Curtis "Wall Street" Carroll: How I learned to read -- and trade stocks -- in prison
Куртис "Уолл Стрит" Карролл: Шоронд би хэрхэн уншиж болон хувьцаа арилжиж сурсан бэ?
Curtis “Wall Street” Carroll overcame poverty, illiteracy, incarceration and a lack of outside support to become a stock investor, creator and teacher of his own financial literacy philosophy. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
барьж авахад би зугтсан.
хашлага дээгүүр харайлаа.
and I jumped on top of a fence.
in my book bag
3000 зоосны жин дарж
was standing on top of me,
миний дээр зогсчихсон,
steal something you can carry."
юмаа хулгайл" гэж хэлсэн.
into the custody of my mother,
"Чи яаж баригдчихав аа?" гэсэн.
"How'd you get caught?"
шүү дээ" гэсэн.
to take all the quarters."
байсан юм бэ?" гэхэд
What am I supposed to do?"
to burglarize another arcade game.
дээрэмдэхээр дагуулж явсан.
мөнгө хэрэгтэй байсан юм.
of my immediate family
of living with family, friends,
гэр бүл, найз нөхөд
хамгаалах байр л байсан.
in breadlines and soup kitchens.
үнэгүй хоолонд дугаарлаж авна.
or the good guy.
сайн залуу руу чиглүүлнэ" гэсэн.
гэмт хэргээ үйлдсэн
гэж хэлэхэд
that I was told that I had potential
that I could be a lawyer,
гэж байсангүй.
I couldn't read, write or spell.
үсэглэж ч чадахгүй.
явах зам гэж боддог байлаа.
crime was my way to go.
about this robbery that we could do.
дээрмийн талаар хэлсэн.
financial nation in the world,
эдийн засагтай
stand in line at a blood bank
дараалалд зогсож
just to try to feed her kids.
40 доллароор цусаа зарахыг нь харсан.
on her arms to day to show for that.
зүүний ормууд байдаг.
санаа зовж байгаагүй.
санаа тавиагүй шүү дээ.
were doing to take what they wanted,
хийх ёстойгоо хийж байсан.
цусны төв.
the robbers, the blood bank.
замаар нь л авсан.
really did rule the world,
дэлхийг захирдаг.
for robbery and murder
амины хэргээр баривчлагдсан.
rule more than they did on the streets,
шоронгийн торонд санхүү
оролцохыг хүссэн.
the sports page of the newspaper
хоригддог эрээр уншуулахаар
яаран авах гэтэл
picked up the business section.
авчихсан байсан.
"Hey youngster, you pick stocks?"
авдаг юм уу?" гэсэн.
where white folks keep all their money."
газар" гэж хариулав.
that I saw a glimpse of hope,
асах шиг л болсон.
болохыг товчхон тайлбарлав.
of what stocks were,
чадахгүй шүү дээ.
to hide my illiteracy
чадварууд маань
prey among predators,
төлөө тулалдаад л.
зүйлийг хийсэн.
I'd ever done in my life.
time of my life,
зовлонт үе байсан.
I had ever dreamed of:
том бэлгээ авч байсан:
everything I could get my hands on:
бүх л зүйлийг уншдаг байлаа.
street signs, everything.
гудамжны тэмдэг бүгдийг.
and know how to spell.
"Man, what you eating?"
байгаа юм?" гэхэд
I said, "N-O. No."
"Ү-Г-Ү-Й, үгүй" гэсэн.
for the first time in my life read.
уншиж чадаж байна шүү дээ.
from it was amazing.
of the newspaper.
хүмүүсийг олохыг хүссэн.
financially manage money and invest,
оруулахыг бусдад заахдаа,
responsibility for my own actions.
үүрэх ёстойг ойлгосон.
in a very complex environment,
for that, and I did.
that could teach incarcerated men
удирдан зарцуулах талаар
through prison employments.
дамжуулж болох хэрэгслийг бүтээж
would provide transferrable tools
when we reenter society,
хүмүүс ашиглаж болно.
who didn't commit crimes.
үйлдээгүй хүмүүс шиг.
over 60 percent of NBA players
эцэстээ ямар ч мөнгөгүй болдог.
derive from financial issues.
санхүүгээс үүсэлтэй.
