Ruby Wax: What's so funny about mental illness?
Ruby Wax: Zer du gaixotasun psikikoak hain barregarria izateko?
Ruby Wax is a loud, funny woman -- who spent much of her comedy career battling depression in silence. Now her work blends mental health advocacy and laughs. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
psikikoren bat jasango du,
ondokoa. (Barreak)
ongi. (Barreak)
begiratu ere. (Barreak)
Eskerrik asko.
jartzen zituen,
Ongi da.
jasango nuela. (Barreak)
egunean etorri zen.
balu bezala, horrela entzungo genuke.
ez dela existitzen,
betetzen dela, eta
grabazio errepikakor bat bezala,
besterik ez da.
txarrak jasaten baditu,
bidaltzen ditu,
bereizten dituen zatia ez dela garatzen,
edukiko duzu zerorrek.
ikusten badu,
alarma egoerara doa,
esperientzia hitzez adierazi,
sentitzen du.
nolatan esaten dugu
hiperaktiboa dela ?
ginela hasi ginen,
lobulurik onenak ditu.
ahal izateko.
ahal izateko.
bat dugu,
duzuen gau hura? Agur! Ez dago. (Barreak)
beteta dago,
Eskerrik asko.
Berri txarrak.
berezko adrenalinaz,
hil egiten gintuzten,
jan egiten gintuzten, eta
normaltasunera itzuliz.
... (Barreak)
alerta egoeran gaude.
agertu zenean,
hasi ginen,
email hori bidali.
grabazio hau dugu,
ematearen arduraduna izatea,
zoriontsuagoak dira. (Barreak)
ateratzen ikasten,
lautik lau baizik.
Ruby Wax - Comedian and Mental Health ActivistRuby Wax is a loud, funny woman -- who spent much of her comedy career battling depression in silence. Now her work blends mental health advocacy and laughs.
Why you should listen
Winston Churchill called it "the Black Dog" -- a depression that settled over him and drained the flavor from life. Ruby Wax knows the Black Dog well; throughout the '80s and '90s, during a flourishing career as a brash comedian and interviewer in the UK, it trotted at her heels, even while she was interviewing the Duchess of York and sorting through Imelda Marcos' shoes.
After taking a timeout to learn how to manage the condition, Wax produced a stand-up comedy show called "Losing It" that directly addresses her mental health experiences, hilariously but powerfully. And she's started up a new social network called the Black Dog Tribe, which offers a community and support to people with depression. Meanwhile, she's working on her Master's in cognitive therapy.
Also, this year, Ruby was honored as an Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE) for her mental health work.
As she says: "I've always said to myself, if you've got a disability, use it." Read our Q&A with Ruby Wax >>
Ruby is also a visiting professor at The University of Surrey.
Ruby Wax | Speaker |