Jeremy Heimans: What new power looks like
Džeremi Hajmans (Jeremy Heimans): Kako izgleda nova moć
At Purpose, Jeremy Heimans strategizes how to harness new social, economic and technological models to build movements with impact. Full bio
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the most cutting-edge
mogao biti najsavremeniji
anticorruption and social justice activist.
indijski aktivista koji se bori
korupcijom u Indiji,
elita voli da ignoriše.
organizator koristio.
with mobile activism.
mobilni aktivizam.
bila da ljudima poruči:
is he said to people,
gives people a short code,
kratak telefonski broj,
me a missed call?"
propušten poziv?"
lived in the global South,
na globalnom Jugu,
of global mobile culture.
know that you're on the way,
da joj kažete: "Nedostaješ mi"
you just want to say "I miss you"
učinite srećnim,
propuštene pozive?
and sending texts.
to leave him a missed call,
da mu ostave propušten poziv,
many people actually did this?
ljudi to zapravo i učinilo?
actions in human history.
organizovanih akcija u ljudskoj istoriji.
of the emerging Indian middle class
rastuće indijske srednje klase
mobile phones bring.
njihovi mobilni telefoni.
CSV file of mobile phone numbers,
sa ogromnom CSV datotekom
i iskoristio ju je
people out on the streets in Delhi
na ulice Delhija
everyday corruption in India.
da nacionalni značaj.
Noble prize winners,
i dobitnike Nobelove nagrade,
tech tool of my own:
najsavremenije tehničko oruđe:
tool of my activism.
campaign that I ran.
faks kampanje koju sam vodio.
to flood the hotel,
kampanju plavljenja hotela
flood them with faxes,
ih preplavimo faksovima,
u potpunosti neuspešna.
one sputtering fax machine
brektava faks mašina
of a bandwidth constraint
prenese velikim grupama ljudi.
get a message to lots of people.
discover some better tools.
da otkrivam neka bolja oruđa.
internet kako bi pokrenuo ljude
Internet to mobilize people
40 million members,
is a home for these kinds of
koji je baza ovakvim
eclipsed by the mobile phone?
prevaziđen mobilnim telefonima?
o tek-determinizmu?
actually more to it than that.
zapravo značajnije od toga.
tokom poslednjih 20 godina,
been a fundamental shift
suštinska promena
kako da razumete svet,
to understand the world,
"Look at where the power is,
"Pogledajte gde se nalazi moć,
something big is happening.
da se događa nešto značajno.
i počeli da razmišljamo,
we started to think,
ga učinili korisnijim?
discovering in movements
u različitim pokretima
this framework:
sa ovim obrascem:
what new power is today.
šta je to danas nova moć.
and peer coordination —
i menjanje rezultata.
and only some online tools,
aparata i nešto onlajn oruđa,
square foot of real estate.
ni kvadratni metar nekretnina.
sakupio više od milijardu dolara
sa svim ovim modelima.
these new models
it's made by many.
nju čine mnogi.
characteristics that you can trace,
koje možete da pratite,
politics or education.
politici ili obrazovanju.
o tome šta je to nova moć.
about what new power is.
what new power isn't.
o tome šta to nova moć nije.
social media strategy
strategije društvenih medija
ništa više nego da daunlodujete
diktatora Bašara al Asada,
of participation.
argument that we're making,
neku normativnu tvrdnju,
stvari u vezi sa novom moći,
about new power,
in the medical profession
to get nowhere near.
the inevitable victor.
nije neizbežni pobednik.
models get to scale,
zaista interesantnu epsku borbu
interesting epic struggle
Edward Snowden and the NSA.
između Edvarda Snoudena
the two people on this slide
the inevitable victor.
very steep curve.
these new power models, right?
od ovih novih modela moći, zar ne?
entire industries.
about new power,
zanimljivo kod nove moći,
on itself.
want more of it.
peer-to-peer lending platform
za pozajmljivanje novca peer-to-peer
you don't need the bank,
da vam nije potrebna banka,
to embolden you
more participation
transparency above all else.
