António Guterres: Refugees have the right to be protected
안토니오 구테레스 (António Guterres): 난민은 보호받을 권리가 있습니다
António Guterres is at the forefront of advocating for refugee rights around the world. Full bio
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TED에 와주셔서 감사합니다.
thank you for coming to TED.
거의 100만명의 난민이
and migrants arrived in Europe
but also from Afghanistan
of two different kinds:
막아야 한다는 쪽이었는데요.
and the long-term perspective.
살펴보고 싶습니다.
spiked so fast in the last six months?
급격히 증가한 이유는 무엇일까요?
what triggered this huge increase
증가의 도화선이 된 것은
into Europe from Africa, from Asia,
들어오는 사람들은 증가하고 있었지만
we had this massive increase
급격히 증가하기 시작한 게
세 가지 이유가 있습니다.
하나의 결정적 계기입니다.
in relation to Syrians,
clear for people.
to go back home,
희망이 보이지 않는 겁니다.
at the end of the tunnel.
countries have been deteriorating.
악화되고 있다는 것입니다.
같이 연구를 진행했는데
학교에 다니고 있고,
are living very badly.
살고 있음을 의미합니다.
what they have suffered,
very dramatic conditions.
was when all of a sudden,
갑자기 줄어든 것이
for lack of resources,
to the Syrian refugees.
30%나 감축시켜야 했어요.
on international support,
의지하는 상황이었는데
is abandoning us."
"세계가 우리를 버리는구나."
in large numbers
enough to do it,
many people is it's not only sudden,
그런 일이 갑자기 일어났기 때문만이 아니라
아니었기 때문이라고 보는데요.
happening for five years.
and villages and towns around Syria.
수백만의 난민들이 있어요.
about the situation
상황을 경고하신 바 있죠.
of a breakdown of Libya, for example,
되지 않은 것으로 보이는데요.
나뉘었기 때문일 겁니다.
you don't want to recognize the reality.
실체를 파악하려 하지 않았고
the capacity to make them.
없기 때문이겠죠.
the spike occurred,
a mechanism to manage the situation.
방법을 마련할 수 없었죠.
is 550 million people,
per every 2,000 Europeans.
per three Lebanese.
of course, but it's managing.
계속 통제를 하고 있어요.
that could have been managed
통제할 수 있었다면
important thing,
addressing the root causes,
together in solidarity
reception capacity of entry points?
갖추고자 했다면 어땠을까요?
points need to be massively supported,
대한 집중적인 지원이 필요하죠.
with security checks
철저히 해야 할테고요.
into all European countries,
of each country.
the relocation program
always too little too late,
항상 조금씩 뒤쳐집니다.
것도 다 조금씩 늦어요.
to receive four thousand.
받아들일 것으로 예상됩니다.
if it is managed,
완벽히 할 수 있었겠죠.
the pressure is at the point of entry,
있는 국가의 부담이 크다는 겁니다.
in this chaotic way through the Balkans,
혼돈스런 여정을 거쳐서
Sweden, basically, and Austria.
오스트리아에 도착합니다.
in the end, receiving the refugees.
받아들이고 있는 거죠.
without doing much.
three questions,
드릴까 하는데요.
in Europe right now,
품고 있는 질문일 겁니다.
is not much, but realistically,
별거 아니라고 하셨는데
얼마나 받아들일 수 있나요?
that has no answer,
the right to be protected.
as international law,
"I take 10,000 and that's finished."
라고 말 할 수는 없죠.
I remember one minister saying,
이렇게 말했었습니다.
up to 100,000 people."
수용할 수 있을 것이다."
three-hundred thousand
정도의 피난민이 있어요.
if you count all refugees.
how many we can take.
말하는 것은 옳지 않아요.
how we can we organize ourselves
우리는 국제적인 책임을 이행하기 위해
because there is no solidarity
there are many other areas.
다른 분야도 마찬가지예요.
in which we need more Europe
더 많은 유럽 국가들의
in European institutions,
신뢰를 점점 잃어가면서
to convince the public
더 많은 유럽적 참여가 필요하다는 걸
to solve these problems.
shifts, particularly domestically.
영향을 미치는 시기에 있는 것 같아요.
and over in many countries:
and in Switzerland and elsewhere,
다른 국가들에서도요.
because of the numbers,
in absolute numbers.
그리 대단하지 않은데도요.
opening the news every single day,
were of hundreds
is taking care of it --
해결하고 있지 않다는 겁니다.
kind of management.
"They are coming to my village."
