Giorgia Lupi: How we can find ourselves in data
Giorgia Lupi: Hogyan találjuk meg önmagunkat az adatokban?
Giorgia Lupi sees beauty in data. She challenges the impersonality that data communicate, designing engaging visual narratives that re-connect numbers to what they stand for: stories, people, ideas. Full bio
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for every waking hour ...
avoided the worries and anxieties.
aggodalmaimat és szorongásaimat.
than from this other one,
mint ebből a másikból,
probably more familiar with
sokkal ismerősebbek,
on your phone right now.
lehetnek ilyenek.
of your sleep --
céget működtetek.
to make information accessible
amikkel képi megjelenítés útján
and their true potential,
lehetőségek megértéséhez
have to forget about them
just a tool we use to represent reality.
amivel a valóságot képezzük le.
as a placeholder for something else,
this personally.
to be interested in politics,
hogy érdekeljen a politika,
Silvio Berlusconi,
Silvio Berlusconi
for the moderate right.
for the Democratic Party.
that Berlusconi could get elected --
hogy Berlusconit megválasztják –
he knew nobody who voted for him.
senkit a városban, aki rá szavazott volna.
a completely distorted image of reality.
képet adtak a valóságról.
pretty limited and skewed,
igen szűk és egyoldalú volt,
I thought, I lived in a bubble,
hogy buborékban élek,
to see outside of it.
outcome for the presidential election.
tartotta esélyesnek az elnökválasztáson.
enough information this time,
hogy elég információnk van,
the closed circle we lived in --
a zárt körből, amiben éltünk –
the data failed us this time --
hogy az adatok akkor becsaptak –
to two simple percentage numbers
két százalékértékre egyszerűsíteni,
inevitable red and blue map,
kék-piros térkép felrajzolásával
that there were stories --
behind these numbers.
to my team by this woman.
csapatom elé ez a nő.
one of the most humane stories possible.
történetet akarta elmesélni.
Italian woman astronaut,
to the International Space Station.
a Nemzetközi Űrállomásra.
with the data of my mission
valami értelmeset akarok csinálni,
International Space Station
eredményez mindenről,
of live streams from its sensors.
folyamatosan áradó ezernyi egyéb adat.
we could think of --
elképzelhető tényadat –
before the election --
of all these numbers?
in data for the sake of it,
az adatokra kíváncsiak,
in a teeny box
with your naked eye on a clear night.
szabad szemmel láthatunk.
to create a connection
segítségével kapcsolatot teremtünk
looking at her from below.
figyelő emberek között.
what we called "Friends in Space,"
a Friends in Space-t [Űrbarátok]
lets you say "hello" to Samantha
amivel köszönhetünk Samanthának,
who are online at the same time
a világ bármely pontján éppen akkor
left visible marks on the map
foltokat hagytak a térképen,
waving back every day at us
vissza is integetett nekünk
from a very different perspective.
tekinthették meg a küldetés adatait.
about our human nature and our curiosity,
és a kíváncsiságról kezdett szólni,
were the drive.
of its thousands of users
nagyon pozitív visszajelzése
means designing ways
hogy módszereket tervezünk
and the uncountable
felt and directly reconnected
közvetlenül kapcsolódó,
dolgokká alakítására.
and the technology around them
és az őket övező technológia
to the stories they represent.
az általuk képviselt történetekkel.
the passion and obsession about data.
az adatok iránti mániákus szenvedélyébe.
a very radical experiment,
whatsoever to share our data.
adataink megosztására.
the old-fashioned post office.
egy évig minden héten
to get to know each other --
hogy megismerjük egymást –
shared mundane topics,
megosztott köznapi témákról,
to the sounds of our surroundings.
környezetünk zajáig.
that we would then manually hand draw
send from London to New York,
Londonból New Yorkba,
where she lives.
is the data drawing,
of the other person, of course,
to interpret our drawing.
a pretty cold and impersonal topic.
check the time in a week?
that I checked the time,
amikor megnéztem az időt.
and different hours chronologically --
és az egyes órák időrendben –
about these moments.
megjegyzéseket e pillanatokhoz.
indicate why I was checking the time --
miért néztem meg az időt:
or just casually glance at the clock?
rápillantottam az órára?
