Alyson McGregor: Why medicine often has dangerous side effects for women
Alyson McGregor: Por que a medicina ten con frecuencia efectos secundarios perigosos para as mulleres?
Alyson McGregor studies women's health, especially as it relates to emergency care -- when time-sensitive, life-or-death decisions are made using drugs and treatments mainly tested on men. Full bio
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and the medications they're prescribing
e as medicacións que nos receitan
always been the case for everyone.
foi así para todo o mundo.
over the past century
ao longo do século pasado
half the population?
na metade da poboación?
in a medical emergency.
nunha emerxencia médica.
and stubbed toes,
e dedas esmagadas,
through the door to the ER,
pola porta de Urxencias,
or gender of our patients.
ou no xénero dos nosos doentes.
any differences between men and women.
había diferenzas entre homes e mulleres.
revealed that 80 percent of the drugs
revelou que o 80% dos medicamentos
sobre as mulleres.
side effects on women
os efectos secundarios sobre as mulleres
released to the market?
se retire do mercado?
for a drug to go from an idea
en pasar de ser unha idea
a regulatory approval process,
para a súa aprobación,
to prescribe to you?
o seu médico llo receite?
of dollars of funding
de dólares de financiamento
unacceptable side effects
efectos secundarios inaceptables
after that has gone through?
despois de pasar por todo isto?
used in that laboratory,
empregadas nese laboratorio,
in the animal studies were male animals,
estudos con animais eran machos,
performed almost exclusively on men.
case exclusivamente en homes.
our framework for medical research?
no referente na investigación médica?
popularized in the media,
nos medios de comunicación,
with the sleep aid Ambien.
over 20 years ago,
hai vinte anos,
of prescriptions have been written,
centos de millóns de receitas,
suffer more sleep disorders than men.
máis trastornos de sono que os homes.
recommended cutting the dose in half
recomendou reducir a dose á metade
that women metabolize the drug
metaboliza o medicamento
in their system.
activos no seu organismo.
getting behind the wheel of the car,
e collen o coche,
for motor vehicle accidents.
de ter accidentes de tráfico.
as an emergency physician,
como médica de urxencias,
that I've cared for over the years
atendín ao longo dos anos
and acted upon 20 years ago
en consecuencia hai 20 anos
to be analyzed by gender?
ser analizadas por xénero?
un montón de cousas,
to protect people
de protexer a xente
without informed consent.
sen consentimento informado.
or rules were set into place,
que eran moi necesarias,
to protect women of childbearing age
de protexer as mulleres en idade fértil
medical research studies.
de investigación médica.
happened to the fetus during the study?
ao feto durante o estudo?
at this time actually thought
ao mesmo tempo pensaron
are pretty homogeneous.
dos homes son bastante homoxéneos.
fluctuating levels of hormones
nos niveis de hormonas
they could get if they had only men.
que se recollerían só en homes.
there was a general assumption
había unha asunción xeral
were alike in every way,
eran parecidos en tódolos sentidos,
and sex hormones.
e as hormonas sexuais.
realizábase en homes,
applied to women.
ás mulleres máis tarde.
of women's health?
de saúde das mulleres?
with reproduction:
en sinónimo de reprodución:
to as "bikini medicine."
como “medicina bikini”.
until about the 1980s,
preto da década de 1980,
by the medical community
pola comunidade médica
when they realized that
públicas de saúde, ao decatárense de que
from all medical research studies
estudos de investigación médica
about the unique needs
sobre as necesidades propias
of evidence has come to light
saíron á luz
men and women are in every way.
homes e mulleres, en tódolos sentidos.
a different physiology than normal adults.
distinta dos adultos normais.
specialty of pediatrics came to light.
a especialidade de pediatría.
in order to improve their lives.
para mellorar as súas vidas.
can be said about women.
sobre as mulleres.
with boobs and tubes.
con peitos e trompas de Falopio.
anatomy and physiology
with the same intensity.
coa mesma intensidade.
system, for example.
o sistema cardiovascular.
to try to figure out
completely different heart attacks.
teñen ataques cardíacos diferentes.
for both men and women,
causa de morte en homes e mulleres,
of having a heart attack than men.
no primeiro ano de ter o ataque.
of crushing chest pain --
da esmagadora dor de peito--
teñen dor no peito.
will complain of "just not feeling right,"
vanse queixar só de "non sentirse ben".
chamámoslle a isto, atípico.