verovanje u transparentnost,
belief in transparency,
a light on something,
century, this was not at all true.
nije bilo tačno u 20. veku.
should sit behind closed doors
treba da sede iza zatvorenih vrata
networked governance.
neformalno, mrežno upravljanje.
have invented the U.N. today,
ne bi nikada izmislili UN,
interesantno kod nove moći
about new power
the professionalization
neke od profesionalizacija
new power models
some interesting findings.
neke od zanimljivih nalaza.
described Apple
perfect thing descending upon us
savršenoj stvari koja nam iznenada dolazi
company, transparency.
succesful companies in the world.
od najuspešnijih kompanija na svetu.
da je još uvek moguće
old power strategy.
real vulnerabilites in that model.
modelu postoje prave slabosti.
power at his back, right?
iza sebe novu moć, zar ne?
been waiting for.
all the other presidents did.
kao svi drugi predsednici.
should look at
own organization
should be
thinking, in old power,
entry for Encyclopædia Britannica.
odrednicu za Enciklopediju Britaniku.
jako je tužno štivo.
can do is to occupy yourself
je da zaposednete sami sebe
of your biggest skeptics
koji najviše sumnjaju u vas
of your organization
inside of your organization.
unutar vaše organizacije.
like what they see
se svidelo to što vide
trebalo da se promeni?
riding the wave to glory?
uspeha ide ka slavi?
neki vrlo stvarni izazovi
are some very real challenges
example for a moment.
na primeru Okupirajmo Volstrit.
of new power,
primer nove moći,
predani učestvovanju,
interesantno kod Ubera je
about Uber is
prihvatio vrednosti nove moći.
the Uber CEO recently:
generalnog direktora Ubera
in the car" — he means drivers —
momka iz kola" - misli na vozače -
live and die
of top-down perfectionism,
u perfekcionizmu od glave do pete
no way surprising,
nije iznenađujuće
are now unionizing.
ujedunjuju u sindikat.
a broader superstrcuture
u široj superstrukturi
dollars in the capital markets.
na tržištu kapitala.
of new power, in my view, is:
veliko pitanje budućnosti nove moći:
jednostavno postati
base bite back?
da uzvrati udarac?
to be a very interesting
better consumer experiences.
korisnički doživljaj.
problems in the world today
krupne strukturalne probleme
turn their energies and their power
preokrenu svoje energije i moć
mogu lako pronaći.
their own agency and power —
sopstvene sile i moći
wonderful thing about new power,
najlepše kod nove moći,
sposobni da promenimo
authority and institutions.
vlasti i institucijama.
Jeremy Heimans - ActivistAt Purpose, Jeremy Heimans strategizes how to harness new social, economic and technological models to build movements with impact.
Why you should listen
Jeremy Heimans has been building movements since childhood, when he ran precocious fax campaigns on issues such as environmental conservation and third world debt in his native Australia. A former McKinsey strategy consultant, he has co-founded several online campaign groups and citizen activism initiatives, including GetUp (an Australian political movement with more members than Australia's political parties combined), Avaaz (an online political movement with more than 40 million members) and AllOut (a global movement for LGBT people and their straight friends and family).
Now based in New York, Heimans is co-founder and CEO of Purpose, a social business that builds movements and ventures that he says, “uses the power of participation to bring change in the world.” He and colleague Henry Timms, executive director of 92nd Street Y, a cultural and community center in New York, and founder of #GivingTuesday, are set to publish an essay in November 2014 examining new forms of power and their meaning. As Heimans puts it, “Old power downloads and commands; new power uploads and shares.”
The World Economic Forum at Davos named Heimans a Young Global Leader and in 2011 he was awarded the Ford Foundation's 75th Anniversary Visionary Award. In 2012, Fast Company named him one of the Most Creative People in Business, and in 2014, CNN picked his concept of "new power" as one of 10 ideas to change the world.
Jeremy Heimans | Speaker |