Seema Bansal: How to fix a broken education system ... without any more money
Seema Bansal: Cum să repari un sistem educațional... fără prea mulți bani
BCG's Seema Bansal asks: Can governments actually make a meaningful difference in education? And rapidly? Yes, it turns out. Full bio
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failing government systems.
un sistem guvernamental ineficient.
la sistemele guvernamentale,
set in their ways,
is just too bureaucratic
to challenge that theory.
of a very large government system
on the path of reform
fairly spectacular results
in a public school in India looks like.
într-o școală de stat din India.
who's lived in India all her life,
is fairly heartbreaking.
so far behind in their education
a grammatically correct sentence.
would expect an 8-year-old
să le facă și un copil de 8 ani.
not only offer free education --
nu numai educație gratuită,
culegeri gratuite, prânz gratuit,
free workbooks, free meals,
de la școala de stat
out of public schools
pentru a-i înscrie în școli particulare.
to put them in private schools.
in a far richer country, the US,
într-o țară cu mult mai bogată, SUA,
the Indian public education system is.
sistemului public de educație din India.
that I got a call in the summer of 2013
în vara anului 2013
pe nume Surina Rajan.
called Surina Rajan.
of the Department of School Education
Departamentului de Educație Școlară
heading this department
„Conduc acest departament de doi ani.
and nothing seems to work.
și nimic nu pare să funcționeze.
a little bit to you.
which has 30 million people.
în aceste școli.
children in those public schools.
or Canada transform itself.
I was very painfully aware of two things.
anything like this before.
perhaps without too much success.
fără prea mult succes.
looked across the country
and replicate in Haryana.
our own journey.
propriul drum.
and as we jumped in,
the way we recruit teachers,
modul de recrutare a profesorilor,
și să-i formăm,
learning tours,
de experiență în alte țări,
we had 50 ideas on the table,
aveam pe masă 50 de idei,
going to be able to implement 50 things.
să le punem în practică pe toate 50.
what is it we're trying to achieve."
ce dorim să obținem.”
which said: by 2020,
to be at grade-level knowledge.
corespunzător vârstei.
don't matter here,
is how specific the goal is.
e cât de specific este obiectivul.
to take all those ideas
we were going to implement.
If yes, let's keep it.
Dacă da, o păstrăm.
then let's put it aside.
mai bine s-o lăsăm deoparte.
having a very specific goal right up front
dar existența unui obiectiv specific
very sharp and focused
de precizie și focalizare
the last two and a half years,
la cei doi ani și jumătate,
what are the issues, what is broken.
ce nu merge, care sunt problemele.
a lot of people told us
mulți oameni ne spuneau
they don't come into schools,
nu vin la școală,
they actually don't know how to teach.
de fapt habar n-au să predea.
we found something completely different.
am descoperit cu totul altceva.
were actually inside schools.
majoritatea profesorilor erau la școală.
of teaching elementary classes.
să predea la clasele primare.
the construction of a classroom
construcția unei săli de clasă
had gone to a nearby bank branch
into kids' accounts.
în contul copiilor.
were spending all of their time
majoritatea profesorilor erau ocupați
supervised and served to the students.
și servirea mesei de prânz.
why are you not teaching?"
what's expected of us.
„Asta se așteaptă de la noi.
that he checks.
pe care le verifică.
has the meal been served.
S-a servit prânzul?
goes to a meeting at headquarters,
la ședință la centru,
which are discussed."
over the last two decades,
of access, having enough schools,
să existe suficiente școli,
into the schools.
launched a whole host of programs
the implicit executors of these programs.
executanții impliciți ai acestor programe.
was not to actually train teachers further
să fie formați profesorii
that what is most important
că cel mai important lucru
inside classrooms and teach.
