Seema Bansal: How to fix a broken education system ... without any more money
Seema Bansal: Bagaimana cara memperbaiki sistem pendidikan ... tanpa dana tambahan
BCG's Seema Bansal asks: Can governments actually make a meaningful difference in education? And rapidly? Yes, it turns out. Full bio
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cenderung untuk berpikir
failing government systems.
sistem pemerintahan yang gagal.
sistem pemerintahan,
set in their ways,
terpaku dengan cara mereka,
is just too bureaucratic
terlalu birokratik
to challenge that theory.
of a very large government system
sistem pemerintahan yang sangat besar,
on the path of reform
pada jalur perubahan
fairly spectacular results
hasil yang cukup spektakuler
di sekolah negeri di India.
in a public school in India looks like.
who's lived in India all her life,
yang tinggal di India selama hidup saya,
cukup memilukan hati.
is fairly heartbreaking.
so far behind in their education
ketinggalan jauh pendidikannya,
untuk mengejarnya kembali.
melakukan penjumlahan sederhana,
a grammatically correct sentence.
kalimat dengan tata bahasa yang benar.
would expect an 8-year-old
harapkan dari anak 8 tahun
not only offer free education --
hanya menawarkan pendidikan gratis --
free workbooks, free meals,
buku catatan, dan makanan gratis,
out of public schools
dari sekolah negeri
to put them in private schools.
anak mereka di sekolah swasta.
in a far richer country, the US,
yang jauh lebih kaya, Amerika Serikat,
yang memilih sekolah swasta.
the Indian public education system is.
besar yang menunjukkan
di sekolah negeri di India.
that I got a call in the summer of 2013
saya mendapatkan panggilan
called Surina Rajan.
of the Department of School Education
Departemen Pendidikan Sekolah
heading this department
selama dua tahun terakhir.
and nothing seems to work.
dan sepertinya tidak ada yang berhasil.
a little bit to you.
tentang Haryana untuk Anda.
which has 30 million people.
dengan 30 juta penduduk.
15.000 sekolah negeri
children in those public schools.
sebuah negara dan sistem
or Canada transform itself.
untuk mengubah dirinya sendiri.
I was very painfully aware of two things.
saya sangat menyadari dua hal.
anything like this before.
sesuatu seperti ini sebelumnya.
perhaps without too much success.
looked across the country
melihat di seluruh negeri
and replicate in Haryana.
dan tiru di Haryana.
our own journey.
merancang perjalanan kami sendiri.
dan seketika itu,
and as we jumped in,
the way we recruit teachers,
cara kita merekrut para guru,
dan latih mereka
seminar pendidikan internasional,
learning tours,
we had 50 ideas on the table,
kami punya 50 ide,
semuanya terdengar benar.
going to be able to implement 50 things.
untuk dapat menerapkan 50 ide itu.
"Tunggu sebentar, stop.
what is it we're trying to achieve."
apa sebenarnya yang ingin kita capai."
tarik-menarik dan perdebatan,
which said: by 2020,
to be at grade-level knowledge.
memiliki pengetahuan sesuai standar.
don't matter here,
tidak begitu penting disini,
is how specific the goal is.
seberapa spesifik tujuannya.
to take all those ideas
we were going to implement.
yang akan diimplementasikan.
If yes, let's keep it.
Jika ya, mari kita simpan.
then let's put it aside.
maka mari kita sisihkan.
having a very specific goal right up front
memiliki tujuan yang jelas di depan
very sharp and focused
bisa tajam dan fokus
the last two and a half years,
dua setengah tahun terakhir,
what are the issues, what is broken.
apa masalahnya, apa yang rusak.
a lot of people told us
bahwa kualitas pendidikan buruk
they don't come into schools,
mereka tidak datang ke sekolah,
they actually don't know how to teach.
tidak tahu cara mengajar.
we found something completely different.
yang sangat berbeda.
were actually inside schools.
ada di sekolah.
of teaching elementary classes.
untuk mengajar di tingkat SD.
the construction of a classroom
had gone to a nearby bank branch
pergi ke sebuah bank sekitar
into kids' accounts.
ke rekening anak-anak.
were spending all of their time
semua waktu mereka
dan penyajiannya kepada para siswa.
supervised and served to the students.
why are you not teaching?"
kenapa Anda tidak mengajar?"
what's expected of us.
mengunjungi kami,
that he checks.
yang ia periksa.
has the meal been served.
apa makanan sudah disajikan.
goes to a meeting at headquarters,
pergi untuk rapat di kantor pusat,
which are discussed."
selama dua dekade terakir adalah,
over the last two decades,
mendapatkan akses,
of access, having enough schools,
pendaftaran siswa,
into the schools.
launched a whole host of programs
meluncurkan sejumlah program
the implicit executors of these programs.
dari semua program ini.
sebenarnya dibutuhkan
was not to actually train teachers further
that what is most important
bahwa yang paling penting
inside classrooms and teach.
ke dalam kelas dan mengajar.
and measured and awarded
dan dihargai
the education system,
sistem pendidikan itu,
we found a few such core root causes
akar persoalan utama
shaping how people behaved in the system.
dalam sistem tersebut.
those specific things,
kami mengubah hal tersebut,
technology into schools,
membawa teknologi ke sekolah,
core issues
yang tak begitu terlihat ini,
(keberhasilan) program ini.
kami mengetahui masalahnya,
what the solutions were.
mencari tahu apa solusinya.
mengulangi roda (kesalahan) itu,
to recreate the wheel,
and see what we can find."
lihat apa yang kita temukan."
small pilot experiments
eksperimen percontohan kecil yang bekerja
and all over the world.
