Joe Lassiter: We need nuclear power to solve climate change
Joe Lassiter: Trebamo nuklearnu energiju kako bi riješili problem klimatskih promijena
Joe Lassiter focuses on one of the world’s most pressing problems: developing clean, secure and carbon-neutral supplies of reliable, low-cost energy all around the world. Full bio
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without access to electricity.
bez električne energije.
did not have access to clean cooking fuels
izvorima čistog goriva za kuhanje
in the developing world.
da ne budemo empatični
who seem so distanced from us.
su čini se daleko od nas.
the developed world,
have lost hope about the future
izgubili nadu u budućnost
campaigns in my own country.
u mojoj državi.
turning the corner
počele napredovati
that President Xi has
in his coal and mining industries
toliko ljudi u rudnicima
figure out how to manage
kako upravljati
of those decisions.
na te odluke.
for 25 years, since Rio,
od Rija
by nations around the world.
širom svijeta.
which are bottom-up agreements,
koji su razmatrani odozdo prema gore,
what they think they can do,
šta misle da mogu uraditi,
for the vast majority of the parties.
veliku većinu stranaka.
at the independent analyses
nezavisnu analizu
are liable to yield,
mogu da daju,
before us becomes clear.
postaje jasna.
Energy Information Agency's assessment
Agencije Sjedinjenih Država
implement the climate commitments
implementirale klimatske obaveze
around the world
širom svijeta
to look at and appreciate.
gledati i cijeniti
to continue to grow
that drive heating on the planet.
pokreće zagrijavanje planete.
the race to fossil fuels.
sa fosilnim gorivima.
comes from the developing countries,
država u razvoju
from the rest of the world,
and Indonesia and Brazil,
i Brazil,
move their people
seli stanovništvo
in the developed world.
razvijenom svijetu.
added to the planet's atmosphere,
planetinu atmosferu
and into the land.
that are in place today.
koje su danas na snazi.
of carbon into the air,
ugljena u zraku
in global mean surface temperatures,
globalnom smislu površinske temperature,
a ne da prihvatamo.
is something we need to appreciate.
nešto što moramo cijeniti.
different energy choices.
različite energetske odabire.
of their natural resources.
njihovih prirodnih resursa.
that they've followed as a society.
oni prate kao društvo.
on the surface of the planet they are.
na površini planete se nalaze
a lot of the time,
većinom vremena
go into the choices of countries,
prolazi kroz izbor država,
that we need to appreciate
koristiti ćemo ugalj.
of fracking and shale gas,
frakturiranja i plina iz škriljaca,
to deploy in Germany
rasporediti po Njemačkoj
to afford to do it.
da priušti to.
show interest in nuclear power.
za nuklearnu energiju.
committed to natural gas and to coal,
odana prirodnom gasu i uglju,
that comes from Russia,
koji dolazi iz Rusije,
not power to people.
energiju do ljudi.
and low-cost energy,
radnu snagu i jeftinu cijenu energije,
amount of growth.
iznos rasta.
has dramatically increased.
dramatično povečao.
$1.90 per person per day.
po danu
of China's population
populacije u Kini
in civil liberties
civilne slobode
in the Western world.
u zapadnom svijetu.
massively better nutrition.
mnogo bolju ishranu.
is indoor air pollution,
zagađenje zraka u zatvorenom prostoru
to clean cooking and heating fuels.
