His Holiness Pope Francis: Why the only future worth building includes everyone
Prečo sa budovanie jedinej hodnotnej budúcnosti týka každého
Pope Francis is the Bishop of Rome and the head of the Roman Catholic Church. Full bio
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video vytvorené vo Vatikáne,
Filmed in Vatican City
I am not sure what time it is there.
nie som si istý, aký tam máte čas.
to be participating in your conference.
že môžem byť súčasťou tejto konferencie.
– "The Future You" –
– Tvoja budúcnosť –
it invites us to open a dialogue today,
pozýva nás to k začatiu dialógu dnes,
it is made of encounters,
je vytvorená zo stretnutí,
through our relations with others.
cez naše vzťahy s ostatnými.
is deeply tied to that of others:
je úzko spätá s existenciou ostatných:
life is about interactions.
život je o vzťahoch.
to those who are sick,
tých, ktorí sú chorí,
who face terrible hardships
ktorí čelia hrozným ťažkostiam,
a hell of pain inside their hearts,
peklo bolesti vo svojich srdciach,
who cannot find a job,
ktorí nemôžu nájsť prácu,
in a family of migrants;
like many other Italians,
podobne ako veľa ďalších Talianov,
who are left with nothing.
ktorým nezostalo nič.
among today's "discarded" people.
medzi dnešnými „vyradenými“ ľuďmi.
deep in my heart:
hlboko vo svojom srdci:
if this meeting could help to remind us
ak by nám toto stretnutie pripomenulo,
separated from the other,
odčlenené od druhých,
by standing together, including everyone.
vrátane každého.
but everything is connected,
ale všetko je spojené,
our connections to a healthy state.
naše vzťahy do zdravého stavu.
ktoré nosím vo svojom srdci
urážku, ktorá nikdy nebola odpustená,
the offense that was never forgiven,
that I carry within me,
ktorý si nosím v sebe,
that needs to be extinguished
ktoré musí byť uhasené
leaving only ashes behind.
ktoré zanechajú za sebou iba popol.
is something impossible to achieve.
je niečo, čo je nemožné dosiahnuť.
must be taken very seriously,
our door to the outside world.
naše dvere pred okolitým svetom.
and each single component.
a každou jednotlivou zložkou.
better than I do –
and interacts with everything else.
a reaguje so všetkými ostatnými.
and technological innovation
a technických inovácií
and social inclusion.
a sociálnou inklúziou.
while we discover faraway planets,
kým objavujeme vzdialené planéty,
and sisters orbiting around us.
a sestier, ktorí „obiehajú“ okolo nás.
inconvenient word,
na sociálnu prácu,
východiskovým postojom
and scientific choices,
a vedeckých výberoch,
among individuals, peoples and countries.
jednotlivcami, národmi a krajinami.
to a true solidarity
by our techno-economic systems
našimi technicko-ekonomickými systémami,
aby sme si to uvedomovali,
at their core, instead of people.
namiesto ľudí.
to erase from the dictionary.
želali, aby bol vymazaný zo slovníka.
is not an automatic mechanism.
automatický mechanizmus.
alebo kontrolovaná.
from the heart of each and everyone.
v srdci každého.
of so many contradictions, is a gift,
mnohých rozporov, je dar,
and the meaning of life,
to do good to another fellow being?
urobiť dobro ďalšej ľudskej bytosti?
and we need creativity.
gathers many creative minds.
mnoho kreatívnych myslí.
a creative, concrete
our conscience, are not enough.
naše svedomie, nie sú dostatočné.
all together, to remember
a statistic or a number.
štatistika alebo číslo.
to help us understand the difference
aby nám pomohol pochopiť rozdiel
obťažovaní a tými, čo sa starajú o iných.
and those who take care of the other.
It is the Parable of the Good Samaritan.
o milosrdnom Samaritánovi.
