
complete gender equality.
a case of Mars and Venus.
Mars and Snickers:
slightly nuttier than the other.
më e krisur.
the famous Rorschach inkblot test.
psikanalitik të Rorschach-ut.
two bears or two people or something.
they're saying hello.
they are high-fiving.
po takojnë duart.
saying hello or high-fiving,
ose po takojnë duart,
nasty, aggressive person.
three everyone shout out what you see.
atë që shihni.
(Audience shouting)
some kind of two-legged animal here,
dykëmbësh aty,
that you have difficulty
ju keni vështirësi
where there's a lot going on.
kur jeni të ngarkuar.
it doesn't mean that at all.
have basically no validity
fare validitet
people's personality
by modern-day psychologists.
that when you do try
using Rorschach inkblot tests,
perfectly normal participants.
a very visual type of person.
quick quiz to find out.
për ta kuptuar.
so hands up for each one again --
duart kësaj radhe -
a recipe book with pictures?
as you go along?
are a visual learner
is presented in a visual style.
janë vizuale.
you're an auditory learner,
is presented to you in an auditory format.
janë dëgjimore.
that you're a kinesthetic learner,
and do things with your hands.
me duart tuaja.
as you've probably guessed,
the whole thing is a complete myth.
not supported by scientific evidence.
pa mbështetje shkencore.
tightly controlled experimental studies,
të kontrolluara,
or an opposite style,
amount of information that they retain.
që memorizojnë.
for just a second,
that this has to be true.
the best presentation format
but on what you're trying to learn.
ta mësoni.
for example,
telling you what to do
çka të bëni
and without writing them down?
duke i menduar në kokë, pa i shkruar?
for your architecture exams
if you're a kinesthetic learner?
mësoni kinestetikisht?
is match the material to be learned
të shkëlqyer,
your GCSE results.
what you were hoping for,
që keni shpresuar,
your learning style,
to think about blaming is your genes.
te gjenet tuaja.
recent study at University College London
and their GCSE results
rezultatet e tyre në GCSE
so how can we tell?
e si mund ta dimë?
the relative contributions
100 percent of their environment
të njëjtë
share 100 percent of their environment,
mjedis 100% të njëjtë
share only 50 percent of their genes.
janë të njëjta.
GCSE results are in identical twins
e rezultateve të GCSE për binjakë identikë
and performance is due to the environment
për performancën
about 58 percent due to genes.
that you and your teachers here put in.
ju dhe mësuesit tuaj.
that you were hoping for,
your parents, or at least their genes.
paktën gjenet e tyre.
or right-brained learner,
ose të djathtë më aktive
the left brain is logical,
është logjike,
so the right brain is better at music.
dhe më e shkathët në muzikë.
because nearly everything that you do
që ju bëni
of your brain talking together,
like having a normal conversation.
e zakonshme.
why this myth has survived
a slight grain of truth to it.
more creative than right-handed people,
your brain controls the opposite hands,
duart në formë të kryqëzuar,
is slightly more active
is more creative.
është më kreative.
than right-handed people.
for different tasks,
të dy duart
than one-handed people,
që përdorin vetëm njërën dorë,
talk to each other a lot,
të trurit,
in creating flexible thinking.
dhe kreativ.
that being ambidextrous
left-handers than right-handers,
sesa te djathtakët,
of the creative left-hander,
majtakut më kreativ,
probably heard of
keni mundur ta dëgjoni
10 percent of our brains.
10% të trurit.
even the most mundane thing,
gjëja më e rëndomtë,
quite as well as we could.
së miri.
to boost our brainpower?
këtë fuqi?
to a nice bit of Mozart.
një pjesë nga Mozart.
of the Mozart effect?
për efektin Mozart?
to Mozart makes you smarter
bëheni më të zgjuar
performance on I.Q. tests.
në teste të I.Q.
about this myth
there is a grain of truth to it.
të vërtetë brenda.
Mozart music for a few minutes
të Mozartit për disa minuta
testin e I.Q.
sat in silence.
some people who liked Mozart music
iu pëlqen muzika e Mozartit
the horror stories of Stephen King.
Stephen King.
the music or the stories.
dhe tregimet.