"우리 마을로 오겠구나."한 겁니다.
that Europe was being invaded
우리의 생활방식과 모든 것이
and everything will --
존재하게 된 거죠.
had been properly managed,
screened at point of entry,
살 곳을 제공받고
to different European countries,
a lot of people scared,
무서워하고 있습니다.
to do the job properly.
못했기 때문에요.
난민이 1000명인 마을도 있는데
management of the situation
of people all over Europe,
the percentage that I mentioned:
properly managed
and of course if you have a village --
레바논에는 레바논인보다
Lebanon has been living with that.
to happen in Europe,
주민보다 더 많은 난민들을
more refugees than inhabitants.
to do the job properly,
일을 제대로 해내고
to receive people
난민들을 받을 준비를
were forced to do in the past.
situation not only at Europe --
국제적인 상황을 본다면
so, not only at Europe,
국제적인 상황을 보면
a long list of countries
in the other part --
다른 부분입니다.
who's doing the right thing?
of the refugees in the world
countries like Ethiopia --
more than 600,000 refugees.
난민을 수용했습니다.
that every refugee should be received.
정책을 가지고 있습니다.
welcoming of refugees coming,
난민들을 매우 환영합니다.
for borders to be open.
보여주었다고 할 수 있어요.
with the Syrian situation,
중대한 안보 위기로 발전되어서
into also a major security crisis,
were open for, at the time,
6백만 명의 난민들이 유입되었던 당시에
the trend in the developing world
개발도상국의 국경은 개방되어있는
is for these questions to become
점점 더 복잡해지는
in the public opinion,
protections on one side
여론이 나뉠 때 특히 그렇습니다.
misinterpreted -- on the other side.
제가 보기엔 오해같지만요.
of funding and the vouchers
자금과 쿠폰이 줄어드는 것에 대해
of the organizations
노력하는 기구들의 전반적인 자금부족을
and more support,
지원을 받고 계신가요
close to the levels of last year.
올라오고 있다고 말할 수 있겠네요.
to address the needs of the people
그 사람들을 지원하는 국가들의
of the criteria, the objectives,
개발 협력을 위한 우선순위에 대한
cooperation that is required.
are middle-income countries.
중산층 국가들입니다.
or grants from the World Bank.
받을 수 없습니다.
a global public good.
제공하고 있으니까요.
of stability in the region,
현재 직면하고 있는 문제들 속에서
of our collective security.
첫번째 방어선입니다.
are not a first priority
아니라는 것은
in very dramatic circumstances
극적인 환경에서
themselves are suffering,
at today's situation
their poor groups of the population,
현재 직면한 위기때문에
because of the crisis they are facing.
명확하게 드러납니다.
해줘야 하는 건가요?
organizations, the European Union?
아니면 EU가요?
cooperation is essential.
cooperation is essential.
institutions should have flexibility
이런 국가들에 대한 지원의 일환으로
more massively
융통성을 가져야 한다는 것도 명백합니다.
and to understand that today,
at a certain moment,
어느 시점에선 더 이상
to make a distinction
발전을 위한 지원이나 발전의 과정을
and development aid
about children in school,
문제이기 때문입니다.
that is overcrowded.
that require a long-term perspective,
개발적 관점에
humanitarian aid perspective.
해주는 관점만이 아니라요.
있었던 것에 대해
by the current front-runner
for US President, Donald Trump.
and complete shutdown
상황을 파악할 때까지
can figure out what's going on."
그런 게 아니에요.
around the world
정치적 책임을 가진 몇몇 사람들이
saying, for instance,
안 된다와 같은 말을
should not be received.
that by doing or saying this,
the security of their countries.
생각하고 있기 때문입니다.
to Muslim refugees,"
말을 하는 것은
is the best possible help
of terrorist organizations.
by all the Muslims in your own country,
모든 무슬림이 듣게 될 것이고
for the recruitment
through technology,
알카에다와 그 외의 집단들이
and all those other groups
기술을 이용해 침투하고 있는
닦아주게 될 겁니다.
"You are right, we are against you."
"맞아, 우리는 너희 적이야."
in societies that are all multiethnic,
in which, really,
of these terrorist organizations
people for terror acts
of sentences are expressed.
조성해주고 있습니다.
and the reactions to them
그에 대한 반응이
더 힘들게 만들었나요?
for many people the first reaction
attacks is: close all borders --
국경을 폐쇄하라는 것입니다.
problem in Europe is largely homegrown.
