António Guterres: Refugees have the right to be protected
António Guterres: A menekülteknek joguk van a védelemre
António Guterres is at the forefront of advocating for refugee rights around the world. Full bio
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és migráns érkezett Európába
and migrants arrived in Europe
but also from Afghanistan
de Afganisztánból
of two different kinds:
és — a határon álló kerítéseket.
and the long-term perspective.
vizsgálnánk a kérdést.
spiked so fast in the last six months?
ilyen gyorsan az utóbbi fél évben?
what triggered this huge increase
növekedést jórészt
into Europe from Africa, from Asia,
ázsiai menekültek száma,
we had this massive increase
rohamos növekedést tapasztaltunk
és egy közvetlen kiváltó okot.
in relation to Syrians,
clear for people.
to go back home,
at the end of the tunnel.
countries have been deteriorating.
a Világbankkal együtt:
are living very badly.
nagyon rosszul élnek.
what they have suffered,
körülmények között élnek.
very dramatic conditions.
was when all of a sudden,
hogy hirtelen
for lack of resources,
forráshiány miatt 30%-kal
to the Syrian refugees.
a szíriaiak élelmiszer-támogatását.
on international support,
segélyektől függnek,
is abandoning us."
in large numbers
enough to do it,
many people is it's not only sudden,
a hirtelenség lepett meg sokakat,
happening for five years.
and villages and towns around Syria.
táborokban, falvakban és városokban.
about the situation
of a breakdown of Libya, for example,
teljesen készületlenül érték.
you don't want to recognize the reality.
elismerni a valóságot.
the capacity to make them.
the spike occurred,
mikor a roham bekövetkezett,
a mechanism to manage the situation.
szolgáló mechanizmust kialakítani.
is 550 million people,
per every 2,000 Europeans.
2000 európaira jut 1 menekült.
per three Lebanese.
of course, but it's managing.
that could have been managed
kezelni a történteket,
important thing,
a legfontosabbat,
addressing the root causes,
together in solidarity
szolidárisan összefogni,
reception capacity of entry points?
kellő fogadó-kapacitást hozzon létre?
points need to be massively supported,
jelentős mértékben kell támogatnunk,
with security checks
meg kell szűrni az érkezőket,
into all European countries,
az összes európai ország között,
of each country.
the relocation program
programot nézzük,
always too little too late,
mindig túl keveset és túl későn,
to receive four thousand.
if it is managed,
the pressure is at the point of entry,
a belépési pontokon a nyomás,
in this chaotic way through the Balkans,
kaotikus módon kelnek át a Balkánon,
Sweden, basically, and Austria.
Svédországba és Ausztriába.
in the end, receiving the refugees.
végül is a menekülteket.
without doing much.
three questions,
in Europe right now,
is not much, but realistically,
that has no answer,
the right to be protected.
joguk van a védelemre.
as international law,
"I take 10,000 and that's finished."
hogy "10 ezret befogadok és kész."
I remember one minister saying,
egy török miniszter azt mondta:
up to 100,000 people."
tud majd befogadni."
three-hundred thousand
if you count all refugees.
how many we can take.
hogy hányat fogadhatunk.
how we can we organize ourselves
hogyan szervezhetjük meg magunkat,
because there is no solidarity
az európai projektet illetően
there are many other areas.
hanem más területeket is.
in which we need more Europe
több Európára van szükség
in European institutions,
bíznak az európai intézményekben,
to convince the public
to solve these problems.
több Európa kell.
shifts, particularly domestically.
kérdéssé válnak.
and over in many countries:
and in Switzerland and elsewhere,
Svájcban és másutt,
because of the numbers,
radikálisan változik,
in absolute numbers.
nem túl szignifikánsan.
opening the news every single day,
ha bekapcsolja a híradót,
were of hundreds
is taking care of it --
hogy senki nem törődik velük,
kind of management.
"They are coming to my village."