și să predea.
and measured and awarded
evaluați și recompensați
the education system,
intrând în profunzime,
we found a few such core root causes
astfel de cauze esențiale
celor din sistem
shaping how people behaved in the system.
those specific things,
puteam aduce tehnologie în clase,
technology into schools,
core issues
dar nu atât de evidente,
știam care sunt problemele,
what the solutions were.
to recreate the wheel,
and see what we can find."
să vedem ce găsim.”
small pilot experiments
de experimente pilot minunate
and all over the world.
being done by foundations.
de fundații.
nu fusese extinsă la scară mare.
was that none of them actually scaled.
to 50, 100 or 500 schools.
100 sau 500 de școli.
for a solution for 15,000 schools.
pentru 15.000 de școli.
why don't they actually scale?
de ce nu erau extinse?
when a typical NGO comes in,
additional resources.
that they actually operate in,
în care operează
actually create a difference.
chiar au impact.
unui astfel de ONG
of the School Education Department
Departamentului Educației Școlare
să extindem proiectul în 15.000 de școli.”
for 15,000 schools."
banii necesari
going to find the money
to 15,000 schools?
la 15.000 de școli?
of the project, what we said was,
ne-am spus:
has to be scalable,
trebuie să poată fi extins,
în toate cele 15.000 de școli.”
within the existing budgets
în limitele bugetului existent
pe care le deține statul.”
the point in time
in office, in cafés,
how are we going to solve this problem?"
find solutions to many of the issues.
is hands-on learning.
lucruri din cărți,
things from books,
să oferi copiilor obiecte,
giving students things
să asigurăm aceste lucruri
the budgets to give that
cu 2 milioane de copii.
went to a school
a vizitat o școală,
and stones from the garden outside
bețișoare și pietricele din grădină,
in the textbooks in Haryana
we have a little box
for the teachers which say,
here's an activity that you can do.
to actually do this activity,
from your immediate environment,
or the classroom inside,
ca material didactic pentru copii.”
as learning aids for kids."
to be able to teach students.
pentru a le preda copiilor.
în toate cele 15.000 de școli
across 15,000 schools
în 15.000 de școli, cu 100.000 profesori?
foarte interesant.
from the headquarters
of these district offices,
o va deschide, o va citi
would open it, read it
la următorul nivel,
that at the block office,
cineva va primi scrisoarea,
eventually to the 15,000 principals.
la cei 15.000 de directori de școală.
that the principals
vor primi scrisoarea,
understood it
that most of these schools
are smartphones.
on Facebook and on WhatsApp.
pe Facebook sau WhatsApp.
into hundreds of WhatsApp groups
sunt împărțiți în sute de grupuri WhatsApp
to be communicated,
all WhatsApp groups.
who has received it,
questions instantaneously.
inspectorii oferă răspunsuri,
who are answering these questions.
a completely different part of the state
as everybody's peer group,
to a school in Haryana,
comes to visit the classroom,
the construction of the toilet
all students across the state
rezultatele învățării pentru toți elevii.
doing well are rewarded.
în conversații nu tocmai plăcute.
difficult conversations.
additional support
rezultatele în viitor.
to see results quickly.
large-scale change,
schimbări sistemice, la scară mare,
of 7 years and 10 years.
three independent studies,
trei studii independente
rezultatele învățării la elevi,
are loc ceva fundamental, unic.
have stopped declining,
states in the country
the fastest rate of improvement.
cea mai mare rată de progres.
for the future.
pentru viitor.
„De ce zâmbiți? Care-i treaba?”
what's going on?"
what's going on,
is that my children are learning,
my search for a private school
să le mai caut
Seema Bansal - Education innovatorBCG's Seema Bansal asks: Can governments actually make a meaningful difference in education? And rapidly? Yes, it turns out.
Why you should listen
BCG's Seema Bansal is an associate director in the New Delhi office. Since joining BCG in 2000, she has worked extensively in financial services and telecommunications. Today, Bansal leads BCG's social impact and development practice in India, and works on disparate projects in fields including education, food security and nutrition and governance within government agencies.
Bansal earned an MBA from the Indian Institute of Management in Calcutta, and a degree in electronics and electrical communication from Punjab Engineering College in Chandigarh.
Seema Bansal | Speaker |