생겨난다는 걸 모르고 말이죠.
of European fighters in Syria and in Iraq,
유럽인 투사들이 있습니다.
by just not allowing Syrians to come in.
해결되는 문제가 아닌거죠.
by the person who has blown --
of Daesh is against refugees,
반난민적인 것이기 때문입니다.
that should be with the caliphate
운동가에게로 모여들어야 하는
strategy to make Europe react,
작업을 수월하게 만드려고
towards Muslims inside Europe,
반감을 갖게 만드려는
it was not the refugee movement
촉발시킨 게 아니라고
is today a homegrown movement
우리가 직면한 국제적인 상황과 관련해
that we are facing,
움직임이라고 생각합니다.
to prove these groups wrong,
그 쪽 세계에서 오는 사람들을
from that part of the world.
증명해주는 것입니다.
is that to a large extent,
in the '70s, in the '80s,
이민자 유입에 관련하여
that took place at that time
인한 것이라고 생각합니다.
in many of the people, for instance,
이런 상황을 초래했죠.
that are not adequately provided
sometimes even anger,
of integration policies,
실패로 인한 것입니다.
a much stronger investment
환경을 만들어주는 데
to live together and respect each other.
실패로 인한 것이죠.
will be multiethnic, multicultural,
인종과 문화와 종교가
in my opinion, impossible.
that they will be like that,
이렇게 된다는 건 좋은 일입니다.
for that to work properly,
여러분이 살고 있는 사회의
of your own societies.
알고 있습니다.
failed in that investment
이런 투자를 하는 걸
from your job at the end of the year,
올해 말에 10년만에 맡으신 자리에서
for the first time, what do you see?
되돌아보면 무엇이 보이시나요?
one million people go back home
백만명의 사람들이 안전하게,
because conflicts had ended.
집에 돌아갈 수 있도록 돕고 있었어요.
도움을 주었습니다.
displaced by conflict in the world.
전 세계에 3천8백만 명이 있었어요.
of new conflicts
Democratic Republic of Congo.
콩고공화국에 있는 분쟁들이죠.
is much more dangerous than it was.
위험하다는 것은 자명합니다.
of the international community
and to timely solve them,
than what it was 10 years ago.
power relations in the world,
세계적인 통치 수단도 없습니다.
tend to prevail, and that means
우리가 살고 있다는 거죠.
고통받는다는 걸 뜻합니다.
displaced by conflicts.
the Oval Office for the last time,
on the desk for his successor
후임자를 위해 손으로 쓴 쪽지를
전통이 있습니다.
to your successor, Filippo Grandi,
그런 쪽지를 남겨놓으실 수 있다면
I would write any message.
안 남길 거 같아요.
when one leaves an office
가장 끔찍한 일 중 하나는
되려고 하는 겁니다.
이래라저래라 하는 거죠.
and do your best."
일 겁니다.
for the job you do.
하시는 일에 감사드립니다.
António Guterres - Designate Secretary-General of the United NationsAntónio Guterres is at the forefront of advocating for refugee rights around the world.
Why you should listen
A former Portuguese prime minister, António Guterres was elected by the UN General Assembly to become the 10th United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in June 2005. In October 2016 the United Nations Security Council announced he would be the next United Nations Secretary General, succeeding the retiring Ban Ki-moon.
As High Commissioner, he heads one of the world's foremost humanitarian organizations. UNHCR has twice won the Nobel Peace Prize. Its over 9,300 staff members work in 123 countries providing protection and assistance to nearly 55 million refugees, returnees, internally displaced people and stateless persons. Some 88 percent of UNHCR staff work in the field, often in difficult and dangerous duty stations.
Before joining UNHCR, Guterres spent more than 20 years in government and public service. He served as Portuguese prime minister from 1995 to 2002, during which time he was heavily involved in the international effort to resolve the crisis in East Timor. As president of the European Council in early 2000, he led the adoption of the so-called Lisbon Agenda and co-chaired the first European Union-Africa summit. He also founded the Portuguese Refugee Council in 1991 and was part of the Council of State of Portugal from 1991 to 2002.
From 1981 to 1983, Guterres was a member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, as well as chairman of the Committee on Demography, Migration and Refugees. In addition, he has been active in Socialist International, a worldwide organization of social democratic political parties. He was the group's vice-president from 1992 to 1999 and president from 1999 until mid-2005.
Guterres was born on April 30, 1949, in Lisbon and educated at the Instituto Superior Técnico, where he remains a visiting professor. He is married and has two children.
António Guterres | Speaker |