Meklit Hadero: The unexpected beauty of everyday sounds
Meklit Hadero: Bukuria e papritur e tingujve te perditshem
Meklit Hadero is an Ethiopian-American singer-songwriter living the cultural in-between, both in her own luminous compositions and as a co-founder of the Nile Project. Full bio
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or, as I like to call them,
me inspiron, ose si deshiroj t'i them une,
and hip hop that I grew up with,
dhe hip hop,
on my childhood radio stations.
ne radio stacione qe prej femijerise.
there is another question:
shtrohet nje pyetje tjeter:
influence the music that we make?
kane ndikim ne muziken qe e krijojme?
çdo dite
inspiration for songwriting,
i papritur per te shkruar tekste,
a little bit more closely,
dua te them rreth kesaj,
about three things:
of true silence.
e vertete te qetesise.
a sense of a world
te percjell nje bote
me ane te muzikes,
as active participants,
sherbej si pjesemarres aktiv,
but before we do that,
po para se te filloj,
of an opera singer warming up.
opere duke e nxehur zerin.
of an opera singer warming up.
kengetari opere duke nxehur zerin.
leshohet ne nje ritem
recognizes as its own.
si ze te vetin.
1987 Hungarian recording
te Peter Szöke ne vitin 1987
and slows down their pitches
dhe e ngadaleson deri te toni
te incizimit.
were inspired by birdsong.
ishin te frymezuar nga tingulli i zogjeve.
to be our musical teachers.
qe zogjte jane mesuesit tane muzikor.
are considered an integral part
si nje pjese perberese
was born in the Empire of Aksum,
kishte lindur ne Perandorine e Aksumit,
of the ancient world.
nga koha e lashte.
his father died,
i vdiç babai i tij,
with an uncle, who was a priest
me xhaxhain e tij, qe ishte nje prift
vjetera ne bote.
of scholarship and learning,
bursa dhe studime,
and study and study,
studiuar e studiuar,
poshte nje peme,
became his teachers.
u bene edhe mesuesit e tij.
recognized as Saint Yared,
si Saint Yared,
five volumes of chants and hymns
pese volume te psalmeve dhe himne
to compose and to create
qe te kompozoje dhe te krijoje
into what is known as kiñit,
ne ate qe tashme eshte e njohur si kiñit,
modal system that is very much alive
pese-noteshe, qe eshte teper i pranishem
in Ethiopia today.
ende duke evoluar ne Etiopine e sotme.
it's true at multiple levels.
eshte i veçante ne shume nivele.
e vertete historike,
can be our musical teacher.
mesuesi yne i muzikes.
te kesaj qe po them:
tune their instruments
instrumenteve e kane akorduar
in the forest around them.
expert Bernie Krause describes
Bernie Krause pershkruan
has animals and insects
ka kafshe dhe insekte
and high-frequency bands,
te ulta, mesme e te larta,
as a symphony does.
were inspired by bird and forest song.
nga zogjte dhe kenget e malit.
can be our cultural teacher.
te sherbeje si mesuesi yne i kultures.
human world of language.
unike te gjuhes njerezore.
with pitch to varying degrees,
gives the same phonetic syllable
jep te njejtes zanore fonetike
at the end of a sentence ...
ne fund te fjalise ...
nenkupton nje pyetje?
of Amharic, Amhariña.
the language of my parents,
to fall in love with this language:
per tu dashuruar me kete gjuhe:
its double entendres,
kuptimet e dyfishta te saj,
the wisdom and follies of life.
mençurine dhe marrezite e jetes.
a musicality built right in.
nje muzikalitet te brendshem.
emphatic language --
si gjuhe e theksuar --
to highlight or underline
te theksoje ose te nenvizoje
in the audience,
ne publik,
me veten e tyre,
something like "No!"
dicka si "Jo!"
