Mehdi Ordikhani-Seyedlar: What happens in your brain when you pay attention?
Mehdi Ordikhani-Seyedlar: Kas vyksta jūsų smegenyse, kai sutelkiate dėmesį?
Mehdi Ordikhani-Seyedlar is a computational neuroscientist, researching brain signals and their usage in brain-machine interfaces. Full bio
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in so many different directions at a time,
mūsų dėmesį traukia daugybė dalykų.
if you can stay focused.
jei galite ilgai išlikti susikaupę.
is all about what we are focusing on,
svarbiausia yra pats objektas.
our brain is trying to filter out.
kurią mūsų smegenys išfiltruoja.
you direct your attention.
you move your eyes towards something
jūs nukreipiate žvilgsnį į tą objektą,
sutelkti dėmesį netikslingai.
you pay attention to something,
jūs sutelkiate dėmesį į objektą
your direction of the eyes,
kur yra jūsų žvilgsnis –
the surrounding area,
brain-machine interfaces,
prietaisų ir smegenų sąsajomis.
the brain and the computer.
sujungiu smegenis su kompiuteriu.
we can build models for the computers,
sukurti modelius kompiuteriams.
how well our brain functions.
ar mūsų smegenys funkcionuoja tinkamai.
can be used as assistive devices
kaip pagalbiniai įrenginiai,
kompiuterių modelius.
ne tik nukreipdami žvilgsnį į objektą,
an interesting model for computers.
modelis yra įdomus kompiuterių kontekste.
what are the brainwave patterns
kokios yra smegenų aktyvumo sritys,
or when you look covertly.
ir kada netikslingai.
there are two flickering squares,
du mirgantys kvadratai.
at a slower rate than the other one.
nei kitas.
you are paying attention to,
į kurį kvadratą sutelkiate dėmesį,
will start resonating in the same rate
pradeda rezonuoti tuo pačiu tempu,
you are watching
kur tiksliai jūs žiūrite,
when you pay overt attention,
kai tikslingai sutelkiate dėmesį,
in one of the squares
tiesiai į vieną iš kvadratų,
we saw that these flickering squares
kad tie mirgantys kvadratai
from the back of their head,
iš pakaušio srities,
of your visual information.
vaizdo apdorojimą.
when you pay covert attention.
kai sutelkiate dėmesį netikslingai.
to look in the middle of the screen
žiūrėti į vidurį ekrano
to either of these squares.
appeared in their brain signals,
atsirado smegenų signaluose.
which was paid attention to,
ties kuriuo buvo susitelkta,
the activation of the frontal area.
buvo kaktinės smegenų skilties aktyvacija.
is responsible
it seems that it works as a filter
veikia kaip filtras,
only from the right flicker
tik apie tą kvadratą,
coming from the ignored one.
apie kitą kvadratą, į kurį nežiūrite.
is indeed a key for attention,
yra esminis dėmesio sutelkimui,
kurie turi ADHD sutrikimą.
cannot inhibit these distractors,
negali nuslopinti šių distrakcijų,
for a long time on a single task.
ties viena užduotimi.
brain-machine interfaces
gali būti pritaikytos
and he lost complete ability to speak.
ir jis visiškai prarado gebėjimą kalbėti.
but there was no way to respond,
bet negalėjo nieko atsakyti,
because he was illiterate.
smegenų bangų modelius,
about images or even letters,
ar net raides.
a different brainwave pattern
smegenų bangų modelį,
ir taip toliau.
communicate for people who can't speak?
komunikuoti už negalinčius kalbėti žmones?
the thoughts of a person in a coma?
žmogaus komoje mintis?
Mehdi Ordikhani-Seyedlar - NeuroscientistMehdi Ordikhani-Seyedlar is a computational neuroscientist, researching brain signals and their usage in brain-machine interfaces.
Why you should listen
Mehdi Ordikhani-Seyedlar is a research scientist interested in brain-wave patterns generated by neural activities in the brain. Since embarking on his research on neuroscience, Ordikhani-Seyedlar has been working on different brain functions such as learning, memory, pain and, more recently, visual attention in humans. He also conducted a part of his research on monkeys when he was in Dr. Miguel Nicolelis' lab at Duke University. His findings help implement more accurate brain-machine interfaces to treat people who are suffering from attention deficiency.
After receiving his Ph.D in Biomedical Engineering, Ordikhani-Seyedlar was offered a postdoctoral position by Duke University to develop algorithms to process large-scale neuronal activity and brain-machine interfaces. However, due to political complications in the United States, Ordikhani-Seyedlar -- an Iranian citizen -- changed his plan to continue his brain research outside the US for some time.
As a passionate neuroscientist and neuroengineer, Ordikhani-Seyedlar's aim is to improve brain pattern detectability in computers. This enhances the ability of brain-machine interfaces substantially to better target the defected brain function which in turn enhances the sustainability of treatment effect.
Mehdi Ordikhani-Seyedlar | Speaker |