Melinda Gates: Let's put birth control back on the agenda
Melinda Gates: Vraťme kontrolu porodnosti zpět na pořad dne
Melinda French Gates is co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, where she puts into practice the idea that every life has equal value. Full bio
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a totally uncontroversial topic.
nekontroverzním tématem.
it's become incredibly controversial.
nesmírně kontroverzním.
will have sex with one another.
více než miliarda párů.
should be free to decide
by se měli svobodně rozhodnout,
want to conceive a child.
one of these birth control methods
jednu z metod antikoncepce,
who disagree with this idea.
without any hesitation at all.
bez jediného zaváhání.
to plan their own lives
plánovat si svůj vlastní život
and more prosperous families.
a lépe prosperující rodiny.
so broadly accepted in private,
široce přijímaná v soukromém životě,
a lot of opposition in public.
velký odpor.
when we talk about contraception
když mluvíme o antikoncepci,
because it's about sex.
protože jde o sex.
is to control populations.
je kontrola nad populací.
to this core idea that men and women
že muži a ženy
when they want to have a child.
kdy chtějí mít dítě.
almost completely and totally disappeared
téměř úplně a naprosto vytratila
are the people of sub-Saharan Africa
jsou lidé ze subsaharaské Afriky
that use contraception
kteří užívají antikoncepci,
one of the largest states in India.
jeden z největších států v Indii.
was its own country,
samostatnou zemí,
country in the world.
na světě.
antikoncepce -- 29 procent.
country in Africa, 10 percent.
v Africe, 10 procent.
in Africa, Senegal.
v Africe, Senegal.
je asi 12 procent.
kontracepce je zřídka dostupná.
contraceptives are rarely available.
over and over again
zas a znova,
is an injectable.
injekční formě.
and they go about four times a year,
přibližně čtyřikrát do roka,
to get their injection.
tři měsíce.
is they can hide it from their husbands,
Protože je mohou schovat před manželi,
a woman goes into a clinic in Senegal,
kliniky v Senegalu
to go get her injection.
aby dostala svou injekci.
sometimes leaves her children,
někdy opustí své děti,
when it's going to be available again.
across the continent of Africa today.
platný napříč celou Afrikou.
has become a life-and-death crisis.
se stal krizí života a smrti.
who say they don't want to be pregnant
nechtějí být těhotné
100,000 women a year.
100 000 žen ročně.
in the first place,
in that first month of life.
měsíce svého života.
these mothers and these children.
matky a tyto děti.
we got confused by our own conversation.
do vlastního rozhovoru.
životy zachraňovat.
progress on this issue,
někam dostat,
about what our agenda is.
co je naším cílem.
about population control.
the power to save their lives,
možnost zachránit svůj život,
the best possible future.
možnou budoucnost.
in the global health community
better in the future --
as you heard earlier, and pneumonia.
na průjmy a zápal plic.
millions of children a year.
miliony dětí ročně.
small plots of land in Africa --
malé kusy země v Africe --
to feed their children.
a uživit tak své děti.
children are educated around the world.
světě dostalo vzdělání.
and most transformative things we can do
které můžeme udělat,
to birth control methods
and all Americans, at some point,
a všichni Američané.
about what our agenda is,
v tom, co je naším cílem,
waiting to happen
čeká na své uskutečnění
this totally uncontroversial idea.
zcela nekontroverzní myšlenku.
I grew up in a Catholic home.
a practicing Catholic.
and a principal her entire life.
a ředitelkou.
as a young girl how to read.
jako malou holku naučila číst.
for my entire childhood
do katolických škol,
a high priority in the school.
spravedlnost na nejvyšší místo.
Gates Foundation
that I learned in high school.
které jsem se naučila na střední.
to question received teachings.
přijímané učení.
and my peers questioned
děvčata a vrstevníci pochybovali,
talking about contraception
když mluvíme o kontracepci,
we're going to promote promiscuity.
budeme podporovat promiskuitu.
to be asked about contraception --
o opodstatněnou otázku --
na sexuální morálku?
had nothing to do with promiscuity.
nemělo co dělat s promiskuitou.
I wanted to go to college.
Chtěla jsem jít na vysokou.
female computer science graduates
absolventek informatiky
so I went on to business school
pokračovala ve studiích obchodu
female executives at Microsoft.
na vedoucí pozici v Microsoftu.
when I left my parents' home
odcházela z domu svých rodičů,
to start this new job at Microsoft.
a začala pracovat pro Microsoft.
to give me five years of higher education.
aby mi umožnili pět let vyššího vzdělání.
down the porch at home --
this great education,
and have kids right away,
that would make me the very happiest.
mě učiní nejvíc šťastnou.
when I was ready.
až budu připravená.
exactly sure how to be great parents.
úplně jistí v tom, jak být dobrými rodiči.
before we had our second child.
jsme měli druhé dítě.
that we have three children
máme tři děti,
the very most for my children?
they want to do in life.
for the foundation around the world
cestovala kvůli nadaci po světě:
in one called Korogocho --
v jednom s názvem Korogocho --
"standing shoulder to shoulder."
