Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala: How Africa can keep rising
Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala: Jinsi gani Afrika itaendelea kukua
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zinapata changamoto
is being challenged.
I spoke about an Africa,
Niliongea kuhusu Afrika,
that you normally hear about
ambayo umezoaea kusikia
as the narrative of the rising Africa.
kama hadithi ya Afrika inayokua.
about this rising Africa.
kuhusu hii Afrika inayokua.
through many trials and tribulations.
na dhiki.
the technology hub, or a technology hub
cha teknolojia, au kitovu cha teknolojia
and hilly terrain,
lenye vilima,
to deliver services to people.
kupeleka huduma kwa watu.
it's going to try using drones
itajaribu kutumia ndege zisizo na rubani
vaccines and blood
chanjo na damu
a company called Zipline,
kampuni inayoitwa Zipline,
a global vaccine alliance.
shirika la kimataifa la chanjo.
we want to see in the rising Africa.
tunayotaka kuona katika Afrika inayokua.
have seen or will remember.
mmeona au mtakumbuka.
suffer drought and floods,
zimeteseka na ukame na mafuriko,
because of climate change effects.
ya athari za mabadiliko ya tabia nchi.
for international appeals to raise money.
husubiri nchi za kimataifa kuchanga fedha.
with flies on their faces,
wakiwa na nzi kwenye nyuso zao
32 countries, came together
nchi 32, zilikutana pamoja
called the African Risk Capacity.
linaloitwa Africa Risk Capacity.
is to pay insurance each year,
ni kulipa bima kila mwaka,
of their own resources,
kutoka kwenye rasilimali zao,
a difficult drought situation or flood,
na hali ya ukame mgumu au mafuriko,
to take care of their populations,
kuwatunza wananchi wao
last year paid 26 million dollars
mwaka jana lilipa dola milioni 26
of 1.3 million people affected by drought.
watu milioni 1.3 walioathirika na ukame.
feed children in school
kulisha watoto mashuleni
instead of migrating out of the area.
badala ya kuhama nje ya eneo.
to take responsibility for itself,
kuchukua majikumu yake yenyewe,
for its own problems.
kwa matatizo yake yenyewe.
been doing well in the last two years.
kwa miaka miwili iliyopita.
at five percent per annum
cha asilimia 5 kwa mwaka
was three percent. Why?
ulikuwa asilimia tatu. Kwanini?
commodity prices have fallen.
bei za bidhaa zimeshuka.
are still commodity driven,
bado unaendeshwa na bidhaa,
performance has slipped.
doesn't make it any easier.
haifanyi iwe rahisi
that would cause global uncertainty
vingeleta kutokuwa na uhakika ulimwenguni
that the African countries did right?
nchi za Afrika zilifanya sahihi?
and learn lessons
na kujifunza
that I think we did right.
ninayofikiri tulifanya sahihi.
our economies better.
uchumi wa nchi zetu vizuri
when Africa was not doing well,
wakati Afrika haikuwa ikifanya vizuri,
an "Economist" cover
wa mbele wa gazeti la "Economist"
the macroeconomic environment better,
mazingira ya uchumi vizuri zaidi,
tarakimu moja,
below three percent of GDP,
asilimia tatu ya Pato la Taifa,
to invest in these economies.
kuwekeza kwenye chumi hizi.
of African countries was 130 percent,
wa nchi za Kiafrila ulikuwa asilimia 130,
to invest in their development
kuwekeza kwenye maendeleo yao
who worked to support African countries
mliofanyakazi kusaidia nchi za Afrika
and bilaterals came together
na pande mbili waliunganika
Poor Countries Initiative
Nchi Fukara zenye Mzigo wa madeni
fall down to about 30 percent,
kushuka hadi takriban asilimia 30,
to try and reinvest.
kujaribu na kuwekeza upya.
loss-making enterprises.
makampuni yaliyopata hasara
they were making losses.
walikuwa wanapata hasara.
were restructured,
yaliundwa upya,
less of a burden on government.
kwa serikali.
was a very interesting thing.
kitu cha kuvutia sana
milioni 11
mobile lines on the continent.
za simu za mkononi barani.
with some mobile technology
na teknolojia ya simu za mkononi
of mobile money --
fedha kwa simu
have heard about --
mmesikia habari zake--
to notice that Africa was ahead
kuona kwamba Afrika ipo mbele
is also providing a platform
pia inatoa jukwaa
for cards for their telephone.
kwa kadi kwenye simu zao.
something that went right.
kitu ambacho kilikwenda sahihi.
in education and health, not enough,
na afya, isivyo vyakutosha,
in the last one and a half decades.
katika muogo mmoja nanusu uliopita.
that conflicts decreased.
kwamba migogoro ilipungua.
on the continent.
even managed to dampen some coups.
waliweza hata kufifiza mapinduzi.
and I'll refer to those later.
na nitaielezea hiyo baadaye.
some differentiation on the continent
kuna baadhi ya utofautishaji barani
the doom and gloom is here,
Côte d'Ivoire, Kenya, Ethiopia,
Cote d'Ivoire, Kenya, Ethiopia
relatively well at the moment.
zinafanya vizuri kwa sasa
more things wrong than right.
kuliko kupatia.
we didn't create enough jobs.
hatukutengeneza ajira za kutosha.
is about 15 percent,
ni karibia asilimia 15,
the quality of growth was not good enough.
cha ukuaji hakikuwa kizuri vyakutosha
were low-productivity jobs,
zilikuwa ni ajira zenye tija ndogo sana,
from low-productivity agriculture
kutoka kilimo duni kisicho na tija
and working in the informal sector
na kufanyia kazi sekta isiyo rasmi
is that inequality increased.