туршид ажиллаад,
that people worked their whole lives,
homes and material stuff
зүйлс авдаг ч
амьдардаг гэж үү?
going to help incarcerated individuals
байгаа юм бэ?
зохицуулж чадахгүй байхад.
хэрэгтэй болсон.
to meet those on the path
I now cared about my community.
нийгэмдээ санаа тавьж байна.
I cared about my community.
санаа тавьж байна.
and the lower class in our society
доод түвшний хүмүүсийг
уурлах хэрэгтэй.
of the American population
урагшилдаг орны
driven by financial prosperity?
байж болох вэ?
мөнгөн дээр тогтож байна.
that most people can't manage.
than any other issue.
том аюул.
Department of Corrections,
хэлтсийн тоогоор
with money-related crimes:
болж яллагдсан байдаг.
fraud, larceny, distortion --
үзүүлсэн дээрэм гээд
200 dollars gate money and told,
Битгий эргэж ирээрэй" гэж хэлүүлнэ.
Don't come back to prison."
or long-term financial plan,
that led him to prison in the first place?
хэргээ ахин үйлдэх үү?
already chose for him, probably.
түүний өмнөөс сонгочихсон байх.
энэ өвчнийг анагаах вэ?
Emotional Literacy.
чадавхижуулах хөтөлбөр.
your emotional decisions
хөдлөлийн шийдвэрээ
ялгахыг болоод
to personal finance:
дөрвөн дүрмийг заадаг:
by allowing your money to work for you
мөнгийг өөрт тань ажиллахыг зөвшөөрөх.
before we reenter society.
өмнө эдгээр амьдралын чадварууд хэрэгтэй.
without these life skills.
бүрэн хүмүүжих боломжгүй.
can invest and manage money
мөнгө зохицуулж чаддаг гэх бодол
тэр худлаа ярьж байна.
мэддэг хүн байдаг.
you need, have or want better than you,
чамаас өөр хэн ч мэдэхгүй.
мэргэжилтэн гэсэн үг.
ladies and gentlemen.
ноёд хатагтай нараа.
of a proper lifestyle.
зөв амьдралын үр дүн.
can become a taxpaying citizen,
төлдөг иргэн болж болно.
taxpaying citizen can remain one.
иргэн тэр хэвээрээ үлдэж болно.
between those people who we influence:
хооронд гүүр барих боломжийг олгож байна.
that crime and money are related.
гэдэгт итгэдэг хүн болгонд.
that you've been out there hearing.
зүйлсийг орхиё.
of what's been crippling our society
зүйлийн зүрхийг онилж,
to be better life managers.
зохицуулах хариуцлагаа үүрье.
and easy to use curriculum
санхүүгийн эрх болон
тиймээ зүрхэнд очдог
and emotional literacy really is.
in the audience and you said,
Итгэхгүй байна" гэсэн бол
and I don't buy it,"
it costs you every time you get emotional.
хэр их мөнгө зарцуулдагийг үзүүлье.
Curtis "Wall Street" Carroll - Financial literacy advocateCurtis “Wall Street” Carroll overcame poverty, illiteracy, incarceration and a lack of outside support to become a stock investor, creator and teacher of his own financial literacy philosophy.
Why you should listen
The media calls Curtis "Wall Street" Carroll the "Oracle of San Quentin" for his stock picking prowess and ability to translate financial information into simple language for his students.
Carroll grew up in Oakland, California surrounded by poverty. In 1996, at 17 years old, he committed a robbery where a man was killed. He turned himself in and ended up an illiterate teenager in prison with a 54-to-life sentence. While in prison, the stock market captured his attention, but due to his illiteracy he couldn't learn more about it. Motivating by the lure of financial gaining, he taught himself how to read at 20-21 years old, and then he started studying the stock market. Carroll's role models changed from drug dealers and sports figures to Bill Gates and Warren Buffet. He wanted others to learn this new way of making money.
When Carroll arrived at San Quentin in 2012, he met Troy Williams, who helped him start the Financial Literacy Program. Together they created the philosophy F.E.E.L (Financial Empowerment Emotional Literacy) that teaches people to recognize how their emotions affect their financial decision, and how to separate the two.
Curtis "Wall Street" Carroll | Speaker |