Andreas Ekström: The moral bias behind your search results
Andreas Ekström: Moralna pristranost iza vaših rezultata pretrage
Andreas Ekström describes the power structures of the digital revolution. Full bio
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i razgovaram s učenicima,
and talk to students,
of choice for you?
kao svoj pretraživač?
the same three answers.
ista tri odgovora.
that's why I Google, too.
i ja guglam iz istog razloga.
and my reply to that is usually,
i na to obično uzvraćam,
of interesting alternatives."
zanimljivih mogućnosti."
her or his hand and say,
dignuti ruku i reći,
the best, unbiased search result."
dobiti najbolji, nepristran rezultat.
unbiased search result.
nepristran rezultat pretraživanja.
humanističkih znanosti,
that idea of the unbiased search result
rezultata pretraživanja
for and appreciation of Google.
ljubavi i uvažavanja Googlea.
is almost an impossibility.
filozofski gledano, gotovo nemoguće.
just a little bit, on a basic principle
sasvim ukratko, osnovni princip
that we sometimes seem to forget.
koji izgleda ponekad zaboravljamo.
to Google something,
"Am I looking for an isolated fact?"
"Tražim li izdvojenu činjenicu?"
of a water molecule?
who are this close to proving
koja bi bila ovako blizu dokaza
among those things.
vidjeti veliku zavjeru.
to these isolated facts.
ove izdvojene činjenice.
just a little bit and ask something like,
svoje pitanje i upitate nešto poput,
an Israeli-Palestine conflict?"
izraelsko-palestinski sukob?",
for a singular fact anymore,
complicated and delicate.
kompliciranije i osjetljivije.
or 100 facts to the table
20 ili 100 činjenica,
"Yes, these are all true."
"Da, sve su one istinite."
gay or straight,
gej ili strejt,
to me than that."
to argue, to form society.
formirati društvo.
ovdje trebamo filtrirati svoje činjenice,
we need to filter all our facts here,
and parents and children
i roditelja i djece
and magazines,
potkovani pravim znanjem
is a poor help to achieve.
just to show you why it's so hard
tako teško doći do
objective knowledge --
queries, search queries.
upita za pretraživanje.
result, more or less.
not even the President.
čak nema ni predsjednika.
to achieve this, but quite simply,
da bi ovo postigao,
prije svega.
more than anything.
under the picture on each website?
ispod slike na svakoj web stranici?
under the picture?
da je na slici stvarno ona.
it's actually her on there.
uploaded to the website.
prenesene na web stranicu.
Clint Eastwood in the picture.
da na slici nije Clint Eastwood.
a search result like this -- almost.
ovakav rezultat pretrage -- skoro.
was the victim of a racist campaign,
žrtva rasističke kampanje
through her search results.
vrijeđati putem rezultata pretrage.
widely over the Internet
naširoko rasprostranjena Internetom
izobličeno da liči na majmuna.
to look like a monkey.
very, very purposefully,
rezultata pretrage.
"Michelle Obama" in the caption
pišu "Michelle Obama"
as "MichelleObama.jpeg," or the like.
"MichelleObama.jpeg" ili tome slično.
the search result.
for "Michelle Obama" in 2009,
"Michelle Obama" 2009.
showed up among the first results.
pojavljivala se među prvim rezultatima.
se sami proćišćavaju,
every hour, every day.
svakog sata, svakog dana.
for that this time,
nije zadovoljio time,
and it's a bad search result
i to je loš rezultat pretrage
and clean that up manually.
some code and fix it,"
thinks that was a bad idea.
ne misli da je to bila loša ideja.
a couple of government buildings
par vladinih zgrada
upravo nalazimo u Oslu, u Norveškoj
right now in Oslo, Norway
to the island of Utøya
opisali kao dva koraka,
this act of terror as two steps,
the buildings and he shot those kids.
digao u zrak zgrade i ubio tu djecu.
he shot those kids,
ubio tu djecu,
for the world to Google him.
all three steps equally well.
podjednako dobro.
tko je to smjesta shvatio,
who immediately understood this,
in Stockholm, named Nikke Lindqvist.
u Stockholmu, Nikke Lindquist.
društvenim medijima,
in social media, on his blog and Facebook.
this guy wants right now,
momak želi ovoga časa,
civiliziranom svijetu
can protest against what he did
in his search results."
pretraga o njemu."
on your websites, on your blogs.
na svojim web stranicama i blogovima.
name in the caption,
napisati ime terorista,
the picture file "Breivik.jpeg."
nazvati "Breivik.jpeg".
the face of the terrorist."
da je to lice terorista.
protiv Michelle Obama,
against Michelle Obama,
against Anders Behring Breivik worked.
protiv Andersa Breivika je radila.
the July 22 events from Sweden,
22. srpnja u Švedskoj
high up in the search results,
pri vrhu rezultata pretrage,
nije intervenirao.
didn't intervene this time.
clean those search results up.
očistili te rezultate pretrage.
ova dva događanja?
between these two happenings here?
što se dogodilo Michelle Obama
what happened to Michelle Obama
Andersu Behringu Breiviku?
to Anders Behring Breivik?
jednom slučaju, a u drugom nije.
and not in the other.
uvažena osoba, eto zašto,
is an honorable person, that's why,
is a despicable person.
je osoba vrijedna prezira.
power-player in the world
we don't believe in you.
u tebe ne vjerujemo.
Ti si iskren, ti nisi.
You're true, you're false.
da iza svakog algoritma
that behind every algorithm
completely eradicate.
u potpunosti ukloniti.
out not only to Google,
upućena samo Googleu,
of code around the world.
diljem svijeta.
your own personal bias.
osobne pristranosti.
we've reached a point in time
da je došlo vrijeme
together again, tighter:
that that wonderfully seductive idea
da ta prekrasno zavodljiva ideja
Andreas Ekström - Author and journalistAndreas Ekström describes the power structures of the digital revolution.
Why you should listen
Andreas Ekström is staff writer at Sydsvenskan, a daily morning paper in Malmö, Sweden.
His passion is educating for digital equality, and he has a vision for a world in which we share the wealth -- not only financially, but also in terms of knowledge and power. Andreas is the author of six books, a columnist and a commentator, and he often lectures and leads seminars on the digital revolution.
Andreas Ekström | Speaker |