kukosekana kwa usawa kuliongezeka.
bilioni 96
75 million people on the continent.
milioni 75 wa chini barani.
that's the fourth thing -- did decrease,
hilo ni jambo la nne--ulipungua
because of population growth.
kwasababu ya ongezeko la idadi ya watu.
of a dialogue about on the continent.
mazungumzo ya kutosha barani.
to get a handle on it,
kulielewa na kulifanyia kazi
on this particular issue.
hasusan kwenye suala hili.
enough in infrastructure.
vya kutosha kwenye miundombinu.
but it's not enough.
lakini haitoshi.
in Africa on the continent
barani Afrika
is equivalent to Spain.
ni sawasawa na Hispania.
is equivalent to that of Spain.
ni sawasawa na ule wa Hispania
Development Bank said recently,
Afrika alivyosema hivi karibuni,
retain the same structure
zimeshikilia muundo uliofanana
has not changed very much.
haujabadilika kwa kiasi kikubwa.
It's exporting jobs.
kuuza ajira nchi za nje.
is only 11 percent.
ni asilimia 11 tu
decent manufacturing jobs for our youth,
uzalishaji kwa vijana wetu,
is among ourselves.
kati yetu sisi wenyewe
and I think this gives way for corruption.
ninafikiri hii inaleta mwanya wa rushwa.
yet gotten a good enough handle on,
hatujalimudu kiasi cha kutosha,
in the way we manage our economies
jinsi tunavyosimamia chumi zetu
in my country, Nigeria,
katika nchi yangu, Nigeria,
with international partners,
washiriki wa kimataifa,
to fight this together.
kupambana juu ya hili pamoja.
we want for a rising Africa.
kwa Afrika inayokua.
in many countries are broken.
katika nchi nyingi imevunjika.
needed for the future.
zinazohitajika kwa siku za usoni
to educate better.
ya kutoa elimu kwa ubora.
that we are not doing right.
hatufanyi kwa usahihi.
is to learn to manage success.
ni kujifunza kusimamia mafanikio.
or countries succeed,
au nchi zinapofanikiwa
is vital for us.
ni jambo muhimu kwetu.
tulifanya sahihi,
keep doing it right.
tena, na kuviendeleza.
creating stability is vital,
unaunda ustawi ni muhimu,
and policy consistency.
na sera thabiti.
unaingia mwingine
policies that were there before.
zinafanyakazi vizuri awali
for people, for households,
the success we had in reducing our debt,
tuliyopata katika kupunguza deni letu,
are back to borrowing again,
katika kukopa tena,
beginning to creep up,
unaanza kupanda tena,
so we have to avoid that.
hivyo tunatakiwa tuliepuke.
is focusing with a laser beam
ni kuwa makini sana
hatukufanya vizuri.
they have to invest in this,
zinahitaji kuwekeza kwenye hili,
the best they can to do that.
kadiri ziwezavyo kufanya hivyo.
engage our young people.
tuwashirikishe vijana.
in the morning and feel ready to go.
na kujisikia tayari kwenda.
the genius of our young people,
katika vijana wetu,
support them to create and innovate
tuwaunge mkono kuunda na ugunduzi
in the right direction.
katika mwelekeo sahihi.
that girls and women are a gift.
wanawake na wasichana ni zawadi.
contribute to the continent.
wao barani.
that when we do all of these things,
kwamba tukifanya hayo yote,
if we unleash our youth,
tusipowabania vijana wetu,
in the audience,
mliopo kwenye hadhira hii,
is not for tomorrow,
sio kwa ajili ya kesho,
it's a longer term thing.
ni kitu cha muda mrefu.
emerging opportunities in the world.
corruption in your talk,
katika mazungumzo yako
as a strong anticorruption fighter.
kuwa mpambanaji thabiti wa rushwa.
and your mother was kidnapped.
na mama yako alitekwa nyara.
It's been very difficult.
Imekuwa ngumu sana.
the issue of the kidnap of my mother.
suala la kutekwa nyara mama yangu
is that when you fight corruption,
ni kwamba unapopambana na rushwa,
of people who are stealing money,
wanaoiba pesa,
is when they try to intimidate you,
ni wanapojaribu kutumia vitisho
to stay on and fight back?
na kujibu mashambulizi?
with the teams I worked with
nikiwa na timu zilizofanya nazo kazi
hawa watu
the heritage of the future.
wa baadaye.
we continued to make that point.
tuliendelea kuweka msisitizo.
nobody is going to fight corruption
hakuna atakaye pambana na rushwa
that comes with consequences,
hilo linakuja na matokeo,
for giving us a voice
kutupa sauti
for your great talk and important work.
kwa mazungumzo yako mazuri na kazi muhimu.
Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala - EconomistNgozi Okonjo-Iweala is a respected global economist.
Why you should listen
Okonjo-Iweala was the Finance Minister of Nigeria, Africa’s largest economy, from 2003 to 2006, and then briefly the country’s Foreign Affairs Minister, the first woman to hold either position. From 2011 to 2015 she was again named Minister of Finance and Coordinating Minister for the Economy of Nigeria. Between those terms, from 2007 to 2011, she was one of the managing director of the World Bank and a candidate to the organization’s presidency. She is now a senior advisor at financial advisory and asset management firm Lazard, and she chairs the Board of the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization. At the World Bank, she worked for change in Africa and assistance for low-income countries. As Finance Minister, she attacked corruption to make Nigeria more transparent and desirable for investment and jobs, an activism that attracted criticism from circles opposed to reform.
Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala | Speaker |