"stát s ramenem u ramene".
that's pictured here.
která je tady na fotce.
about their family life in the slums,
o životě svých rodin ve slumech,
about what they did for birth control.
co dělali jako prevenci početí.
in the red sweater,
v červeném svetru,
two-hour conversation
every good thing to this child
všechno dobré,
every good thing to our children.
všechno dobré.
to provide every good thing.
schopnost poskytnout všechno dobré.
from domestic violence.
broach the subject of contraception,
who lack basic education.
základní vzdělání.
who do have knowledge and do have power
mají ty vědomosti a mají tu moc,
se rodiče po celém světě
to have smaller families.
for a quarter of a millennium,
již po čtvrtinu tisíciletí,
of sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia.
a jižní Asie.
their family size in the mid-1700s.
v polovině 18. století.
this trend spread all across Europe.
trend rozšířil po celé Evropě.
as I learned this history,
překvapilo mě, že se trend šířil
lines but around cultural lines.
ale kulturních vrstev.
made that change as a group.
učinili tu změnu jako skupina.
for their family,
pro svou rodinu,
or whether they were poor.
toward smaller families spread
menších rodin bylo to, že
was driven by an idea --
can exercise conscious control
the ability to affect the future,
ovlivnit budoucnost,
went down every decade
zmenšovala každé desetiletí
until it stabilized.
než se ustálila.
the contraceptives weren't that good.
nebyla antikoncepce tak účinná.
in the 1880s, and it took just 50 years
v letech 1880-90 a trvalo pouhých 50 let,
to stabilize in this country.
velikost rodiny.
the transition started in the 1960s,
nastala v letech 1960-70,
because of modern contraception.
díky moderním metodám kontracepce.
it's important to pause for a moment
je důležité na chvíli zastavit
such a contentious issue.
stala tak sporná záležitost.
plánování rodiny
and coercive policies.
a nátlakovým taktikám.
adopted very specific numeric targets
přijala velmi konkrétní cílové hodnoty
having an IUD placed in their bodies.
nitroděložní tělíska.
really smart in this situation.
velmi chytře.
they got paid six rupees.
šest rupií.
and had the IUD removed for one rupee.
je za jednu rupii odstranit.
were sterilized without their consent.
svého svolení.
the Mississippi appendectomy --
mississipském odstranění slepého střeva --
v 90. letech, byly v Peru
were given anesthesia
without their knowledge.
weren't even needed.
ani nebyly zapotřebí.
wanted to lower their family size.
velikost svých rodin.
again and again,
zas a znovu,
to have smaller families.
have innately different desires.
they will have fewer children.
budou mít méně dětí.
all women get what they want now?
aby dostaly to, co chtějí?
to some century-long struggle,
was coitus interruptus?
přerušovaná soulož?
it doesn't need justification.
to nepotřebuje ospravedlnění.
to bring every good thing to our children
všechno dobré
I met a young businesswoman,
jsem se setkala s mladou podnikatelkou,
out of her home.
would go to the local jeans factory
místní továrny na džíny
and resell them.
she had three children,
měla tři děti
having children after their third one.
she simply said,
jednoduše odpověděla:
my business if I had another child."
nemohla provozovat svůj byznys."
that she was getting out of her business
jejího obchodu
an education to all three of her children.
všechny tři děti.
about her family's future.
byla nesmírně optimistická.
of men and women have gone through.
that they have it exactly right.
more opportunities
více příležitostí
over when they have them.
kdy je budou mít.
on over 180,000 inhabitants since 1963.
180 000 obyvatelích od roku 1963.
pieces of research that's been running.
z nejdéle běžících výzkumů.
were chosen to get contraceptives.
obdrželi antikoncepci.
and access to contraception.
přístup k antikoncepci.
following those villages,
těchto vesničanů jsme zjistili,
quality of life than their neighbors.
jejich sousedé.
to die in childbirth.
že zemřou při porodu.
to die in the first thirty days of life.
prvních třicet dnů života.
things like livestock or land or savings.
jako zvířata, pozemky či úspory.
had more schooling.
více školního vzdělávání.
of effects over millions of families,
více než milionem rodin,
economic development.
ekonomický rozvoj.
economic miracle of the 1980s --
z osmdesátých let --
of economic growth across that region
v této oblasti
towards smaller families.
směrem k menším rodinám.
at the individual family level --
na úrovni jednotlivých rodin --
about what's best for their children.
co je pro jejich děti nejlepší.
and that decision,
regional and national trends.
poté celostátní trend.
are given the opportunity
dána příležitost,
a virtuous cycle of development
ctnostný koloběh vývoje
build a better future.
lepší budoucnost.
have the opportunity
lidé mají možnost
to the full variety of methods.
that women want.
porodnosti, kterou ženy chtějí.
both rich and poor governments alike
bohaté, tak chudé vlády
in this room and globally,
v této místnosti a také globálně
of millions of families
o těch stovkách milionů rodin,
to contraception today
k metodám kontracepce,
their lives if they did have access.
kdyby ten přístup měly.
and the members of her women's group
její ženské skupiny
out amongst themselves and in public,
tak na veřejnosti,
to bring every good thing to our children.
chceme dát našim dětem to nejlepší.
and everything else.
say something to the effect of,
něco v tom smyslu, že:
about the population issue anymore.
naturally all over the world.
po celém světě.
at nine or 10 billion. And that's it."
