Mathias Basner: Why noise is bad for your health -- and what you can do about it
Mathias Basner: Mengapa kebisingan buruk bagi kesehatan -- dan apa yang bisa Anda lakukan tentang itu
Mathias Basner researches the effects of noise on sleep, health, neurobehavioral and cognitive functions and more. Full bio
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lagu tentang itu.
rare commodity these days,
menjadi komoditas langka,
in terms of our health --
harga mahal dari segi kesehatan --
we can do right now,
bisa kita lakukan sekarang,
dan sebagai masyarakat,
of the sounds of silence.
dari adanya keheningan.
too much noise is bad for your hearing.
banyak suara tidak baik bagi pendengaran.
and you have that ringing in your ears,
Anda merasakan dengungan di telinga Anda,
some damage to your hearing,
kerusakan pada pendengaran Anda,
in many different ways beyond hearing.
dalam berbagai cara melebihi pendengaran.
as the auditory effects.
dengan efek pendengaran.
when we talk about noise?
dengan kebisingan?
yang tidak diinginkan,
a physical component, the sound,
the sound unwanted.
menjadi tidak diinginkan.
konser musik rock.
being exposed to 100 decibels,
konser rock, terpapar 100 desibel,
paid a hundred dollars for the ticket,
membayar ratusan dolar untuk tiket,
this person doesn't think of it as noise.
orang ini tidak merasa bising.
three blocks away from the concert hall.
tinggal tiga blok dari lokasi konser.
because of the music.
karena musik.
are much lower in this situation,
lebih rendah di situasi ini,
of the music as noise,
musik itu sebagai kebisingan,
in the long run, have health consequences.
jangka panjang, memengaruhi kesehatan.
menjadi sangat penting?
in so many ways beyond hearing.
berbagai macam cara selain pendengaran.
difficult to find quiet spaces
tempat sunyi semakin sulit
air-conditioning units,
personal music players,
pemutar musik pribadi,
berpesta hingga pukul 3 pagi.
Organization estimated
(WHO) memperkirakan
are lost every year
telah hilang setiap tahunnya
member states alone.
is that it disturbs communication.
adalah mengganggu komunikasi.
to be understood.
suara agar bisa dimengerti.
have to pause the conversation.
harus menghentikan pembicaraan.
in a noisy environment.
dalam lingkungan yang bising.
why studies have found
penelitian menemukan bahwa
schools in noisy areas
di lingkungan yang bising
in academic performance.
sebayanya dalam prestasi pendidikan.
health effect of noise
akibat dari kebisingan
for cardiovascular disease
penyakit kardiovaskuler
to relevant noise levels
dengan level yang relevan
or no control over it.
tidak punya kontrol terhadapnya.
like adrenaline and cortisol
seperti adrenalin dan kortisol
in the composition of our blood
komposisi darah kita
after a single night of noise exposure.
kebisingan dalam semalam.
between the noise exposure
hubungan antara paparan kebisingan
for high blood pressure,
tekanan darah tinggi,
are relatively small,
secara keseluruhan relatif kecil,
a major public health problem
permasalahan utama kesehatan publik
to relevant noise levels.
bahwa warga Amerika Serikat
dolar tiap tahunnya
noise exposure by five decibels,
lingkungan sebanyak lima desibel,
cardiovascular disease.
mengobati penyakit kardiovaskuler.
like cancer, diabetes and obesity
diabetes dan obesitas
are caused by the noise.
tersebut disebabkan oleh kebisingan.
is sleep disturbance.
adalah gangguan tidur.
that recuperates us
untuk memulihkan kita
keesokan hari.
of what sleep researchers call
dari apa yang disebut peneliti sebagai
has a watchman function.
memiliki fungsi penjaga.
our environment for threats,
atas ancaman,
in the time it takes us to fall asleep,
menunda waktu kita untuk tertidur,
from going down during the night.
untuk menurun saat malam hari.
if these noise-induced sleep disturbances
gangguan tidur akibat kebisingan
disease is likely the consequence.
peningkatan risiko kardiovaskuler.
of these noise-induced sleep disturbances,
gangguan suara selama tidur ini
while we're sleeping.
on the effects of traffic noise on sleep,
efek suara lalu lintas terhadap tidur,
wake up in the morning and say,
di pagi hari dan mengatakan
I fell asleep right away,
saya langsung tertidur,
to the physiological signals
sinyal psikologis
banyak yang terbangun
for the subjects to regain consciousness
subjek untuk kembali sadar
during the next morning,
have a profound impact
once you start changing your behavior.
