Margaret Heffernan: Forget the pecking order at work
Margaret Heffernan: Mengapa penting untuk melupakan hierarki dalam dunia kerja
The former CEO of five businesses, Margaret Heffernan explores the all-too-human thought patterns -- like conflict avoidance and selective blindness -- that lead organizations and managers astray. Full bio
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at Purdue University
di Purdue University
that concerns all of us --
dengan kita semua --
because you just count the eggs.
karena Anda tinggal hitung telurnya.
his chickens more productive,
ayamnya lebih produktif,
yang cantik.
he selected just an average flock,
ia memilih ayam dari kawanan rata-rata.
selama 6 generasi.
most productive chickens --
kawanan super,
only the most productive for breeding.
yang paling produktif untuk dibiakkan.
was doing just fine.
baik-baik saja.
had increased dramatically.
secara dramatis.
had only achieved their success
hanya dapat mencapai sukses
of the rest.
talking about this and telling this story
berbicara dan menceritakan kisah ini
and companies,
dan perusahaan,
the relevance almost instantly,
relevansi kisah ini,
things to me like,
mengatakan hal berikut,
itulah perusahaan saya."
we have to get ahead is to compete:
cara untuk maju adalah lewat kompetisi:
get into the right job, get to the top,
pekerjaan yang tepat, mencapai puncak,
very inspiring.
benar-benar menginspirasi saya.
because invention is a joy,
penemuan adalah hal yang menyenangkan,
brilliant, creative people
orang-orang kreatif dan brilian
by pecking orders or by superchickens
hierarki atau ayam super
and some societies
dan perhimpunan
by picking the superstars,
diraih dengan memilih bintang,
or occasionally women, in the room,
atau kadang kala wanita,
and all the power.
sumber daya dan kekuasaan.
as in William Muir's experiment:
dengan eksperimen William Muir;
can be successful
paling produktif untuk sukses
the productivity of the rest,
produktivitas orang-orang lainnya,
a better way to work
mencari cara kerja baru yang lebih baik
and more productive than others?
a team at MIT took to research.
oleh sebuah tim di MIT.
ratusan sukarelawan,
gave them very hard problems to solve.
dan memberi mereka soal yang sangat sulit.
what you'd expect,
tepat seperti perkiraan Anda,
more successful than others,
dari kelompok yang lain,
was that the high-achieving groups
bahwa kelompok yang nilainya tinggi
one or two people
the ones that had the highest
juga bukan yang mempunyai
the really successful teams.
mempunyai 3 ciri.
of social sensitivity to each other.
sosial yang tinggi antara satu sama lain.
the Reading the Mind in the Eyes Test.
'Membaca Pikiran Lewat Tatapan'.
a test for empathy,
diperuntukkan sebagai tes empati,
gave roughly equal time to each other,
yang sama antara satu sama lain,
yang cuma mengandalkan kawan.
typically score more highly on
cenderung lebih tinggi pada
on the empathy quotient?
a more diverse perspective?
perspektif yang lebih beragam?
thing about this experiment
yang menarik adalah eksperimen ini
some groups do better than others,
beberapa tim lebih sukses dari yang lain.
to each other.
in the real world?
between people really counts,
antara individu sangat penting,
attuned and sensitive to each other,
dan sensitif antara satu sama lain,
They don't waste energy down dead ends.
energi di jalan yang buntu.
most successful engineering firms,
teknik paling sukses di dunia,
the equestrian center
membangun pusat penunggang kuda
really highly strung thoroughbred horses
penerbangan jarak jauh,
not feeling their finest.
dan kondisi yang kurang sehat.
the engineer confronted was,
yang harus ditampung?
in engineering school -- (Laughter) --
you want to get wrong,
yang boleh salah,
talking to vets, doing the research,
mewawancarai dokter hewan berbulan-bulan,
the Jockey Club in New York.
Jockey Club di New York.
kurang dari satu hari.
the culture of helpfulness
to successful teams,
tim yang sukses,
individual intelligence.
kepandaian individual.
have to know everything,
tidak perlu tahu semuanya,
who are good at getting and giving help.
yang pandai mencari dan meminta tolong.
any question in 17 minutes.
menjawab pertanyaan apapun dalam 17 menit.
high-tech company I've worked with
that this is a technology issue,
ini masalah teknologi,
is people getting to know each other.
adalah orang-orang yang saling mengenal.
it'll just happen normally,
pikir hal itu dapat terjadi secara normal,
my first software company,
software pertama saya,
but not much else,
namun tidak ada hal lain,
creative people that I'd hired
cerdas dan kreatif yang saya rekrut
on their own individual work,
pada pekerjaan individual mereka,
who they were sitting next to,
siapa yang duduk di sebelah mereka,
that we stop working
untuk menyetop pekerjaan
to know each other
untuk mengenal satu sama lain
momentum yang riil.
and now I visit companies
sekarang saya mengunjungi
gelas kopi ada di atas meja
around the coffee machines
berkumpul di sekitar mesin pembuat kopi
a special term for this.
