His Holiness Pope Francis: Why the only future worth building includes everyone
Бид хүн бүрт ээлтэй ирээдүйг бүтээх хэрэгтэй
Pope Francis is the Bishop of Rome and the head of the Roman Catholic Church. Full bio
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Filmed in Vatican City
Ватикан хотод дүрсжүүлэн
I am not sure what time it is there.
цаг хэд болж байгааг мэдэхгүй юм.
to be participating in your conference.
болж байгаадаа маш их баяртай байна.
– "The Future You" –
"Ирээдүйн Та".
it invites us to open a dialogue today,
өнөөдөр харилцан яриаг эхлүүлэн
төсөөлөхийг уриалж байна.
it is made of encounters,
олон мянган учралаас бүрддэг тул
through our relations with others.
is deeply tied to that of others:
илүү ихээр ухаарах болсон.
life is about interactions.
харилцан үйлдлийн тухай юм.
to those who are sick,
who face terrible hardships
туулж буй цагаачид,
a hell of pain inside their hearts,
тээж явдаг хоригдлууд,
who cannot find a job,
залуу хүмүүсийн зовлонг сонсоод
in a family of migrants;
like many other Italians,
Италичуудын адилаар
who are left with nothing.
хувь тавиланг туулж байсан.
among today's "discarded" people.
нэг болох бүрэн боломжтой байлаа.
deep in my heart:
өөрөөсөө ингэж асуудаг:
if this meeting could help to remind us
separated from the other,
тусгаар арал биш,
by standing together, including everyone.
гэдгийг өөрсдөдөө сануулахыг хүсч байна.
but everything is connected,
бүх зүйлс хоорондоо холбоотой ба
our connections to a healthy state.
хэвийн хэмжээнд нь оруулах хэрэгтэй.
хамгийн ширүүн шүүмжлэл,
the offense that was never forgiven,
хэзээ ч уучлаагүй үлдсэн шаналал,
that I carry within me,
that needs to be extinguished
leaving only ashes behind.
болгохоос өмнө унтраах ёстой.
is something impossible to achieve.
боломжгүй гэж итгэх болж.
must be taken very seriously,
үгүйсгэхийн аргагүй ч
our door to the outside world.
эдгээрийг даван туулж болно.
and each single component.
better than I do –
ойлгон байж аз жаргалыг олно.
шинжлэх ухаанд хүртэл
and interacts with everything else.
элемэнт хэсэг бүр бусадтайгаа
байгаагаар тодорхойлогддог.
and technological innovation
технологийн хөгжил дэвшил
and social inclusion.
бий болгоход нэмэрлэвэл
while we discover faraway planets,
and sisters orbiting around us.
хажууд байгаа ах дүүсийнхнээ
хичнээн сайхан бэ?
inconvenient word,
зөвхөн нийгмийн ажлаар
and scientific choices,
among individuals, peoples and countries.
to a true solidarity
хүчин болж чадвал хичнээн сайхан гээч.
by our techno-economic systems
үр дүнд
at their core, instead of people.
to erase from the dictionary.
толь бичгээс арилгахыг хүсдэг.
is not an automatic mechanism.
удирдаж болдог
from the heart of each and everyone.
чөлөөтэй хариу үйлдлийн дүн.
of so many contradictions, is a gift,
хайр гэдэг
and the meaning of life,
утга учир гэдгийг ойлгож чадвал
to do good to another fellow being?
татгалзаж чадна гэж?
and we need creativity.
gathers many creative minds.
a creative, concrete
цугларуулдгийг би мэднэ.
our conscience, are not enough.
томъёо гаргалгаа
all together, to remember
хангалттай хүчин зүйлс биш.
a statistic or a number.
тоо биш гэдгийг санан
нүүр царатай.
to help us understand the difference
and those who take care of the other.
It is the Parable of the Good Samaritan.
"Who is my neighbor?" -
ярьж өгсөн билээ.
та мэдэх нь мадаггүй.
beaten and abandoned along a dirt road.
өөрөөр хэлвэл
two very influential people of the time,
гэж асуухад
шороотой зам дээр хаягдсан
despised ethnicity at the time, walked by.
lying on the ground,
тооцогддог байсан лам,
as if he weren't even there.
in a very concrete manner.
тэр замаар алхаж гэнэ.
on the wounds of the helpless man,
Самари хүн хараад
for him to be assisted.
is the story of today’s humanity.
хүрсэн юм.
тос, дарсаар арчиж,
and things, instead of people.
who call themselves "respectable,"
хэрэгтэй тусламжийг гаргасан юм.
өнөөдрийн хүн төрөлхтний түүх.
of human beings, or entire populations,
эд зүйлсэд зориулагдснаар
зовлонгоор дүүрсэн.
who are creating a new world
зүгтгэдэг гэж өргөмжлөн
even out of their own pockets.