LSM dan yayasan,
being done by foundations.
was that none of them actually scaled.
skala (besar).
to 50, 100 or 500 schools.
50, 100 atau 500 sekolah.
for a solution for 15,000 schools.
untuk 15.000 sekolah.
why don't they actually scale?
kenapa mereka tidak dapat diperbesar?
when a typical NGO comes in,
ketika sebuah LSM masuk,
additional resources.
sumber daya tambahan.
that they actually operate in,
dimana mereka beroperasi,
actually create a difference.
sungguh membuat perubahan.
of the School Education Department
Departemen Pendidikan Sekolah
for 15,000 schools."
lakukan hal ini untuk 15.000 sekolah."
going to find the money
to 15,000 schools?
di 15.000 sekolah?
tidak dapat diperbesar.
of the project, what we said was,
yang kami katakan adalah,
has to be scalable,
harus dapat diperbesar,
keseluruhan 15.000 sekolah."
within the existing budgets
dengan dana yang tesedia
dimiliki oleh negara bagian ini.
the point in time
in office, in cafés,
di kantor, kafe, kadang bahkan di bar,
"Dimana solusinya,
how are we going to solve this problem?"
memecahkan masalah ini?"
menemukan solusi
find solutions to many of the issues.
is hands-on learning.
adalah belajar praktik.
menghapal dari buku.
things from books,
cara lebih efektif untuk belajar.
giving students things
the budgets to give that
2 juta anak.
went to a school
pergi ke sebuah sekolah
and stones from the garden outside
ranting dan batu dari taman
in the textbooks in Haryana
dalam buku pelajaran di Haryana,
we have a little box
kami punya satu kotak kecil
for the teachers which say,
guru yang mengatakan,
here's an activity that you can do.
inilah aktivitas yang dapat Anda lakukan.
to actually do this activity,
dapat melakukan aktivitas ini,
from your immediate environment,
Anda dapatkan di sekitar Anda,
or the classroom inside,
alat bantu belajar bagi anak-anak."
as learning aids for kids."
to be able to teach students.
untuk dapat mengajar para siswa.
apapun yang kami rancang,
dari hari pertama.
across 15,000 schools
sesuatu pada 15.000 sekolah
punya sebuah proses
dari kantor pusat
from the headquarters
of these district offices,
setiap kantor wilayah,
would open it, read it
membukanya, membacanya
pada level selanjutnya,
that at the block office,
di kantor RW itu
surat itu,
eventually to the 15,000 principals.
sehingga sampai ke 15.000 kepala sekolah.
that the principals
para kepala sekolah itu
understood it
pesan ini dengan lebih baik,
that most of these schools
are smartphones.
on Facebook and on WhatsApp.
Facebook dan WhatsApp.
Haryana sekarang adalah,
into hundreds of WhatsApp groups
dikelompokkan dalam ratusan grup Whatsapp
to be communicated,
menyampaikan sesuatu,
all WhatsApp groups.
grup WhatsApp tersebut.
who has received it,
siapa yang telah menerima pesan itu,
questions instantaneously.
dan bertanya sesegera mungkin.
who are answering these questions.
menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan ini.
a completely different part of the state
dan menjawab pertanyaannya.
as everybody's peer group,
anggota satu kelompok
sebuah sekolah di Haryana hari ini,
to a school in Haryana,
comes to visit the classroom,
mengunjungi ruang kelas,
the construction of the toilet
pembangunan toilet,
all students across the state
seluruh siswa di negara bagian ini
doing well are rewarded.
diberi penghargaan.
difficult conversations.
mendapatkan dukungan tambahan
additional support
di masa depan.
to see results quickly.
hasil dengan cepat.
large-scale change,
perubahan sistemik dan berskala besar,
of 7 years and 10 years.
periode 7 sampai 10 tahun.
three independent studies,
sudah ada 3 studi independen,
yang mendasar,
sedang terjadi di Haryana.
have stopped declining,
berhenti mengalami penurunan,
states in the country
beberapa negara bagian di India
the fastest rate of improvement.
paling cepat berkembang.
for the future.
banyak harapan untuk masa depan.
what's going on?"
"Kenapa Anda tersenyum, ada apa?"
what's going on,
"Saya tidak tahu apa yang sedang terjadi,
is that my children are learning,
anak-anak saya sedang belajar,
my search for a private school
saya akan berhenti mencari sekolah swasta
mereka tuas yang tepat,
Seema Bansal - Education innovatorBCG's Seema Bansal asks: Can governments actually make a meaningful difference in education? And rapidly? Yes, it turns out.
Why you should listen
BCG's Seema Bansal is an associate director in the New Delhi office. Since joining BCG in 2000, she has worked extensively in financial services and telecommunications. Today, Bansal leads BCG's social impact and development practice in India, and works on disparate projects in fields including education, food security and nutrition and governance within government agencies.
Bansal earned an MBA from the Indian Institute of Management in Calcutta, and a degree in electronics and electrical communication from Punjab Engineering College in Chandigarh.
Seema Bansal | Speaker |