sebutan khusus untuk ini.
more than a coffee break.
lebih dari sekedar coffee break.
di dalam kampus sehingga karyawan
on campus so that people
the whole business that way.
bisnis mereka dengan cara itu.
that when the going gets tough,
ketika pekerjaan mereka terasa berat,
that really matters,
yang betul-betul berguna,
dukungan sosial,
mereka bisa meminta tolong pada siapa.
only people do.
namun orang-orangnya punya.
they develop between each other.
yang mereka bangun satu sama lain.
called social capital.
yang disebut modal sosial.
and interdependency that builds trust.
ketergantungan yang membangun kepercayaan.
who were studying communities
yang mempelajari tentang komunitas
in times of stress.
dihadapkan pada tekanan.
gives companies momentum,
memberikan momentum pada perusahaan,
is what makes companies robust.
dari kuatnya suatu perusahaan.
compounds with time.
seiring berjalannya waktu.
get better, because it takes time
akan lebih baik, karena butuh waktu
for real candor and openness.
bisa saling terus terang dan terbuka.
suggested to one company
pada suatu perusahaan
to talk to each other,
satu sama lain,
went up 10 percent.
bahkan ketika Anda menggunakannya.
and it's no charter for slackers,
dan bukan juga alasan untuk malas,
tend to be kind of scratchy,
biasanya mudah jengkel,
to think for themselves
berpikir sendiri
because candor is safe.
aman untuk bersikap terus terang.
turn into great ideas,
bisa menjadi ide hebat,
yang lahir sempurna.
as a child is born,
seperti seorang anak dilahirkan,
but full of possibilities.
tapi penuh dengan potensial.
contribution, faith and challenge
kepercayaan, dan tantangan lah
to talking about this,
membicarakan hal ini,
in this way.
dengan cara ini.
tentang bintang.
well, if we start working this way,
kalau kita mulai bekerja seperti ini,
ada bintang lagi?
of Dramatic Art in London.
sungguh mengagetkan saya,
for individual pyrotechnics.
kejeniusan akting individual.
between the students,
terjadi antara murid,
to producers of hit albums,
lots of superstars in music.
bintang di bidang musik.
who enjoy the long careers,
menikmati karir panjang,
is how they found the best
dari orang lain-lah,
dalam diri mereka."
that are renowned
yang terkenal
di sana sangat berarti.
karir saya sendiri,
I've had the privilege to work with,
yang pernah bekerja sama dengan saya,
we could give each other
kita dapat saling memberi
to be superchickens.
menjadi ayam super.
(Tepuk tangan)
truly how social work is,
menghargai bagaimana gotong royong itu,
has routinely pitted
bakat seringkali mengadu domba
by social capital.
dengan modal kapital.
to motivate people with money,
memotivasi manusia dengan uang,
a vast amount of research that shows
yang membuktikan bahwa
motivate each other.
membiarkan orang saling memotivasi.
were heroic soloists who were expected,
pemimpin adalah seorang pahlawan tunggal,
to solve complex problems.
menyelesaikan masalah kompleks.
conditions are created
di mana kondisi harus diciptakan
courageous thinking together.
sehebat mungkin bersama.
for the phasing out of CFCs,
CFC dihapuskan secara bertahap,
in the hole in the ozone layer,
lubang di lapisan ozon,
could be found.
apakah ada penggantinya.
adopted three key principles.
tersebut memiliki 3 prinsip utama.
Frank Maslen, said,
Frank Maslen, berkata
pun di dalam tim ini.
perspektif yang valid.
satu standar:
Geoff Tudhope,
pimpinannya, Geoff Tudhope,
how disruptive power can be.
bisa sangat mengganggu.
tidak melakukan apa-apa.
that they honored their principles.
memegang teguh prinsip mereka.
companies tackling this hard problem,
perusahaan yang menangani masalah ini,
environmental agreement
yang paling berhasil
if we expect it to be solved
masalah kita apabila kita berharap
manusia-manusia super.
that everybody has value
bahwa setiap orang punya nilai
and imagination and momentum we need
imajinasi, dan momentum yang kita butuhkan
lebih dari apapun.
Margaret Heffernan - Management thinkerThe former CEO of five businesses, Margaret Heffernan explores the all-too-human thought patterns -- like conflict avoidance and selective blindness -- that lead organizations and managers astray.
Why you should listen
How do organizations think? In her book Willful Blindness, Margaret Heffernan examines why businesses and the people who run them often ignore the obvious -- with consequences as dire as the global financial crisis and Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster.
Heffernan began her career in television production, building a track record at the BBC before going on to run the film and television producer trade association IPPA. In the US, Heffernan became a serial entrepreneur and CEO in the wild early days of web business. She now blogs for the Huffington Post and Her latest book, Beyond Measure, a TED Books original, explores the small steps companies can make that lead to big changes in their culture.
Margaret Heffernan | Speaker |