"Who is my neighbor?" -
by som sa mal starať?“ –
beaten and abandoned along a dirt road.
zbitý a opustený na špinavej ceste.
two very influential people of the time,
dvaja veľmi vplyvní ľudia v tom čase,
aby sa zastavili a pomohli mu.
despised ethnicity at the time, walked by.
v tom čase veľmi pohŕdalo.
lying on the ground,
as if he weren't even there.
in a very concrete manner.
veľmi konkrétnym spôsobom.
on the wounds of the helpless man,
na rany toho bezmocného muža,
for him to be assisted.
aby sa tam o neho postarali.
is the story of today’s humanity.
je príbehom dnešnej ľudskosti.
and things, instead of people.
namiesto ľudí.
who call themselves "respectable,"
ktorí sami seba nazývajú slušnými,
of human beings, or entire populations,
ľudských bytostí alebo celé národy
who are creating a new world
ktorí tvoria nový svet
even out of their own pockets.
dokonca aj z vlastného vrecka.
unless it is at their own expense."
pokiaľ ho to nič nestojí.“
and we must do it together.
a musíme to urobiť spoločne.
with all the evil we breathe every day?
ktoré dýchame každý deň?
to open up to the good,
našu túžbu otvoriť sa pre dobro,
to react against evil,
from deep within our hearts.
nor Mother Teresa of Calcutta."
a ani Matka Tereza z Kalkaty.“
each and every one of us.
is irreplaceable in the eyes of God.
je nenahraditeľný v Božích očiach.
can become a bright candle,
môže stať jasnou sviecou
will overcome darkness,
the future does have a name,
to be optimistically naïve
byť optimisticky naivný
ktorým čelíme.
that doesn't dwell on the past,
a ktorá neprebýva v minulosti,
but is able to see a tomorrow.
ale je schopná vidieť zajtrajšok.
that opens onto the future.
ktoré sa otvárajú do budúcnosti,
will develop into a large tree.
that allows the whole dough to grow,
a s pomocou ktorého cesto narastie,
that feeds on hope
ktorý je sýtený nádejou,
the shield of darkness.
aby rozbil štít temnoty.
is enough for hope to exist,
pre nádej, aby existovala,
and another "you,"
when we have an "us?"
there begins a revolution.
I would like to share today
sa chcel dnes podeliť,
the revolution of tenderness.
o revolúcii nežnosti.
and becomes real.
a stáva sa skutočnou.
that starts from our heart
začína z nášho srdca,
the ears and the hands.
our eyes to see the other,
aby sme videli druhého,
those who are afraid of the future.
tých, ktorí sa obávajú budúcnosti.
of our common home,
nášho spoločného domova,
our hands and our heart
naše ruky a naše srdce,
of the young children,
their voice, their tenderness.
hlas, ich nežnosť.
adapting to the little child,
prispôsobujúc sa malému dieťatku,
being on the same level as the other.
byť na tej istej úrovni ako iní.
to be on our level.
aby bol na našej úrovni.
the Good Samaritan took.
išiel milosrdný Samaritán.
concrete language of love.
jazyk lásky.
most courageous men and women.
najodvážnejších mužov a ženy.
it is fortitude.
the path of humility.
hlasno a jasne:
will have an impact on people,
vplyv na ľudí,
to act humbly.
aby ste konali pokorne.
and you will ruin the other.
a vy zničíte ostatných.
on an empty stomach."
na prázdny žalúdok.“
you lose your balance,
strácate rovnováhu
and those around you,
a tých okolo vás,
with humility and tenderness.
a nežnosťou.
on the other hand,
cez pokoru a konkrétnu lásku,
becomes a service, a force for good.
sa stane službou a silou pre dobro.
in the hands of politicians,
v rukách politikov,
an enormous responsibility.
in the hands of those people
v rukách tých ľudí,
as well with tenderness,
tiež s nežnosťou,
I have been given
ktorá mi bola zverená
His Holiness Pope Francis - Bishop of RomePope Francis is the Bishop of Rome and the head of the Roman Catholic Church.
Why you should listen
Pope Francis was elected in March 2013, becoming the first Pope from the Americas and from the Southern hemisphere. He was born in 1936 in Buenos Aires, Argentina, as Jorge Mario Bergoglio, in a family of Italian immigrants. A Jesuit, he was Archbishop of Buenos Aires and then a Cardinal leading the Argentinian church. Upon election as the 266th Pope, he chose Francis as his papal name in reference to Saint Francis of Assisi.
A very popular figure who has taken it upon himself to reform the Catholic Church, Pope Francis's worldview is solidly anchored in humility, simplicity, mercy, social justice, attention to the poor and the dispossessed -- those he says "our culture disposes of like waste" -- and in a critical attitude towards unbridled capitalism and consumerism. He is a strong advocate of global action against climate change, to which he has devoted his powerful 2015 encyclical, Laudato sì ("Praise be to you"). He invites us to practice "tenderness," putting ourselves "at the level of the other," to listen and care. He is committed to interfaith dialogue and is seen as a moral and spiritual authority across the world by many people who aren't Catholics.
His Holiness Pope Francis | Speaker | TED.com