"Az én falumba jönnek."
that Europe was being invaded
felfogás, hogy elözönlik Európát,
and everything will --
és minden majd...
had been properly managed,
rendesen irányították volna,
screened at point of entry,
hajlékkal és kellő szűréssel,
to different European countries,
őket Európa-szerte,
a lot of people scared,
to do the job properly.
rendesen elvégezni ezt a munkát.
management of the situation
of people all over Europe,
elosztják a menekülteket,
the percentage that I mentioned:
properly managed
and of course if you have a village --
Lebanon has been living with that.
Libanon így él.
to happen in Europe,
more refugees than inhabitants.
mint helyi lakos.
to do the job properly,
rendesen végezze el a munkát,
to receive people
were forced to do in the past.
is kénytelenek voltak.
situation not only at Europe --
a világon, nemcsak Európában...
so, not only at Europe,
a világon, nemcsak Európában,
a long list of countries
in the other part --
who's doing the right thing?
amely helyesen cselekszik?
of the refugees in the world
countries like Ethiopia --
more than 600,000 refugees.
that every refugee should be received.
welcoming of refugees coming,
jó szívvel fogadják a menekülteket,
for borders to be open.
a nyitott határok elvét követik.
with the Syrian situation,
into also a major security crisis,
were open for, at the time,
sokáig nyitott volt,
the trend in the developing world
is for these questions to become
in the public opinion,
protections on one side
misinterpreted -- on the other side.
az utóbbit szerintem félremagyarázzák.
of funding and the vouchers
Világprogram utalványainak
of the organizations
and more support,
close to the levels of last year.
már közel jutottunk.
rosszabb volt a helyzet.
to address the needs of the people
szükségleteinek kielégítéséhez,
of the criteria, the objectives,
hogy mit tekintsünk elsődlegesnek
cooperation that is required.
are middle-income countries.
nemzeti jövedelme közepes.
or grants from the World Bank.
hitelhez vagy adományhoz.
mert ezek az országok
a global public good.
közjavakat nyújtanak.
of stability in the region,
of our collective security.
are not a first priority
in very dramatic circumstances
sanyarú körülmények között élnek
themselves are suffering,
at today's situation
their poor groups of the population,
because of the crisis they are facing.
organizations, the European Union?
Nemzetközi szervezetek? Az EU?
cooperation is essential.
a kétoldalú együttműködés.
cooperation is essential.
a sokoldalú együttműködés.
institutions should have flexibility
rugalmasaknak kell lenniük,
more massively
and to understand that today,
és meg kell értenünk,
at a certain moment,
to make a distinction
and development aid
about children in school,
that is overcrowded.
that require a long-term perspective,
igénylő ügyekről van szó,
humanitarian aid perspective.
gyorssegély távlatáról.
by the current front-runner
az USA jelenleg vezető
for US President, Donald Trump.
Donald Trump tett.
and complete shutdown
és mindenestül le kell állítani
can figure out what's going on."
hogy mi zajlik az országban."
around the world
saying, for instance,
nem kell befogadni.
should not be received.
that by doing or saying this,
ha így tesznek vagy beszélnek,
the security of their countries.
to Muslim refugees,"
menekültek előtt,"
is the best possible help
of terrorist organizations.
by all the Muslims in your own country,
összes muzulmánja hallja,
for the recruitment
through technology,
and all those other groups
az al-Káida és más csoportok
"You are right, we are against you."
"Igazuk van, maguk ellen vagyunk."
in societies that are all multiethnic,
in which, really,
of these terrorist organizations
people for terror acts
beszervező propaganda,
of sentences are expressed.
and the reactions to them
a minapi párizsi támadás
for many people the first reaction
az első reakciójuk
attacks is: close all borders --
le kell zárni a határokat.
problem in Europe is largely homegrown.
problémája jórészt hazai eredetű.
of European fighters in Syria and in Iraq,
Szíriában és Irakban,
by just not allowing Syrians to come in.
ha nem engedjük be a szíriaiakat.