Mozart music to the stories
from the Mozart than the stories,
nga dëgjimi i muzikës,
the stories to the Mozart music
from listening to the Stephen King stories
dëgjimi i tregimeve
to something that you enjoy
atë që iu pëlqen
and gives you a temporary I.Q. boost
listening to Mozart,
in the long run.
të gjatë.
not only cleverer but healthier, too.
të zgjuar, por edhe më të shëndetshëm.
seem to be true
e vërtetë
to the music of Mozart almost every day,
e Mozartit gati cdo ditë,
smallpox, arthritis,
killed him in the end, syphilis.
se e vrau, sifilisi.
should have bit more careful, perhaps,
dashur të jetë më i kujdesshëm
is sometimes spread a bit by sociologists
partner are a product of our culture,
romantik janë produkt i kulturës,
[37] different cultures across the globe,
37 kultura të ndryshme të botës,
across the globe,
on physical attractiveness in a partner
on ambition and high earning power.
dhe aftësinë për të fituar.
who were younger than themselves,
who were older than them,
"Everybody needs a Sugar Daddy."
sponsor më i vjetër".
to score with a partner
or football or whatever your sport is.
basketboll, futboll apo tjetër sport.
hot-hand streaks, Americans call them,
periudha të nxehta, sipas amerikanëve,
we sometimes say in England,
like this guy here.
si ky këtu.
if you analyze the pattern
nëse analizoni modelin statistikor
nearly always at random.
i rastësishëm.
from the randomness.
to come out somewhere in the randomness,
të dalë dikur rastësisht
patterns where there are none,
modele aty ku nuk ka,
and attribute meanings to them
atyre kuptime
get the same pattern
hits and misses at random.
a të qëlluara.
is penalty shootouts.
at penalty shootouts in football
në futboll
in penalty shootouts,
than countries with a better record,
vendet me rekorde më të mira
they're more likely to miss.
të gabojnë.
could improve people's performance.
përmirësojë performancën e njerëzve.
and seeing if that improves them.
dhe të shihni nëse ka sukses.
can improve performance,
thought they were testing
testonin në
and punishment experiment
if you're a psychology student.
student i psikologjisë.
were prepared to give
electric shocks to a fellow participant
elektrik te një pjesëmarrës
in a white coat told them to.
iu kishte thënë ashtu.
for three reasons.
wasn't white, it was in fact grey.
bardhë, por në fakt i hirtë.
were told before the study
para studimit
they raised a concern,
they were not fatal
nuk ishte fatal
no permanent damage whatsoever.
didn't give the shocks
in the coat told them to.
after the study,
that they firmly believed
served a worthy scientific purpose
kishte qëllim të denjë shkencor
enduring gains for science
discomfort caused to the participants.
shkaktuar pjesëmarrësve.
for about 12 minutes now,
sitting there listening to me,
and body language
dhe gjuhën trupore
take any notice of what I'm saying,
veshin për këto që po flas
or whether I'm lying,
apo po gënjej,
probably completely failed,
dështuar plotësisht,
we can catch a liar
ta zëmë një gënjeshtar
and speech patterns,
over the years have shown
kanë treguar
police officers and detectives,
to detecting lies from body language
përmes gjuhës trupore
e humbur.
when the relatives are missing
kur të afërmit kanë humbur
murdered the relatives themselves.
vrarë të afërmit e tyre.
to shake their heads, to look away,
të lëkundin kokën, të shohin anash,
will return safely
kthehet i sigurt
"taken from us" rather than "killed."
"e vranë".
it's about time I killed this talk,
fund këtij fjalimi,
to give you in 30 seconds
a collection of interesting theories,
përmbledhje e teorive interesante,
and all of which have something to offer.
të cilat kanë diçka për të ofruar.
in the past few minutes
iu kam treguar
psychological theories
vlerësojmë teoritë psikologjike
makes you smarter,
presented in your preferred learning style
prezantohen në stilin tuaj të preferuar
are testable empirical predictions,
parashikime empirike të testueshme
against the data
me të dhëna
experimental studies.
that we can hope to discover
të gjejmë
are well supported,
I've told you about today, are myths.
janë mite.
Ben Ambridge - PsychologistBen Ambridge is the author of "Psy-Q," a sparkling book debunking what we think we know about psychology.
Why you should listen
Ben Ambridge is a senior lecturer in psychology at the University of Liverpool, where he researches children’s language development. He is the author of Psy-Q, which introduces readers to some of the major findings in psychology via interactive puzzles, games, quizzes and tests.
He also writes great newsy stories connecting psychology to current events. His article "Why Can't We Talk to the Animals?" was shortlisted for the 2012 Guardian-Wellcome Science Writing Prize. Psy-Q is his first book for a general audience.
Ben Ambridge | Speaker |