Tristram Stuart: The global food waste scandal
Tristram Stuart: Tristram Stuart: L'escàndol global del desaprofitament d'aliments
Tristram Stuart sounds the warning bell on global food waste, calling for us to change the systems whereby large quantities of produce and other foods end up in trash heaps. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
i a veure un pagès,
a les fleques, a casa nostra,
estàvem perdent menjar a tort i a dret.
el nostre planeta pot suportar,
que no paren de minvar,
combustible fòssil amb l'objectiu
que aquestes nou galetes
el subministrament global d'aliments,
arreu del món, cada any.
fins i tot abans que surti del camp.
són animals ineficients
i només ens queda aquesta:
N'hem perdut dues més
de persones que passen gana
de les seves botigues,
del qual depèn la gent que passa gana.
ha invertit 16.000 lliures (19.500€)
s'ha reduït a la meitat
del desaprofitament d'aliments,
en menjar una altra vegada.
depèn de la importació
de soja de Sud-Amèrica,
hauríem d'estar fent servir per alimentar-los.
de desfer-se del rebuig,
448 quilograms de diòxid de carboni
És molt millor donar-ho als porcs.
desaprofitament d'aliments.
vaig organitzar per primera vegada el 2009.
una altra vegada a Londres,
la millor cosa que es pot fer amb el menjar
estem destrossant la nostra terra
Moltíssimes gràcies. (Aplaudiments)
Tristram Stuart - Author and ActivistTristram Stuart sounds the warning bell on global food waste, calling for us to change the systems whereby large quantities of produce and other foods end up in trash heaps.
Why you should listen
Western countries waste up to half of their food. This is an injustice Tristram Stuart has dedicated his career to fixing. In his newest book, Waste: Uncovering the Global Food Scandal, Tristram shows how changing the systems that result in food waste could be one of the simplest ways to reduce pressure on the environment.
The winner of the international environmental award The Sophie Prize in 2011, Tristram is the founder of Feeding the 5000, a consciousness raising campaign where 5000 members of the public are given a free lunch using only ingredients that otherwise would have been wasted. Held in Trafalgar Square in 2009 and 2011, the event has also been held internationally.
In addition, Tristram works with a range of NGOs, governments, and private enterprises to tackle the global food waste scandal.
Tristram Stuart | Speaker |