Megan Phelps-Roper: I grew up in the Westboro Baptist Church. Here's why I left
Megan Phelps-Roper: Odrasla sam u baptističkoj crkvi Westboro. Zbog ovog sam otišla
A former member of Westboro Baptist Church, Megan Phelps-Roper is now a writer and educator on topics related to extremism, bullying and empathy in dialogue. Full bio
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chubby-cheeked five-year-old
petogodišnjakinja bucmastih obraza
on the picket line for the first time.
pred ogradama.
da lutke ostavim u kombiju.
my dolls in the minivan.
in the heavy Kansas humidity,
na teškoj vlazi Kansasa
kojeg još nisam znala pročitati:
a sign that I couldn't read yet:
a daily occurrence
Westborovske baptističke crkve,
of Westboro Baptist Church,
ograda po cijeloj zemlji.
on picket lines across the country.
moć angažiranja drugih.
of engaging the other.
epska duhovna borba dobra i zla.
spiritual battle between good and evil.
i njeni članovi,
u borbi sa svijetom,
at odds with the world,
pojačavalo našu različitost.
our otherness on a daily basis.
between the unclean and the clean,"
do vojnih sprovoda,
s neonskim prosvjednim plakatima u rukama
with neon protest signs in hand
koliku su zapravo "nečisti"
how "unclean" they were
they were headed for damnation.
in a world that sits in Satan's lap.
u svijetu koji sjedi na krilu vraga.
cijelim srcem,
with all my heart,
s posebnim žarom.
with a special sort of zeal.
I encountered on the platform
na koje sam tamo naišla
baš kao što sam očekivala.
vrištećih horda ljudi
of the screaming hordes
još odmalena.
since I was a kid.
s uobičajenim bijesom i prezirom,
with the usual rage and scorn,
biblijskih stihova, referenci na pop kulturu
of Bible verses, pop culture references
confused and caught off guard,
outrageous conclusions about the world?
nečuvenih zaključaka o svijetu?
even bled into real life.
prebacio i u stvarni svijet.
to the picket line to see me
koji se zvao "Jewlicious"
no prijateljskih online rasprava
of heated but friendly arguments online,
at a picket in New Orleans.
u New Orleansu.
from Jerusalem, where he lives,
iz Jeruzalema, gdje živi,
košer čokoladu
"Bog mrzi Židove."
o našim stajalištima,
about our positions,
i neprijatelja postala je jako nejasna.
was becoming blurred.
as human beings,
kao ljude,
na koji smo razgovarali.
we spoke to one another.
u mene usadili sjeme sumnje.
planted seeds of doubt in me.
to understand Westboro's doctrines,
pokušali su shvatiti Westborovsku doktrinu
koja dotad nisam uočila.
I'd missed my entire life.
the death penalty for gays
smrtnu kaznu za gejeve
bez grijeha, neka baci prvi kamen?"
without sin cast the first stone?"
da će ga Bog uništiti?
praying for God to destroy them?
by these strangers on the internet
ti neznanci na internetu pokazali
kojim sam ih smatrala.
the demons I'd been led to believe.
the ultimate arbiters of divine truth
najviši suci božanske istine,
protestiranja na sprovodima
of protesting funerals
povjerenja u moju crkvu
of trust in my church,
više nisam mogla ostati.
impossible for me to stay.
I left Westboro in 2012.
napustila sam Westboro u 2012.
was almost paralyzing.
bio je paralizirajuć.
od osuđivanja svoje obitelji,
from the judgement of my family,
neće pričati sa mnom --
speak to me again --
had meant everything to me.
najviše značila.
I'd rejected for so long --
kojeg sam tako dugo odbacivala --
da mi daju drugu šansu
to give me a second chance
jer je bila posvuda na internetu --
because it was all over the internet --
and hundreds of interviews,
i stotine intervjua,
do "The Howard Stern Show-a" --
to "The Howard Stern Show" --
primilo otvorenih ruku.
with open arms anyway.
za svo zlo koje sam načinila,
for the harm I'd caused,
could never undo any of it.
to nikada neće moći poništiti.
nov život
to repair some of the damage.
sumnjati u iskrenost,
to doubt my sincerity,
preuranjenih zaključaka.
jer smo našle svjetlo i put naprijed
the light and a way forward
koje su nam tako dugo bile mete.
we'd targeted for so long.
u Židovskoj zajednici u Los Angelesu.
a Jewish community in Los Angeles.
hasidskog rabina, njegove žene,
of a Hasidic rabbi and his wife
three years earlier
prosvjedovala tri godine ranije
"Your rabbi is a whore."
about theology and Judaism and life
Židovstvu i životu
u njihovoj košer kuhinji
in their kosher kitchen
kao prema obitelji.
koje sam tada imala --
I had during that time --
to let go of the harsh judgments
napustiti okrutne osude
o svakoj osobi koju sam vidjela.
about nearly every person I saw.
of my mind lately,
u javnim raspravama
in our public discourse
koji su vladali mojom crkvom.
that ruled my former church.
more than at any other time in memory,
više nego ikad,
slobodu, dostojanstvo, prosperitet --
freedom, dignity, prosperity --
I walked away from four years ago.
koji sam napustila prije četiri godine.
na drugi logor.
at the other camp.
as out-of-touch liberal elites
zastarjele liberalne elite
bez ljudskosti.
and understanding for the other side,
i razumijevanje za drugu stranu,
tko zaslužuje više empatije.
who deserves more empathy.
the flaws in our positions
mane u našim stajalištima
naših protivnika.
when they dare to question the party line.
