Andreas Ekström: The moral bias behind your search results
Andreas Ekström: El biaix moral dels resultats de cerca
Andreas Ekström describes the power structures of the digital revolution. Full bio
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i parlo amb estudiants
and talk to students,
pregunto el mateix:
of choice for you?
the same three answers.
l'utilitzo per això.
that's why I Google, too.
normalment els hi dic:
and my reply to that is usually,
bones alternatives."
of interesting alternatives."
que aixeca la mà i diu:
her or his hand and say,
the best, unbiased search result."
els millors resultats; els més objectius."
unbiased search result.
resultats; els més objectius.
en la objectivitat
that idea of the unbiased search result
de l'apreci col·lectiu pel Google.
for and appreciation of Google.
filosòficament, impossible.
is almost an impossibility.
del principi bàsic
just a little bit, on a basic principle
i que a vegades oblidem.
that we sometimes seem to forget.
to Google something,
"Busco un fet aïllat?"
"Am I looking for an isolated fact?"
de la molècula de l'aigua?
of a water molecule?
a punt de demostrar
who are this close to proving
among those things.
to these isolated facts.
a aquests fets aïllats.
i busquem, per exemple,
just a little bit and ask something like,
conflicte Israel-Palestina?"
an Israeli-Palestine conflict?"
for a singular fact anymore,
un fet específic,
complicated and delicate.
20 ó 100 fets
or 100 facts to the table
"Yes, these are all true."
gay o no,
gay or straight,
és més important que allò."
to me than that."
a ser interessant,
debatre, a crear la societat.
to argue, to form society.
we need to filter all our facts here,
hem de filtrar els fets aquí,
veïns, pares i fills
and parents and children
i diaris i revistes
and magazines,
al coneixement real,
is a poor help to achieve.
no ens pot ajudar a trobar.
un exemple que demostri
just to show you why it's so hard
al coneixement real i objectiu...
objective knowledge --
queries, search queries.
més o menys.
result, more or less.
ni tan sols apareix el President.
not even the President.
però simplement
to achieve this, but quite simply,
more than anything.
under the picture on each website?
a cada peu de foto?
under the picture?
a sota de la foto?
it's actually her on there.
només hi aparegui ella.
l'arxiu de la imatge,
uploaded to the website.
que han pujat a la web.
Clint Eastwood in the picture.
Clint Eastwood no hi surt a la foto.
a search result like this -- almost.
un resultat com aquest - gairebé.
was the victim of a racist campaign,
va ser víctima d'una campanya racista,
mitjançant els resultats de cerca.
through her search results.
widely over the Internet
estesa per tota la xarxa,
to look like a monkey.
per fer-la semblar un mico.
a tot arreu.
la intenció clara
very, very purposefully,
en els resultats de cerca.
"Michelle Obama" in the caption
"Michelle Obama" a la descripció
as "MichelleObama.jpeg," or the like.
el nom "MichelleObama.jpeg".
per manipular els resultats de cerca.
the search result.
for "Michelle Obama" in 2009,
per Google el 2009
showed up among the first results.
als primers resultats.
de la bellesa de tot això:
every hour, every day.
cada hora, cada dia.
no es va conformar amb això,
for that this time,
and it's a bad search result
un resultat negatiu i racista,
and clean that up manually.
i ho arreglarem."
some code and fix it,"
ho trobi malament.
thinks that was a bad idea.
per a Noruega.
fer volar dos edificis del govern
a couple of government buildings
right now in Oslo, Norway
d'aquí, a Oslo, a Noruega,
to the island of Utøya
un grup de nanos.
van morir aquell dia.
aquest acte terrorista
this act of terror as two steps,
els edificis i assassinar els nanos.
the buildings and he shot those kids.
va disparar als nanos,
he shot those kids,
for the world to Google him.
que el món el googlegés.
igual de bé.
all three steps equally well.
que ho va entendre,
who immediately understood this,
in Stockholm, named Nikke Lindqvist.
d'Estocolm, Nikke Lindqvist.
in social media, on his blog and Facebook.
té un blog i Facebook.
this guy wants right now,
can protest against what he did
amb els resultats de cerca."
in his search results."
a les webs, als blogs.
on your websites, on your blogs.
el seu nom a la descripció,
name in the caption,
the picture file "Breivik.jpeg."
com és la cara d'un terrorista."
the face of the terrorist."
against Michelle Obama,
Anders Behring Breivik va funcionar.
against Anders Behring Breivik worked.
després del 22 de juliol a Suècia
the July 22 events from Sweden,
high up in the search results,
ben amunt als resultats de cerca,
didn't intervene this time.
Google no va intervenir.
manualment aquells resultats.
clean those search results up.
del milió de dòlars és:
between these two happenings here?
aquests dos casos?
what happened to Michelle Obama
de la Michelle Obama,
to Anders Behring Breivik?
and not in the other.
va intervenir en un cas
is an honorable person, that's why,
Behring Breivik és menyspreable.
is a despicable person.
power-player in the world
we don't believe in you.
Vertader, o fals."
You're true, you're false.
sense cap dubte.
that behind every algorithm
darrere d'un algoritme
erradicar amb cap codi.
completely eradicate.
no només a Google,
out not only to Google,
of code around the world.
els vostres prejudicis.
your own personal bias.
we've reached a point in time
hem arribat a un punt
together again, tighter:
that that wonderfully seductive idea
Andreas Ekström - Author and journalistAndreas Ekström describes the power structures of the digital revolution.
Why you should listen
Andreas Ekström is staff writer at Sydsvenskan, a daily morning paper in Malmö, Sweden.
His passion is educating for digital equality, and he has a vision for a world in which we share the wealth -- not only financially, but also in terms of knowledge and power. Andreas is the author of six books, a columnist and a commentator, and he often lectures and leads seminars on the digital revolution.
Andreas Ekström | Speaker |