Memory Banda: A warrior’s cry against child marriage
Memory Banda: Kovotojos šauksmas prieš vaikų vedybas
Memory Banda is a tireless leader for girls’ rights, in Malawi and around the world. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
the collection of poetry that we wrote,
parašytą poeziją,
"I'll Marry When I Want."
„Tekėsiu, kada norėsiu“.
gerai išsilavinusi
savo sprendimų.
to initiation camps.
to sexually please a man.
patenkinti vyrą.
by the community
šios jaunos mergaitės
plintančiomis ligomis.
she ended up being pregnant.
baigėsi nėštumu.
to the initiation camp.
to the initiation camps."
of our society, of our community."
mūsų bendruomenės tradicijų“.
where I was going.
kur aš keliausiu.
a little something to my community.
bent truputį savo bendruomenei.
Your little sister has a baby.
Tavo sesutė turi vaiką.
that I was hearing every day,
girdėjau kasdien,
that girls hear every day
kurią kasdien girdi mergaitės,
that the community needs them to do.
ko iš jų nori bendruomenė.
between me and my sister,
savo ir savo sesers,
that has happened for a long time
kas nutiko senai
forgotten how to read and write.
kaip skaityti ir rašyti.
remind each other
viena kitai vėl priminti,
how to read, to hold the book."
kaip skaityti, laikyti knygą“.
their personal stories,
savo asmenines istorijas,
that are happening to us
mums nutinkančių dalykų
our traditional leaders,
mūsų tradicinėms vadėms,
kad mano bendruomenėje
kur mergaites
and said no girl has to be married
ir pasakė, kad nė viena netekės
not just in my community,
ne tik mūsų bendruomenėje,
was being presented in February,
buvo pristatomas vasario mėn.,
of Parliament were entering,
"Would you please support the bill?"
„Ar galėsite paremti įstatymo projektą?“
much technology like here,
technologijų kaip čia,
their numbers and text them?"
jų numerių ir parašyti jiems?“
we texted them back,
mes jiems atrašėme,
by the president,
pasirašė prezidentas,
tai buvo dar geriau.
marriage age, from 15 to 18.
vedybų amžius, nuo 15 iki 18 metų.
that the bill passed,
buvo priimtas,
is the legal marriage age,
teisėtas vedybų amžius,
of women and girls every day?
ir mergaičių verksmo kiekvieną dieną?
are being wasted away.
yra gniuždomi.
to honor their commitment.
vykdyti savo įsipareigojimus.
at heart every time.
mergaičių problemų.
as we are in this room,
kokios mes esame šioje salėje,
we are not just girls,
ne tiesiog mergaitės,
until it is enforced?
kol jis nėra vykdomas.
have been there,
kitose šalyse,
at the local level,
at the community level every day.
sunkiomis problemomis bendruomenės lygiu.
that there are laws that protect them,
kad įstatymai jas saugo,
and defend themselves
there is a law that protects them.
kuris jas gina.
visoms mergaitėms:
not to marry whilst 11.
netekėti 11 metų.
end child marriage in a generation.
išguiti vaikų vedybas per vieną kartą.
and millions of girls worldwide,
ir milijonai mergaičių pasaulyje
Memory Banda - ActivistMemory Banda is a tireless leader for girls’ rights, in Malawi and around the world.
Why you should listen
Memory Banda is a tireless leader for girls' rights around the world. She is leading Malawi's fight to end child marriage through her work with Let Girls Lead and the Girl Empowerment Network of Malawi.
Only 18-years-old, Memory championed a succesful national campaign that culminated in landmark legislation that outlawed child marriage. Memory works with girl leaders to ensure that village chiefs ban child marriage, end sexual initiation practices, enable girls to finish school and live safe from violence in a country where more than half of girls are married as children.
Memory became an advocate for girls after her younger sister was forced into marriage at the age of 11. She is now a college student in Malawi.
Memory Banda | Speaker |