9 či 10 miliard. A to je všechno."
at the statistics across Africa,
statistiky v Africe,
though, from a different lens.
jinak, z jiného úhlu.
from the ground upwards.
směrem nahoru.
we got ourselves in so much trouble
jsme se dostali do problémů
population numbers over time.
jiné množství populace.
Yes, we need to make the right choices.
Ano, chceme dělat správná rozhodnutí.
at the family level.
na úrovni rodin.
and letting them choose what to do
a necháme je rozhodnout o tom, co chtějí,
that we have seen globally --
které jsme viděli celosvětově --
places in South Asia and Afghanistan.
v Jižní Asii a Afgánistánu.
around the world
po celém světě
lives and empowering women and so on.
záchraně života, dát moc ženám a tak dále.
is going to increase the likelihood
pravděpodobnost, že
that sex is absolutely sacred.
zcela posvátný.
and it's sacred in the United States,
a je posvátný ve Spojených státech
and so many places around the world.
a v mnoha místech po celém světě.
in my country who are sexually experienced
které mají zkušenost se sexem,
doesn't make sex any less sacred.
nečiní sex o nic méně posvátným.
to make choices about their lives.
rozhodovat se o svých životech.
the sacredness of the family
by saving their lives.
ty životy zachráníme.
doing to promote this issue?
aby tento problém dostala do povědomí?
and people listening on the web --
co poslouchají na internetu --
join the conversation.
zapojte se do rozhovoru.
Join the conversation.
Zapojte se do rozhovoru.
has either changed your life
antikoncepce změnila Váš život,
of people saying, "This makes sense.
"Tohle má smysl.
no matter where they live."
ať už žijí kdekoli."
that we're going to do
v Londýně,
a whole host of African nations,
Afrických zemí,
on the global health agenda.
celosvětové péče o zdraví.
from the bottom up with governments
od zdola směrem nahoru,
want the tool, they have it,
když je budou chtít,
lots of options available
their local healthcare worker
of those nuns who taught you at school
jeptišek, co vás učily na škole,
this TED Talk at some point.
or are they cheering you on?
nebo vám budou fandit?
to see the TED Talk
and I plan to send it to them.
jim ho poslat.
were incredibly progressive.
nesmírně pokrokové.
about social justice and service.
rovnosti a službě.
incredibly passionate about this issue
in the developing world.
v rozvojových zemích.
has become very close to heart
and they are so often voiceless.
jsou tak často "bez hlasu."
they should have access.
měli by mít přístup.
what I've learned from them
that I've already done at the foundation.
jsem v nadaci již udělala.
today an amazing group of speakers
úžasnou skupinu řečníku,
I have so many follow-up questions.
spoustu věcí a mám mnoho dalších otázek.
of this work is a journey.
je cesta.
about the journey through energy,
on this platform?"
on these development issues,
na problému rozvojových zemí,
You learn by trying and making mistakes.
Učíte se pokusy a chybováním.
that helps lead to the answer
k odpovědi jiného člověka,
that can help you answer it.
for the panelists from today.
na účastníky diskuze.
all of us on this journey with you.
nás na tuto cestu pozvala.
MG: Great. Thanks, Chris.
MG: Díky, Chrisi.
Melinda Gates - PhilanthropistMelinda French Gates is co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, where she puts into practice the idea that every life has equal value.
Why you should listen
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation works to help all people lead healthy, productive lives. As co-chair, Melinda French Gates helps shape and approve strategies, review results, advocate for foundation issues and set the overall direction. In developing countries, the foundation focuses on improving people's health with vaccines and other life-saving tools and giving them a chance to lift themselves out of hunger and extreme poverty. In the United States, it seeks to dramatically improve education so that all young people have the opportunity to reach their full potential. Based in Seattle, Washington, the foundation is led by CEO Jeff Raikes and co-chair William H. Gates Sr., under the direction of Bill Gates, Melinda Gates and Warren Buffett.
In recent years, Melinda French Gates has become a vocal advocate for access to contraception, advancing the idea that empowering women to decide whether and when to have children can have transformational effects on societies. In 2012, Gates spearheaded the London Summit on Family Planning, with the goal of delivering contraceptives to 120 million women in developing countries by 2020. When asked why she got involved in this issue, Gates said, "We knew that 210 million women were saying they wanted access to the contraceptives we have here in the United States and we weren't providing them because of political controversy in our country. To me, that was just a crime. I kept looking around trying to find the person to get this back on the global stage. I realized I just had to do it."
Melinda Gates | Speaker |