Dan Ariely: How equal do we want the world to be? You'd be surprised
Dan Ariely: Sejauh apa kita menginginkan kesetaraan dunia? Anda pasti terkejut.
The dismal science of economics is not as firmly grounded in actual behavior as was once supposed. In "Predictably Irrational," Dan Ariely told us why. Full bio
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objective in life,
objektif dalam hidup,
these color-tinted glasses
kita punya 'kacamata berwarna'
something as simple as beer.
yang sederhana seperti bir.
beberapa bir untuk dicicipi
on intensity and bitterness,
ketajaman dan kepahitannya,
different space.
berbeda dari bir lainnya.
to be objective about it?
bersikap objektif tentangnya?
it would be very simple.
dengan mata tertutup?
you tasted the same beer,
Anda mencicipi bir yg sama,
things would look slightly different.
hasilnya akan sedikit berbeda.
be able to distinguish them,
will be Guinness.
tentang fisiologi.
something from their physiology?
sesuatu dari fisiogi mereka?
pain medications.
obat peredam rasa sakit.
the medications were expensive.
kita bilang obatnya mahal.
pain medication worked better.
yang mahal lebih manjur.
do change our physiology.
mengubah fisiologi kita.
tidak melihat permainan
our preconceived notions
kasus di mana praduga
in more important questions?
masalah yang lebih penting?
that had to do with social justice?
yang berhubungan dengan keadilan sosial?
what is the blind tasting version
versi mata tertutup
level of inequality we have?
tingkat ketidaksetaraan yang terjadi?
do we want to have?
yang kita inginkan?
semua orang di Amerika
the poorest on the right
yang termiskin di sisi kanan
dalam lima keranjang:
the next 20 percent,
20 persen selanjutnya,
and the richest 20 percent.
dan 20% yang terkaya.
how much wealth do you think
berapa kekayaan menurut Anda
pada tiap keranjang tersebut?
bayangkan saya tanya Anda,
imagine I ask you to tell me,
is concentrated
yang menurut Anda terkonsentrasi
and have a number.
have a real number in your mind.
bayangkan angka di pikiran Anda.
of Americans tell us.
sebagian besar orang Amerika.
sedikit lebih besar dari 9%.
menurut mereka, punya 12%,
has 58 percent of the wealth.
menurut mereka punya 58% kekayaan.
dengan apa yang Anda pikirkan.
to what you thought.
has 0.1 percent of the wealth.
has 0.2 percent of the wealth.
has 84-85 percent of the wealth.
punya 84-85% kekayaan.
and what we think we have
dan pendapat kita
the philosopher John Rawls.
of what's a just society.
masyarakat yang adil.
masyarakat yang adil
you knew everything about it,
Anda tahu mengenai segalanya,
to enter it in a random place.
masuk di kategori mana pun.
Anda mungkin ingin yang kaya
you might want the wealthy
yang miskin lebih sedikit.
want more equality.
bagian masyarakat itu
to go into that society
and you don't know,
dengan mata tertutup di mana
in which you don't know
when you make a decision,
ketika Anda membuat keputusan,
the "veil of ignorance."
a large group of Americans,
sekolompok besar orang Amerika,
in the veil of ignorance.
menggunakan tudung keacuhan.
that would make you want to join it,
membuat Anda ingin bergabung dengannya,
randomly at any place?
Anda bisa berada di kategori mana pun?
untuk kelompok pertama,
to the first group,
about 10 percent of the wealth.
sekitar 10% kekayaan mereka.
wanted full equality.
menginginkan kesetaraan utuh.
is a fantastic idea in our sample.
adalah ide cemerlang pada sampel kami.
and what we think we have,
dan yang kita kira punya,
between what we think is right
antara yang kita anggap benar
tidak hanya tentang kekayaan.
by the way, not just about wealth.
tentang hal lainnya.
from different parts of the world
dari berbagai belahan dunia
memberi jawaban yang sama.
the same answer.
they gave us the same answer,
jawabannya sama,
Australia, the U.S. --
di Inggris, Australia, Amerika --
sejumlah fakultas di universitas.
departments of a university.
dan mendatangi hampir semua fakultas,
almost every department,
to have more and the [poor] to have less,
punya lebih dan yang kaya lebih sedikit,
belajar di Harvard Business School.
to Harvard Business School.
about something else.
of CEO pay to unskilled workers?
gaji CEO dengan pekerja kasar?
people think is the ratio,
pendapat orang mengenai perbandingannya,
what do they think should be the ratio?
berapa seharusnya perbandingannya?
bagaimana kenyataannya?
yah, tak terlalu buruk, kan?
well, it's not that bad, right?
are not that different.
tidak begitu berbeda.
I didn't draw them on the same scale.
tidak menggambarnya dalam skala yang sama.
and blue in there.
ada kuning dan biru di sana.
bagaimana dengan kesehatan?
of prescription medication?
pendidikan bagi anak muda?
what we learned was that people
yang kita pelajari bahwa orang
yang merupakan bentuk kemakmuran lainnya,
which is an outcome of wealth,
in health or education.
dalam kesehatan atau pendidikan.
are particularly open
orang khususnya terbuka
when it comes to people
jika mengenai mereka
as responsible for their situation.
bertanggung jawab terhadap situasi mereka.
dan ada ketimpangan keinginan
and we have a desirability gap
is something that we think about,
adalah yang kita pikirkan,
ketidaksetaraan dengan cara berbeda
differently about inequality
in terms of health, education,
dalam hal kesehatan, pendidikan,
about what we really want?
apa yang mereka mau dengan cara berbeda?
the Rawls way of looking at the world,
cara Rawls melihat dunia,
out of the picture.
pada tingkat yg lebih tinggi
to a higher degree
ketimpangan tindakan.
and actually do something about it?
dan memperbaikinya?
adalah berpikir tentang orang
is to think about people
that don't have much agency,
dengan kemandirian terbatas,
more willing to do this.
bersedia untuk melakukannya.
next time you go to drink beer or wine,
jika Anda pergi minum bir atau anggur,
in your experience that is real,
mana pengalaman Anda yang nyata,
that is a placebo effect
for other decisions in your life,
untuk keputusan lain di hidup Anda,
bagi masalah kebijakan
Dan Ariely - Behavioral economistThe dismal science of economics is not as firmly grounded in actual behavior as was once supposed. In "Predictably Irrational," Dan Ariely told us why.
Why you should listen
Dan Ariely is a professor of psychology and behavioral economics at Duke University and a founding member of the Center for Advanced Hindsight. He is the author of the bestsellers Predictably Irrational, The Upside of Irrationality, and The Honest Truth About Dishonesty -- as well as the TED Book Payoff: The Hidden Logic that Shapes Our Motivations.
Through his research and his (often amusing and unorthodox) experiments, he questions the forces that influence human behavior and the irrational ways in which we often all behave.
Dan Ariely | Speaker | TED.com