Celeste Headlee: 10 ways to have a better conversation
Селест Хедли (Celeste Headlee): Десет начина да остварите бољи разговор
Celeste Headlee's years of interview experience give her a unique perspective on what makes for a good conversation. Full bio
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некога на Фејсбуку
unfriended someone on Facebook
о политици или религији,
about politics or religion,
know at least one person that you avoid
макар једну особу коју избегава
to talk to them?
да је за пристојан разговор
to have a polite conversation,
Хенрија Хигинса из „Моја лепа госпођице“:
of Henry Higgins in "My Fair Lady":
и покрета против вакцинисања, ни ове теме
and anti-vaxxing, those subjects --
to devolve into an argument,
не могу да причају међусобно
can't speak to one another
for it and against it, it's not normal.
за њега, а и против, није нормалан.
са 10 000 одраслих Американаца
of 10,000 American adults,
we are more polarized,
поларизованији и подељенији
на компромис,
not listening to each other.
чак и ко ће нам бити пријатељи
who our friends are going to be,
we're not listening to each other.
between talking and listening,
између причања и слушања,
we lost that balance.
either have in your hands
заиста брзо да их зграбите.
grab them really quickly.
пошаље преко сто порука дневно,
send more than a hundred texts a day.
are more likely to text their friends
ће вероватније послати поруку пријатељима
to them face to face.
named Paul Barnwell.
под именом Пол Барнвел.
пројекат комуникације.
a communication project.
о одређеној теми без коришћења белешки.
on a specific subject without using notes.
that conversational competence
вођења разговора
most overlooked skill we fail to teach.
којој нисмо успели да научимо људе.“
with ideas and each other through screens,
и ангажујући се путем екрана,
комуникационе вештине.
communications skills.
but we have to ask ourselves:
али морамо да се запитамо
било која вештина из 21. века
coherent, confident conversation?"
повезаног, поверљивог разговора.
тако што причам са људима:
возачима камиона,
са људима који ми се не свиђају.
I talk to people that I don't like.
deeply on a personal level.
са којима се лично дубоко не слажем.
a great conversation with them.
сјајне разговоре са њима.
or so teaching you how to talk
научим како да причате
a lot of advice on this,
велики број савета на ову тему,
to discuss in advance,
о којој бисте могли да причате унапред,
that you're paying attention,
да бисте показали да обраћате пажњу,
or summarize it.
или резимирајте.
how to show you're paying attention
како да покажете да обраћате пажњу
same skills as a professional interviewer
као особа која ради интервјуе
how to interview people,
како да интервјуишете људе,
learn how to be better conversationalists.
да научите како да боље водите разговор,
without getting bored,
without offending anybody.
Сви знамо како то изгледа.
We know what it's like.
укључено и инспирисано,
walk away feeling engaged and inspired,
like you've made a real connection
can't be like that.
I'm going to walk you through all of them,
и доведете га до савршенства,
one of them and master it,
више ствари одједном.
just set down your cell phone
мобилног телефона,
или било чега што вам је у рукама.
or whatever is in your hand.
you had with your boss.
you're going to have for dinner.
да разговарате, учините то,
of the conversation,
and half out of it.
or argument or pushback or growth,
расправу, негативан одговор или развој,
зашто нема аналитичара у мојој емисији -
why I don't allow pundits on my show:
hate Obama and food stamps and abortion.
бонове за храну и абортус.
и Дика Чејнија.
and Dick Cheney.
assuming that you have something to learn.
нешто што ћете научити.
a setting aside of oneself.
да себе ставите са стране.
setting aside your personal opinion.
и своје лично мишљење.
када осети овакво прихватање,
less and less vulnerable
да прикажу скривена унутрашња места
to open up the inner recesses
something to learn.
нешто што ћете научити.
knows something that you don't."
зна нешто што ви не знате.“
„када “,„где“, „зашто“ или „ како“.
what, when, where, why or how.
you're going to get a simple answer out.
добићете једноставан одговор.
„Да ли сте били престрављени?“,
powerful word in that sentence,
у тој реченици,
„Да, била сам“ или „Не, нисам била.“
"Yes, I was" or "No, I wasn't."
„Да, био сам веома бесан.“
Они су ти који знају.
They're the ones that know.
"What was that like?"
нешто попут: „Како је то било?“
for a moment and think about it,
на тренутак и да размисле о томе,
a much more interesting response.
много интересантнији одговор.
will come into your mind
go out of your mind.
for several minutes
and asks a question
или на које је већ одговорено.
or it's already been answered.
вероватно престао да слуша пре два минута
stopped listening two minutes ago
of this really clever question,
and determined to say that.
a conversation with someone,
када смо срели Хјуа Џекмена у кафићу
that we met Hugh Jackman in a coffee shop.
are going to come to you.
и да их пустите да оду.
say that you don't know.
реците да не знате.
especially on NPR,
на Националном радију,
that they're going on the record,
about what they claim to be an expert in
за која тврде да су стручњаци
your experience with theirs.
своје искуство са њиховим.
about having lost a family member,
када сте изгубили члана породице.
you lost a family member.
they're having at work,
колико мрзите свој посао.
how much you hate your job.
it is not about you.
to prove how amazing you are
да бисте доказали колико сте невероватни
колики је његов IQ, а он је рекао:
what his IQ was, and he said,
about their IQs are losers."
својим IQ-ом су губитници.“
a promotional opportunity.
and it's really boring,
or in conversations with our kids,
или са нашом децом,
различито формулишемо.
over and over.
to come up with in your mind.
What they care about is you.
али је најважнија.
but it is the most important one.
really important people have said
колико је заиста важних људи рекло
the number one most important skill
коју можете да развијете.
you're not learning."
ever listened his way out of a job."
„Нико због слушања није изгубио посао.“
I'm not interested in.
што ме не интересује.
at about 225 word per minute,
око 225 речи по минути,
500 words per minute.
и до 500 речи по минути.
those other 275 words.
од ових 275 речи.
it takes effort and energy
you're not in a conversation.
не разговарате.
barely related sentences
једва повезане реченице
with the intent to understand.
са намером да разуме.
and it's this one: Be brief.
а то је следеће - будите кратки.
short enough to retain interest,
довољно кратак да задржи интересовање,
the subject. -- My Sister]
да покрије тему. - Моја сестра]
basic concept, and it is this one:
на исти основни концепт, а то је -
with a very famous grandfather,
врста ритуала у мом дому.
to talk to my grandparents,
са мојим деком и баком,
my mother would come over to us,
He's a Russian ballet dancer."
Он је руски балетан.“
amazing thing about them.
невероватну ствар у себи.
it's what makes me a better host.
бољим водитељем.
as often as I possibly can,
да будете задивљени.
be prepared to be amazed.
Celeste Headlee - Writer and radio hostCeleste Headlee's years of interview experience give her a unique perspective on what makes for a good conversation.
Why you should listen
Celeste Headlee hosts a daily news/talk show, On Second Thought, on Georgia Public Broadcasting.
Headlee has worked in public radio since 1999, as a reporter, host and correspondent. She was the Midwest Correspondent for NPR before becoming the co-host of the PRI show "The Takeaway.” After that, she guest hosted a number of NPR shows including "Tell Me More,” "Talk of the Nation,” "Weekend All Things Considered” and "Weekend Edition". Headlee also anchored election coverage for PBS World in 2012 and was a regular guest on CNN.
Headlee holds multiple degrees in music and still performs as a professional opera singer. She appears on the album “Classically Blue” from gospel artist Lea Gilmore. She's the granddaughter of composer William Grant Still.
Celeste Headlee | Speaker | TED.com