Prosanta Chakrabarty: Four billion years of evolution in six minutes
Прозанта Чакрабарти (Prosanta Chakrabarty): Четири милијарде година еволуције у шест минута
Prosanta Chakrabarty studies fish to help explain the evolution of human beings and our planet. Full bio
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зашто мајмуни још увек постоје?
why are there still monkeys?
and not a monkey
да знате да сте риба, а не мајмун,
to understanding where we came from.
evolutionary biology classes in the US,
еволуционе биологије у Америци,
why I call them fish all the time,
зашто их стално називам рибама,
by dispelling some hardwired myths,
да започнем своја предавања
дубоко уврежених митова,
many of us were taught evolution wrong.
на погрешан начин.
to say "the theory of evolution."
да кажемо „теорија еволуције“.
and just like the process itself,
а баш као и сама појава,
are the ones that survive to this day.
опстају до данашњег дана.
is Darwinian natural selection.
теорију природне селекције.
that best fit an environment
које су најбоље прилагођене окружењу
да се размножавају,
slowly die off.
полако изумиру.
and it's a fact.
и то је чињеница.
as much as the "theory of gravity."
баш као и „теорија“ гравитације.
плаценталним сисарима,
with other placental mammals,
with other vertebrates,
са осталим кичмењацима,
with all other life on earth.
са свим осталим живим бићима на планети.
се нису појавиле код људи.
from different ancestors
how we learn biology early on, is it?
на почетку учимо биологију, зар не?
are primitive things,
примитивни организми,
followed by reptiles and mammals,
након којих следе гмизавци и сисари,
at the end of the line.
створења на самом крају.
portrayed something like this,
приказивана овако некако:
to becoming us.
да се претворе у нас.
any more than we would become them.
баш као што ни ми не бисмо постали они.
evolution the right way?
еволуцију на прави начин?
has led to many problems,
довело је до многих проблема,
то прастаро питање:
evolution the right way.
to many convoluted and corrupted views
и погрешних гледишта
other life on earth,
према живим бићима на планети,
расна и полна припадност.
we all came from.
од којег смо сви ми настали.
to other single-celled life,
других једноћелијских организама,
the Archaea and Bacteria
to be here well after us.
бити овде дуго после нас.
multicellularity evolved.
настали су вишећелијски организми.
and your plants and your animals.
a backbone were fishes.
кичму су биле рибе.
all vertebrates are fishes,
the mammals and reptiles.
између осталих, сисари и гмизавци.
some mammals become primates,
неки сисари су постали примати,
including a variety of human species.
укључујучи и једну врсту људских бића.
a common ancestor with them.
around us kept evolving:
наставио је да еволуира:
lots of fish, fish, fish.
много риба, риба, риба.
yes, they're my favorite group.
да, оне су моја омиљена врста.
for a few million years.
само неколико милиона година.
that we see around us today
које сада видите око нас
као и наша врста.
it's self-centered to think,
for an evolutionary minute,
an unfinished book for sure.
недовршеној књизи, сасвим сигурно.
few pages of each chapter.
страница сваког поглавља.
on the eight million species
са којима делимо ову планету,
four billion years of evolution.
као о четири милијарде година еволуције.
on this ancient and gigantic tree of life,
на прастаром и огромном дрвету живота,
not just to each other,
не само једни са другима,
and our evolutionary ancestors.
и нашим еволуционим прецима.
trying to learn, with others,
да сазнам заједно са осталима
who is related to whom.
ко је у сродству са ким.
as a little fish out of water.
да хода и говори,
a lot of learning to do
има пуно тога да научи
Prosanta Chakrabarty - IchthyologistProsanta Chakrabarty studies fish to help explain the evolution of human beings and our planet.
Why you should listen
Dr. Prosanta Chakrabarty is an Associate Professor and Curator of Fishes at the Museum of Natural Science and Department of Biological Science at Louisiana State University.
Chakrabarty is a systematist and an ichthyologist studying the evolution and biogeography of both freshwater and marine fishes. His work includes studies of Neotropical (Central and South America, Caribbean) and Indo-West Pacific (Indian and Western Pacific Ocean) fishes. His natural history collecting efforts include trips to Japan, Australia, Taiwan, Madagascar, Panama, Kuwait and many other countries. He has discovered over a dozen new species including new anglerfishes and cavefishes.
The LSU Museum of Natural Science fish collection that Chakrabarty oversees includes nearly half a million fish specimens and nearly 10,000 DNA samples covering most major groups of fishes. He earned his PhD at the University of Michigan and his undergraduate degree is from McGill University in Montreal. He has written two books including A Guide to Academia: Getting into and Surviving Grad School, Postdocs and a Research Job. He is also a former Program Director at the National Science Foundation. He was named a TED Fellow in 2016 and a TED Senior Fellow in 2018.
Prosanta Chakrabarty | Speaker |