kad se usude sumnjati u stranku.
sniping, deepening polarization,
produbljujuću polarizaciju,
we can do something about this.
napraviti u vezi toga.
to people we disagree with.
ljude s kojima se ne slažemo.
do svojih stajališta.
came to their positions.
da je naša prava strana,
that ours is the right side,
extending empathy and compassion
empatiju i samilost
prezir i neljubaznost.
hostility and contempt.
is so tempting,
primamljiv je,
zbog ljudi na koje sam naišla na Twitteru,
by those people I encountered on Twitter,
koji su postali moji dragi prijatelji.
who became my beloved friends.
suosjećajnim i darežljivim dečkom,
understanding and generous guy,
about the way I responded to him.
u odgovoru koji sam mu napisala.
over the past few years
zadnjih par godina
koje su drukčije napravili
they did differently
postao moguć.
ali moćna,
ih upotrijebila u teškim razgovorima.
in difficult conversations today.
were aggressive and offensive,
bile agresivne i uvredljive,
da radim pravu stvar.
I was doing the right thing.
odmah nam ne dopušta
almost instantly cuts us off
zašto osoba radi i vjeruje u nešto.
why someone does and believes as they do.
koja su oblikovala njegov um,
that shaped their mind,
valu ljutnje,
on that first wave of anger,
šanse za nastavak.
ever moving beyond it.
ili neutralnu namjeru,
okvir za dijalog.
framework for dialogue.
across ideological divides,
duž ideoloških podjela,
pomaže nam naći
helps us map the disconnect
we can't present effective arguments
ne možemo dati efikasne argumente
the other side is actually coming from
druga strana dolazi
to point out flaws in our positions.
istaknuti mane u našim stajalištima.
serves another purpose;
ima i drugu svrhu;
da ih čujemo.
that they're being heard.
prestali okrivljavati
stopped accusing
počela raditi istu stvar.
imala gdje pričati,
to ask them questions
da njima postavljam pitanja
the dynamic of our conversation.
dinamiku našeg razgovora.
vježba i strpljenje,
how my manner of speaking affected others.
o utjecaju mog načina govorenja na druge.
opravdava moju nepristojnost --
justified my rudeness --
uvrede, prekidi --
insults, interruptions --
pretjerano produktivna.
is ultimately counterproductive.
is natural in stressful situations,
prirodno je u stresnim situacijama,
prema razočaravajućem, eksplozivnom kraju.
to an unsatisfactory, explosive end.
just an anonymous Twitter acquaintance,
tek anoniman poznanik sa Twittera,
postajale teške i prodorne,
became hard and pointed,
ili preporučio knjigu
from the conversation.
kako bi se vratili na istu razinu.
to bring us back to an even keel.
komunikacija čini manje civilnima,
communication makes us less civil,
conversations have over in-person ones.
razgovori imaju pred onima vođenima uživo.
čije ideje smatramo frustrirajućima.
whose ideas we find so frustrating.
možemo se zaustaviti, disati,
we can pause, breathe,
jakih uvjerenja je
of having strong beliefs
ili bi trebala biti,
is or should be obvious and self-evident,
svoja stajališta
have to defend our positions
koji to ne shvaća --
it's their problem --
s Twittera dragi,
svoje argumente,
made their arguments,
na različit način.
to see the world in a different way.
našeg odgoja,
naša iskustva.
to spontaneously change their own minds.
da spontano promijene mišljenje.
their beliefs or their principles --
napustili svoja vjerovanja i principe --
infinitely justifiable offense
opravdan napad
ublaženim ljubaznošću i humorom.
tempered with kindness and humor.
of outrage, disdain and violence.
bijesa, prezira i nasilja.
the time or the energy or the patience
vrijeme, energiju ili strpljenje
s kim se ne slažemo
available to all of us.
that we can do hard things,
učiniti teške stvari,
već i za nas i našu budućnost.
but for us and our future.
and intractable conflict
a few weeks before I left Westboro,
no što sam napustila Westboro,
da ostanem s obitelji.
I could stay with my family.
with every pulse of my heart
svakim otkucajem srca
petogodišnjakinja bucmastih obraza,
that chubby-cheeked five-year-old,
koji ne može pročitati.
holding a sign I couldn't read.
nego vjerujem u Boga i starije od sebe.
but to trust God and my elders.
the bigger picture --
by that most basic fact,
samo ta osnovna činjenica
s darežljivošću i suosjećanjem.
with generosity and compassion.
contributes to the communities
koje činimo.
that we make up.
begins with one person
počinje s jednom osobom
tim destruktivnim, zavodljivim impulsima.
these destructive, seductive impulses.
that it's going to start with us.
da će početi s nama.
Megan Phelps-Roper - Writer, activistA former member of Westboro Baptist Church, Megan Phelps-Roper is now a writer and educator on topics related to extremism, bullying and empathy in dialogue.
Why you should listen
Megan Phelps-Roper was raised in the Westboro Baptist Church, the Topeka, Kansas church known internationally for its daily public protests against members of the LGBT community, Jews, the military and countless others. As a child, teenager and early 20-something, she participated in the picketing almost daily and pioneered the use of social media in the church. Dialogue with "enemies" online proved instrumental in her deradicalization, and she left the church and her entire way of life in November 2012. Since then she has become an advocate for people and ideas she was taught to despise -- especially the value of empathy in dialogue with people across ideological lines. She speaks widely, engaging audiences in schools, universities, faith groups, and law enforcement anti-extremism workshops. Her forthcoming memoir will be published by Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
Megan Phelps-Roper | Speaker |