замын хажууд
unless it is at their own expense."
and we must do it together.
бусдыгаа тэтгэн
with all the evil we breathe every day?
хүмүүс ч энэ дэлхийд байна.
to open up to the good,
хайрлахаас өөр гарцгүй." гэж байсан.
to react against evil,
Бид хамтдаа энэ бүхнийг бүтээх ёстой.
from deep within our hearts.
амьсгалж байж яаж энэ бүхнийг бүтээнэ гэж?
nor Mother Teresa of Calcutta."
хүсэл гээд чин зүрхнээс ундрах
each and every one of us.
is irreplaceable in the eyes of God.
can become a bright candle,
аль нь ч биш." гэж хэлж магадгүй.
will overcome darkness,
хүн бүр үнэ цэнэтэй.
the future does have a name,
to be optimistically naïve
that doesn't dwell on the past,
but is able to see a tomorrow.
ирээдүйг төсөөлж,
that opens onto the future.
уй гашууг үл тооно гэсэн үг биш.
will develop into a large tree.
өнөөдөр өнгөрч оддог бус
that allows the whole dough to grow,
сэтгэлийн хат юм.
ирээдүй рүү онгойх хаалга.
цаг хугацааны эрхээр
that feeds on hope
амьдралын үр.
the shield of darkness.
хөрөнгө шиг
is enough for hope to exist,
бяцхан гэрэл
and another "you,"
их хүчтэй.
нэг хүн ч хангалттай ба
when we have an "us?"
гарч ирсээр
there begins a revolution.
"бид"-нээс эхэлдэг үү?
I would like to share today
the revolution of tenderness.
хувьсгал өрнөдөг.
and becomes real.
гуравдахь санаа бол
that starts from our heart
хувьсгаль дах хүнлэг сэтгэлийн тухай.
the ears and the hands.
our eyes to see the other,
жинхэнэ хайр.
чих, гарт маань хүрдэг хайр.
those who are afraid of the future.
of our common home,
гээд бусдыг сонсож буй.
our hands and our heart
чимээгүй чимээг сонсоно.
бусдыг тэтгэж,
of the young children,
биенээ үгүйлдэг хүмүүсийн хэл.
харц, энхрүүллээс
their voice, their tenderness.
тэдэн шиг шулагнаж,
adapting to the little child,
ижил түвшинд очиж харилцах явдал.
Есүс болон бууж ирсэн.
being on the same level as the other.
энэ замналаар амьдарсан.
to be on our level.
алхсан мөр.
the Good Samaritan took.
зоригтой хүмүүсийн
concrete language of love.
сэтгэлийн хат.
most courageous men and women.
хүнлэг байх замналыг эхлэл.
it is fortitude.
хүчтэй байна
the path of humility.
олон хүний амьдралд нөлөөлнө,
тодоор хэлмээр байна.
will have an impact on people,
биенээ сүйтгэнэ.
to act humbly.
архи уухтай адил"
and you will ruin the other.
тэнцвэрээ алдаж эхлэнэ,
on an empty stomach."
балаг тарьна.
you lose your balance,
эрчлэхгүй бол ийм л болно.
and those around you,
хүндлэл хайртай хамтатгавал
with humility and tenderness.
on the other hand,
том компаниуд
becomes a service, a force for good.
in the hands of politicians,
өөртэйгээ ижил гэдгийг,
an enormous responsibility.
ойлгох хүмүүсийн гарт байдаг.
in the hands of those people
туслана уу гэж гуйж байна.
as well with tenderness,
I have been given
His Holiness Pope Francis - Bishop of RomePope Francis is the Bishop of Rome and the head of the Roman Catholic Church.
Why you should listen
Pope Francis was elected in March 2013, becoming the first Pope from the Americas and from the Southern hemisphere. He was born in 1936 in Buenos Aires, Argentina, as Jorge Mario Bergoglio, in a family of Italian immigrants. A Jesuit, he was Archbishop of Buenos Aires and then a Cardinal leading the Argentinian church. Upon election as the 266th Pope, he chose Francis as his papal name in reference to Saint Francis of Assisi.
A very popular figure who has taken it upon himself to reform the Catholic Church, Pope Francis's worldview is solidly anchored in humility, simplicity, mercy, social justice, attention to the poor and the dispossessed -- those he says "our culture disposes of like waste" -- and in a critical attitude towards unbridled capitalism and consumerism. He is a strong advocate of global action against climate change, to which he has devoted his powerful 2015 encyclical, Laudato sì ("Praise be to you"). He invites us to practice "tenderness," putting ourselves "at the level of the other," to listen and care. He is committed to interfaith dialogue and is seen as a moral and spiritual authority across the world by many people who aren't Catholics.
His Holiness Pope Francis | Speaker | TED.com