čistom gorivu za kuhanje i grijanje
that 200 million people in China
da 200 miliona ljudi u Kini
to clean cooking fuels.
gorivu za kuhanje.
of its own people,
svoga naroda
of coal burning in India,
o spaljivanju ugljena u Indiji,
as much of its energy from coal
više energije od uglja
the alternatives;
can do what they choose,
mogu raditi šta hoće,
coal's emissions in time?
zaustavimo emisiju ugljena?
this forecast that's in front of us?
koje je pred nama?
if we have the will to do it.
promjeniti ako imam volju.
about the magnitude of the problem.
veličini problema
are going to be built around the world.
biti izgrađeno širom svijeta
one-gigawatt coal plants
jedno-gigavatne fabrike ugljena
of what we want,
šta mi želimo,
that rule their countries,
koji vladaju svojim državama
of their citizens to do that.
tako da urade.
unless they have a better alternative.
osim ako imaju bolju alternativu.
thinking that you should do something
misleći da si trebao učiniti nešto
that's going to run for 50 years
koja će raditi sljedećih 50 godina
that Vinod Khosla used to talk about,
Vinod Khosla je znao govoriti
but an American venture capitalist.
ali američki kapitalista.
China and India off of fossil fuels,
sa fosilnih goriva,
that passed the "Chindia test,"
položila "Kinindija test"
of the two words.
implement it in their country,
implementirati u državi,
by the people in the country.
ljudi u državi.
that was scalable,
je mjerljiva,
again, that we take for granted.
kojeg smo uzeli zdravo za gotovo.
for that many people
had to go begging
"I won't trade with you,"
" Neću trgovati s tobom,"
the technology shift to occur.
with alternatives that meet that test.
koje zadovoljavaju taj test.
adjusting for intermittency,
prilagođena izostajanju,
better than any other country,
bolje nego i jedna druga država
than any other country.
nego i jedna druga država.
the Chindia test.
that are out there,
koje se tamo nalaze,
that come near to meeting it.
koje su blizu zadovoljenja.
that I'll talk about in just a second.
o kojem sam maloprije govorio
that are on the drawing boards
koje su na tabli za crtanje
developing these say
in position to demo by 2025
za probu 2025-te
if you will just let us.
ako nam dopustite.
that could be there in time
na vrijeme
backed up with natural gas,
dodatna pohrana prirodnog gasa
which are still under development.
još uvijek u razvoju.
and yesterday's mindsets.
jučerašnji mentalitet
scientific thinking on radiological health
promišljanje o radiološkom zdravlju
with the public
sa javnosti
of new nuclear reactors.
nuklearnih reaktora.
that we need to use
koje moramo iskoristiti
we regulate nuclear industry.
kojim regulišemo nuklearnu industriju
and 2 to 5 billion dollars
i 2 do 5 milijarde dolara
military mindset
for 5 cents a kilowatt hour;
po kilovat satu;
for 100 gigawatts a year;
za godinu
waiting for a miracle.
jeste izbor.
if they can't make it cheap,
ako ne mogu napraviti ih jeftine,
is not carry an idea forward,
ideju naprijed,
Joe Lassiter - Energy scholarJoe Lassiter focuses on one of the world’s most pressing problems: developing clean, secure and carbon-neutral supplies of reliable, low-cost energy all around the world.
Why you should listen
As the Senator John Heinz Professor of Management Practice in Environmental Management, Retired and current Senior Fellow at Harvard Business School, Joe Lassiter studies how high-potential ventures attacking the energy problem are being financed and how their innovations are being brought to market in different parts of the world. In the MBA and executive education programs, he teaches about the lessons learned from these ventures as well as potential improvements in business practices, regulation and government policy. Lassiter also supports University-wide efforts as a faculty fellow of the Harvard Environmental Economics Program and a faculty associate of the Harvard University Center for the Environment.
Following a 20-year career leading technology businesses, Lassiter joined HBS in 1996. He has taught courses in entrepreneurial finance, entrepreneurial marketing and innovation in business, energy & environment. For Harvard University, he taught courses in innovation & entrepreneurship to undergraduates, graduate students and post-doctoral fellows across the University and its affiliated hospitals. From its founding in 2010 until 2015, Lassuter was Faculty Chair of the University-wide Harvard Innovation Lab (Harvard i-lab).
Lassiter received his BS, MS, and PhD from MIT and was awarded National Science, Adams and McDermott Fellowships. He was elected to Sigma Xi.
Joe Lassiter | Speaker |