"Jo, ai nuk e beri."
this was my very favorite word,
rreth tonit.
as it springs from someone's mouth.
kesaj fjale kur e shqipton.
when I hear that word,
kur e degjoj kete fjale,
is floating through my mind.
for "It is right" or "It is correct" --
"Eshte ne rregull" ose "Eshte e sakte" --
through my mind.
what I did was I took the melody
kam bere eshte se kam marre melodine
of those words and phrases
e ketyre fjaleve dhe frazave
to use in these short compositions.
muzikore ne keto kompozime te shkurta.
kind of as bass lines.
perfundojne si rreshta basi.
of Jason Moran and others
Jason Moran dhe te tjereve
with music and language,
me muzike dhe gjuhe,
in my head since I was a kid,
kam pasur ne mendje qe prej femijerise,
to each other and to us.
dhe me neve.
and from Amhariña that I learned
Amhariña qe me mesuan
every sentence that we speak,
that we receive.
in the words I'm speaking even now.
ne fjalet qe jam duke folur tash.
e Bashkuara ne vitet 1950
of 20th century avant-garde composition:
te kompozimeve te shekullit XX:
or combination of instruments.
ose kombinim te instrumenteve.
to walk onto the stage
te ecin ne skene
by the Museum of Modern Art --
Muzeu i Artit Modern --
a single note written
nje note te shkruar
tridhjete e tre sekonda.
te ngazellyer e te terbuar,
when there are no strings
or hands hammering piano keys,
qe jane duke goditur çelesat e pianos,
still there is music,
that arises from the audience themselves:
qe lindin nga vet publiku:
their whispers, their sneezes,
shushurimat, peshperitjet, teshtitjet,
of the floors and the walls
creaking and groaning
kercimet dhe ofshamat
and even controversial though it remains,
dhe si i tille mbetet gjithmone,
such thing as true silence.
nuk ka qetesi absolute.
we still hear and feel the sound
ne ende degjojme dhe ndjejme tingullin
with musical expression.
shprehjeve muzikore.
let's say, remixing John Cage
le te themi, te remix John Cage
in front of the stove cooking lentils.
and it was time to stir,
dhe ishte koha t'i perzieja,
the kitchen counter next to me,
afer meje,
clanking against a counter)
duke u kerkellitur perkundrejt banakut)
that cooking pan lid has."
paska kapaku i tenxheres."
ne kopsht,
of the lid, and singing)
e kapakut, dhe kendimi)
wasn't instructing musicians
for sonic textures to turn into music.
teksturat zanore ne muzike.
and human hearing expert Charles Limb
dhe ekspert i degjimit Charles Limb
e Johns Hopkins
actually evolved to hear music,
faktikisht ka evoluar te degjoj muzike,
than it needs to be for language alone.
se sa ka nevoje te jete nje gjuhe ne vete.
ngushte me muziken,
as a musical desert,
shkretetire muzikore,
hanging out at the oasis,
duke qendruar mbi oaze,
but it's already playing.
por tashme eshte duke luajtur.
studioni muziken.
and enjoy that exploration.
tingujve tuaj e kenaquni duke eksploruar.
to which we all belong.
cilet ne te gjithe i perkasim.
percussion inspiration,
jeni duke kerkuar per inspirim,
as they roll over the unusual grooves
derisa bejne rrotullisjen e pazakonte
and dusk avian orchestras
dhe muzgu i orkestres se cicerimave
of emphatic language.
te gjuhes se shprehur.
and we are the composers
or language or soundscape,
natyra ose gjuha ose tingulli,
Meklit Hadero - Singer-songwriterMeklit Hadero is an Ethiopian-American singer-songwriter living the cultural in-between, both in her own luminous compositions and as a co-founder of the Nile Project.
Why you should listen
Meklit Hadero's music is imbued with poetry and multiplicity, from hybridized sounds of Tizita (haunting and nostalgic music) drawing from her Ethiopian heritage, to the annals of jazz, folk songs and rock & roll. Hadero describes her music as emanating from “in-between spaces,” and the result is a smoky, evocative world peopled by strong bass, world instruments and her soothing voice.
In the Nile Project, founded along with Egyptian ethnomusicologist Mina Girgis, Hadero set out to explore the music of the Nile basin, pulling influences from countries along the river, from Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Ethiopia, South Sudan, Sudan, and finally to Egypt. The project brings together hip-hop, traditional and contemporary music, with instruments and traditions old and new. As she says, "My work on a lot of levels is about multiplicity." Their new record is Aswan.
About her own music, here's what people say:
“Soulful, tremulous and strangely cinematic, Meklit’s voice will implant scenes in your mind — a softly lit supperclub, a Brooklyn stoop, a sun-baked road. Close your eyes, listen and dream." -- Seattle Times
"Meklit… combines N.Y. jazz with West Coast folk and African flourishes, all bound together by her beguiling voice, which is part sunshine and part cloudy day.” -- Filter Magazine
Meklit Hadero | Speaker |