of my days and my personality
darabjainak bemutatása
to discover and reveal, for example,
az adatokat, például az elkésés miatti
felismerésére és kimutatására,
collecting our data manually
adatainkat kézzel,
that computers cannot gather --
hogy a számítógépek által -
finom részletekre koncentráljunk,
and the words we use,
nemcsak cselekedeteinket,
és szóhasználatunkat is feltérképezzük.
we said and were received,
és meghallott "köszönöm"-öket,
mostly people that I don't know.
az ismeretleneknek vagyok hálás.
to waitresses and waiters,
megrögzötten "köszönömözgetek",
the people who are close to me.
azoknak viszont alig.
and counting these types of actions
megfigyelése és számolása
in tune with ourselves,
kerültünk önmagunkkal,
and our surroundings.
viselkedésünknek és környezetünknek.
connected at a very deep level
we put ourselves in these numbers,
magunkat e számokba,
of our very personal stories to them.
környezetébe helyeztük őket.
to make them truly meaningful
to start drawing your personal data,
összeszedni személyes adataikat,
az adatokra –
will never give us a solution.
nem vezetnek megoldásra.
az adatok annyira cefetül,
the right amount of context
a megfelelő kontextust
and intricate reality.
erről a két számról,
could be reduced
leegyszerűsíthető lenne
only through models and algorithms
megfigyelt történetekből kimaradt az,
at the center of their view of the world.
állították világnézetük középpontjába.
needs to happen
hasonlónak kell történnie
treated like a God --
for our present and our future.
igazságának birtokosaként.
that I shared with you today
representative of our human nature
természet hű megtestesítőjévé formáljuk,
mislead us anymore,
félre bennünket,
to include empathy, imperfection
melyekben az empátia, a tökéletlenség
helyet kapnak
analyze and display them.
és a megjelenítés során.
only to become more efficient,
a hatékonyság fokozására,
to become more humane.
fejlesztésére is használjuk.
Giorgia Lupi - Information designerGiorgia Lupi sees beauty in data. She challenges the impersonality that data communicate, designing engaging visual narratives that re-connect numbers to what they stand for: stories, people, ideas.
Why you should listen
What sets Giorgia Lupi apart is her humanistic approach to the world of data.
Her work frequently crosses the divide between digital, print and handcrafted representations of information: primarily, she draws with data. She has a passion for and obsession with data, the material she uses to tell stories, and the lens through which she sees the world.
Data are often considered to be very impersonal, boring and clinical, but Lupi's work proves the opposite. She makes sense of data with a curious mind and a heterogeneous arsenal, which ranges from digital technology to exhausting and repetitive manual labor. She believes we will ultimately unlock the full potential of data only when we embrace their nature, and make them part of our lives, which will inevitably make data more human in the process.
Trained as an architect, Lupi has always been driven by opposing forces: analysis and intuition, logic and beauty, numbers and images. True to these dichotomies, in 2011 she started both her own company and studying for a PhD. She earned her ddoctorate in design at Politecnico di Milano, where she focused on information mapping, and she is now the design director and co-founder of Accurat, a global, data-driven research, design and innovation firm with offices in Milan and New York. She relocated from Italy to New York City, where she now lives.
Thanks to her work and research, Giorgia is a prominent voice in the world of data. She has spoken at numerous events, universities and institutions around the world, including the Museum of Modern Art, the Guggenheim Museum, PopTech Conference, Eyeo Festival, Fast Company Innovation by Design, New York University, Columbia University and the New York Public Library. She has been featured in major international outlets such as the New York Times, The Guardian, the Washington Post, NPR, BBC, TIME magazine, National Geographic, Scientific American, Popular Science, Wired, Vogue, Vanity Fair, Monocle and more. Her work has been exhibited at the Design Museum, the Science Museum, and Somerset House in London; the New York Hall of Science and the Storefront for Art and Architecture in New York; at the Triennale Design Museum and the Design Week in Milan, among others.
With her company, Accurat, she has worked with major international clients including IBM, Google, Microsoft, the United Nations, the World Health Organization, the World Economic Forum, the European Union, the Louis Vuitton-Moet-Hennessy Group, Fiat Chrysler Automobiles, J.P. Morgan Asset Management, Unicredit Group and KPMG Advisory.
Giorgia is the co-author of Dear Data, an aspirational hand-drawn data visualization book that explores the more slippery details of daily life through data, revealing the patterns that inform our decisions and affect our relationships.
Her work is part of the permanent collection of the Museum of Modern Art.
Giorgia Lupi | Speaker |