Andreas Ekström: The moral bias behind your search results
Andreas Ekström: De fordomsfulde søgeresultater
Andreas Ekström describes the power structures of the digital revolution. Full bio
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and talk to students,
på forskellige skoler,
of choice for you?
foretrukne søgemaskine?
the same three answers.
de samme 3 svar.
that's why I Google, too.
og også grunden til jeg Googler.
and my reply to that is usually,
og min respons er som regel,
of interesting alternatives."
her or his hand and say,
i vejret og sige,
the best, unbiased search result."
et fordomsfrit resultat."
unbiased search result.
et fordomsfrit resultat.
that idea of the unbiased search result
ideen om et objektivt resultat
for and appreciation of Google.
påskønnelse af Google.
is almost an impossibility.
rent filosofisk, er nærmest umuligt.
just a little bit, on a basic principle
de basale principper
that we sometimes seem to forget.
to Google something,
"Am I looking for an isolated fact?"
"Er det rene fakta jeg leder efter?"
of a water molecule?
vandmolekule af?
who are this close to proving
tæt på at bevise
among those things.
to these isolated facts.
spørgsmål er.
just a little bit and ask something like,
en smule og spørger,
an Israeli-Palestine conflict?"
mellem Israel og Palæstina?"
for a singular fact anymore,
fakta du leder efter,
complicated and delicate.
og følsom.
or 100 facts to the table
eller 100 fakta
"Yes, these are all true."
"Ja, disse er alle sande."
gay or straight,
homo- eller heteroseksuel
to me than that."
to argue, to form society.
we need to filter all our facts here,
må vi filtrere alle fakta,
and parents and children
forældre og børn
and magazines,
og dagblade,
reel viden,
is a poor help to achieve.
en dårlig hjælp
just to show you why it's so hard
viser hvorfor det er så svært
objective knowledge --
objektiv viden --
queries, search queries.
simple søgninger
det rigtig godt.
result, more or less.
mere eller mindre.
not even the President.
end ikke præsidenten.
to achieve this, but quite simply,
tricks, men helt enkelt,
more than anything.
under the picture on each website?
under the picture?
it's actually her on there.
at hun rent faktisk er motivet.
uploaded to the website.
lagt op på hjemmesiden.
Clint Eastwood in the picture.
det ikke er Clint Eastwood.
a search result like this -- almost.
søgeresultat -- næsten.
was the victim of a racist campaign,
offer for en racistisk kampagne,
through her search results.
gennem søgeresultater.
widely over the Internet
to look like a monkey.
så hun lignede en abe.
very, very purposefully,
meget tydeligt formål,
"Michelle Obama" in the caption
billedets titel
as "MichelleObama.jpeg," or the like.
eller lignende.
the search result.
med søgeresultater.
for "Michelle Obama" in 2009,
"Michelle Obama",
showed up among the first results.
billede op, som et af de første resultater.
every hour, every day.
døgnet rundt hver dag.
for that this time,
nøje i dette tilfælde,
and it's a bad search result
og giver et dårligt resultat
and clean that up manually.
op manuelt.
some code and fix it,"
der fikser det,"
thinks that was a bad idea.
synes det var en dårlig ide.
a couple of government buildings
et par regeringsbygninger i luften
right now in Oslo, Norway
lokation i Oslo, Norge.
to the island of Utøya
this act of terror as two steps,
som to terrorhandlinger,
the buildings and he shot those kids.
udløste bomber og skød disse børn.
he shot those kids,
skød børnene,
for the world to Google him.
afventede at verden Googlede ham.
all three steps equally well.
forberedelserne af alle 3.
who immediately understood this,
dette med det samme,
in Stockholm, named Nikke Lindqvist.
af søgeresultater, Nikke Lindqvist.
in social media, on his blog and Facebook.
på sin blog og på Facebook.
this guy wants right now,
ønsker sig lige nu,
forvrænge det.
can protest against what he did
protestere mod hans handlinger
in his search results."
on your websites, on your blogs.
på Jeres hjemmesider og blogs.
name in the caption,
i billedets titel,
the picture file "Breivik.jpeg."
the face of the terrorist."
er terroristens ansigt."
against Michelle Obama,
mod Michelle Obama,
against Anders Behring Breivik worked.
Anders Behring Breivik fint.
the July 22 events from Sweden,
viste billedsøgninger på ham
high up in the search results,
som noget af det første,
didn't intervene this time.
ingen grund til at gribe ind.
clean those search results up.
søgeresultatet manuelt.
derfor nu,
between these two happenings here?
to kampagner?
what happened to Michelle Obama
der skete for Michelle Obama
to Anders Behring Breivik?
Anders Behring Breivik?
and not in the other.
ind i det ene tilfælde.
is an honorable person, that's why,
hæderlig person. Derfor.
is a despicable person.
er en foragtelig person.
power-player in the world
spiller i verden
we don't believe in you.
du er en løgner.
You're true, you're false.
Du er sand, du er falsk.
that behind every algorithm
enhver algoritme
personlige holdninger
completely eradicate.
nogensinde kan fjerne.
out not only to Google,
ikke kun til Google,
of code around the world.
der har tillid til kode.
your own personal bias.
dine egne fordomme.
er menneskelig
overenstemmelse hermed.
we've reached a point in time
nået til et punkt
together again, tighter:
sammen igen, tættere:
that that wonderfully seductive idea
om at den forførende ide
rene søgeresultater
Andreas Ekström - Author and journalistAndreas Ekström describes the power structures of the digital revolution.
Why you should listen
Andreas Ekström is staff writer at Sydsvenskan, a daily morning paper in Malmö, Sweden.
His passion is educating for digital equality, and he has a vision for a world in which we share the wealth -- not only financially, but also in terms of knowledge and power. Andreas is the author of six books, a columnist and a commentator, and he often lectures and leads seminars on the digital revolution.
Andreas Ekström | Speaker |