ketika Anda mulai merubah perilaku Anda.
to be understood,
suara supaya bisa dipahami
or you're closing your window.
atau menutup jendela.
to the basement of the house,
ke lantai dasar (basement)
sound insulation installed.
to less noisy areas,
area yang lebih sunyi,
can afford that.
mampu melakukan itu.
to improve our sound environment
meningkatkan kualitas suara lingkungan
if something's too loud, speak up.
terlalu bising, katakanlah.
sepertinya berpikir
of hearing are still going to the movies.
pendengaran yang tetap pergi ke bioskop.
and nothing happens,
dan tidak ada tindak lanjut,
typically do understand.
biasanya dimengerti manajer.
about the health effects of noise
efek kebisingan bagi kesehatan
will have consequences when they're older.
akan berpengaruh saat mereka tua.
tidur ke sisi rumah yang lebih sepi,
to the quiet side of the house,
from road traffic noise.
atau membeli rumah baru,
or buy a new place,
different times of the day
berbeda setiap harinya
when you're traveling
telinga saat bepergian
background noise levels.
latar yang terlalu tinggi.
or when you're on vacation.
in Japan four years ago.
di Jepang empat tahun lalu.
and entered the airport,
dan memasuki bandar udara,
we don't realize anymore
kita tak lagi sadar
of noise pollution we're exposed to
polusi suara secara konstan
from more quiet spaces.
dari lingkungan yang lebih tenang.
we all have a noise footprint,
kita pun memiliki jejak bising,
to make that noise footprint smaller.
mengecilkan jejak tersebut.
at 7am on a Saturday morning.
rumput jam 7 pagi di hari Sabtu.
mesin peniup daun.
makes the most sense,
sumbernya yang paling masuk akal,
to buy a new car,
untuk membeli mobil baru,
blender, you name it,
the noise levels their devices generate,
tingkat kebisingan dari produk mereka,
regulation and enforcement are good ideas,
kebisingan adalah ide bagus,
that generate noise
yang menghasilkan kebisingan
the business that is associated with it.
dan segala bisnis terkait.
politisi berapa tingkat kebisingan yang
at what noise level
sebagai dampak kesehatan,
as relentlessly as cholera and the pest."
tanpa henti seperti kolera dan hama"
memenangkan pertempuran ini
a nice, quiet celebration.
mendapatkan perayaan yang baik dan tenang.
Mathias Basner - Sleep and noise researcherMathias Basner researches the effects of noise on sleep, health, neurobehavioral and cognitive functions and more.
Why you should listen
Mathias Basner, MD, PhD, MSc is an associate professor in the department of psychiatry at the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine. His primary research interests concern the effects of sleep loss on neurobehavioral and cognitive functions, population studies on sleep time and waking activities, the effects of traffic noise on sleep and health, and astronaut behavioral health on long-duration space missions. These research areas overlap widely. Basner has published more than 80 journal articles and reviewed articles for more than 80 scientific journals. He is currently on the editorial board of the journals Sleep Health and Frontiers in Physiology.
Between 1999 and 2008, Basner conducted several large-scale laboratory and field studies on the effects of traffic noise on sleep at the German Aerospace Center. For this research, Basner was awarded the German Aerospace Center Research Award in 2007 and the Science Award of the German Academy for Aviation and Travel Medicine in 2010. Basner developed an ECG-based algorithm for the automatic identification of autonomic activations associated with cortical arousal that was used in several field studies to non-invasively assess the effects of aircraft noise on sleep. He is currently funded by the FAA to obtain current exposure-response functions describing the effects of aircraft noise on sleep for the United States. Basner has been an advisor to the World Health Organization (WHO) on the effects of traffic noise on sleep and health on a number of occasions. He performed a systematic evidence review on the effects of noise on sleep for the recently published revision of WHO's Environmental Noise Guidelines for the European Region.
Basner is currently President of the International Commission of Biological Effects of Noise (ICBEN) and member of the Impacts and Science Group of the Committee on Aviation Environmental Protection (CAEP) of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). He also represents the University of Pennsylvania in FAA's Aviation Sustainability Center (ASCENT).
Mathias Basner | Speaker |