by the person who has blown --
aki fölrobbantotta...
of Daesh is against refugees,
a menekültek ellen is irányul,
that should be with the caliphate
akiknek a kalifátusban a helyük,
strategy to make Europe react,
hogy Európa úgy reagáljon,
a muzulmán menekültek előtt,
towards Muslims inside Europe,
az európai muzulmánokkal,
it was not the refugee movement
hogy nem a menekülthullám
is today a homegrown movement
that we are facing,
fennálló helyzet tükrében,
to prove these groups wrong,
ha fogadjuk és hatékonyan beillesztjük
from that part of the world.
is that to a large extent,
nagy szerepet játszik,
modellek kudarca,
in the '70s, in the '80s,
a 60-as, 70-es és 80-as években,
that took place at that time
in many of the people, for instance,
that are not adequately provided
ahol kívánnivalót hagy maga után
sometimes even anger,
of integration policies,
intézkedések kudarca okozza,
a much stronger investment
beruházni az olyan feltételekbe,
to live together and respect each other.
és kölcsönös tiszteletét szolgálják.
will be multiethnic, multicultural,
minden társadalom soknemzetiségű,
in my opinion, impossible.
that they will be like that,
for that to work properly,
of your own societies.
failed in that investment
jórészt elmulasztotta
from your job at the end of the year,
for the first time, what do you see?
mit lát?
one million people go back home
1 millió fő biztonságos
because conflicts had ended.
mert a viszály véget ért.
displaced by conflict in the world.
38 millió fő élt hazájától távol.
of new conflicts
Democratic Republic of Congo.
a Kongói Demokratikus Köztársaság.
is much more dangerous than it was.
több a veszély, mint hajdanán.
of the international community
and to timely solve them,
than what it was 10 years ago.
power relations in the world,
működőképes mechanizmus,
helyzetben élünk, ahol
tend to prevail, and that means
és a kiszámíthatatlanság,
szenvedést, azoknak,
displaced by conflicts.
the Oval Office for the last time,
on the desk for his successor
hagy az asztalán az utódjának,
to your successor, Filippo Grandi,
utódjának, Filippo Grandinak,
I would write any message.
when one leaves an office
amikor az ember leköszön,
a kocsit vezetni,
mit kell tennie.
and do your best."
és tedd a legjobbat."
for the job you do.
a végzett munkáját.
António Guterres - Designate Secretary-General of the United NationsAntónio Guterres is at the forefront of advocating for refugee rights around the world.
Why you should listen
A former Portuguese prime minister, António Guterres was elected by the UN General Assembly to become the 10th United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in June 2005. In October 2016 the United Nations Security Council announced he would be the next United Nations Secretary General, succeeding the retiring Ban Ki-moon.
As High Commissioner, he heads one of the world's foremost humanitarian organizations. UNHCR has twice won the Nobel Peace Prize. Its over 9,300 staff members work in 123 countries providing protection and assistance to nearly 55 million refugees, returnees, internally displaced people and stateless persons. Some 88 percent of UNHCR staff work in the field, often in difficult and dangerous duty stations.
Before joining UNHCR, Guterres spent more than 20 years in government and public service. He served as Portuguese prime minister from 1995 to 2002, during which time he was heavily involved in the international effort to resolve the crisis in East Timor. As president of the European Council in early 2000, he led the adoption of the so-called Lisbon Agenda and co-chaired the first European Union-Africa summit. He also founded the Portuguese Refugee Council in 1991 and was part of the Council of State of Portugal from 1991 to 2002.
From 1981 to 1983, Guterres was a member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, as well as chairman of the Committee on Demography, Migration and Refugees. In addition, he has been active in Socialist International, a worldwide organization of social democratic political parties. He was the group's vice-president from 1992 to 1999 and president from 1999 until mid-2005.
Guterres was born on April 30, 1949, in Lisbon and educated at the Instituto Superior Técnico, where he remains a visiting professor. He is married and has two children.
António Guterres | Speaker |