women do make up half the population.
as mulleres son a metade da poboación.
to help explain some of these differences?
para axudar a explicar estas diferenzas?
are smaller in women compared to men,
son máis pequenas en mulleres que en homes
develop disease is different
desenvolven a enfermidade é diferente
if someone is at risk for a heart attack,
se alguén poder ter un ataque ao corazón,
and tested and perfected in men,
probadas e perfeccionadas en homes,
at determining that in women.
para determinalo nas mulleres.
about the medications --
como a aspirina.
that we use, like aspirin.
prevent them from having a heart attack,
para axudalos a previr o infarto,
give aspirin to a healthy woman,
aspirina a unha muller sa
is a fast-paced business.
avanza moi rápido.
para a supervivencia,
men and women that we could be utilizing?
homes e mulleres que poderiamos utilizar?
get those runny noses
que ten máis mocos no nariz
to those stubbed toes
aliviar a dor das dedas esmagadas
every cell has a sex.
cada célula ten un sexo.
presents themselves in society.
se presenta a si mesmo en sociedade.
transgendered population.
coa poboación transxénero.
that from the moment of conception,
dende o momento da concepción,
the chromosomes that determine
os cromosomas que determinan
male or female, man or woman.
home ou muller.
chromosomes pictured here --
representados aquí
would be born with ovaries or testes,
con ovarios ou testículos,
that those organs produced
eses órganos producían
we see in the opposite sex.
que vemos no sexo oposto.
that theory was wrong --
esa teoría estaba equivocada
from the Whitehead Institute,
do Whitehead Institute,
that those sex-determining chromosomes
eses cromosomas determinantes do sexo
for our entire lives
toda a nosa vida
for the differences we see
das diferenzas que vemos
between men and women
entre homes e mulleres
and severity of diseases.
gravidade das enfermidades.
é un punto de inflexión,
that continue to find that evidence,
continúen ata atopar esa proba,
to start translating this data
empezar a aplicar esa información
of a national organization
cofundei unha organización nacional
Women's Health Collaborative,
Saúde Colaborativa de Mulleres,
so that it's available for teaching
dispoñible para o ensino
the medical educators to the table.
se apunten os formadores médicos.
has been done since its inception.
a formación médica desde as orixes.
of incorporating the gender lens
de incorporar as lentes de xénero
health care providers correctly.
da asistencia médica de forma correcta.
the Department of Emergency Medicine
no Departamento de Medicina de Urxencias
in Emergency Medicine,
en Medicina de Urxencias,
the differences between men and women
as diferenzas entre homes e mulleres
and sepsis and substance abuse,
e septicemia e abuso de substancias,
that education is paramount.
que a educación é primordial.
model of education.
for the nurses, for the students
para enfermeiras/os, para estudantes
to the health care leaders.
só aos responsables sanitarios.
para cambiar a situación.
we think about medicine
no que pensamos a medicina
to the health care system.
co sistema sanitario.
non o estabamos facendo ben.
on the wheels of inevitability,
sobre as rodas do inevitable,
towards change is awareness.
é a conciencia.
medical care for women.
os coidados médicos das mulleres.
individualized health care for everyone.
individualizada para todo o mundo.
medical care for men and women.
a atención médica de homes e mulleres.
to ask your doctors
que lle pregunten aos seus médicos
are specific to your sex and gender.
son indicados para o seu sexo e xénero.
and together we can all learn.
e todos xuntos podemos aprender.
and my colleagues in this field,
e os meus colegas neste campo,
Alyson McGregor - Women's health pioneerAlyson McGregor studies women's health, especially as it relates to emergency care -- when time-sensitive, life-or-death decisions are made using drugs and treatments mainly tested on men.
Why you should listen
Alyson J. McGregor MD is co-founder and director for the Sex and Gender in Emergency Medicine (SGEM) Division (formerly Women’s Health in Emergency Care) within the Department of Emergency Medicine at Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University.
Her group's aim is to establish research and educational endeavors that promote sex- and gender-specific medicine and women’s health as they relate to emergency care. Dr. McGregor received her medical degree at Boston University School of Medicine and residency training at Brown, where she continues to work as an attending physician at RI Hospital Emergency Department. Dr. McGregor is an Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine and also serves as co-director for the SGEM Fellowship and co-founder of the national organization Sex and Gender Women’s Health Collaborative.
Alyson McGregor | Speaker |