Hannah Fry: The mathematics of love
Hannah Fry: Meilės matematika
Hannah Fry researches the trends in our civilization and ways we can forecast its future. Full bio
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about the mathematics of love.
apie meilės matematiką.
are famously excellent at finding love.
įgūdžiais susirasti meilę.
because of our dashing personalities,
asmenybės bruožų,
and excellent pencil cases.
ir nuostabių penalų.
an awful lot of work into the maths
atlikome žiauriai daug skaičiavimų
on the subject, which is entitled,
mokslinis straipsnis šia tema vadinasi
(Laughter) --
his chances of finding love.
savo šansus atrasti meilę.
is somebody who lives near him,
kuri gyvena šalia jo,
kad sutars puikiai,
to find him attractive.
bus taip pat patrauklus.
of 26 women in the whole of the UK.
tokių yra viso 26-ios moterys.
is it Peter?
than the best estimates
mūsų geriausias įvertis,
extraterrestrial life forms there are.
a 1 in 285,000 chance
kad yra 1 iš 285 000 tikimybė
of these special ladies
that's why mathematicians
going on nights out anymore.
eiti į vakarones.
to such a pessimistic view.
pesimistiniam požiūriui.
just as well as all of you do,
and rational and easily predictable.
sudėliotos, racionalios ir nuspėjamos.
that it can offer us
mums nieko pasiūlyti,
is full of patterns
yra kupina dėsningumų
all about the study of patterns.
yra apie dėsningumų studijavimą.
to the fluctuations in the stock market,
iki akcijų rinkos svyravimų,
or the growth of cities.
iki miestų augimo.
none of those things
and easily predictable, either.
ar lengvai nuspėjami.
is so powerful that it has the potential
yra tokia galinga, kad turi potencialą
at almost anything.
į beveik viską.
kaip meilė.
and relevant mathematics is,
puiki ir svarbi matematika yra,
mathematically verifiable tips for love.
patikrintais patarimais apie meilę.
internetinių pažinčių portalus.
website is OkCupid,
yra OKCupid,
kad buvo sukurtas grupės matematikų.
by a group of mathematicians.
for almost a decade.
to search for patterns
interact with each other
seriously interesting findings.
rimtai įdomių dalykų.
that on an online dating website,
patraukliai atrodytumėt
does not dictate how popular you are,
koks populiarus būsite.
think that you're ugly
didesnį pranašumą,
kad jūs negražūs.
section of OkCupid,
nors, laimei, neprivaloma
how attractive you think people are
jums žmogus atrodo
the average score,
šio rezultato vidurkį
selection of people receive,
žinučių kiekiu,
on an online dating website.
su populiarumu pažinčių portaluose.
have come up with.
OKCupid komanda.
is that it's not totally true
kad kuo patrauklesni esame,
the more messages you get.
– tai nėra visiškai tiesa.
of what is it about people up here
kuo skiriasi žmonės čia,
than people down here,
nei žmonės štai čia,
same score of attractiveness?
patrauklumo balą?
straightforward looks that are important.
paprasčiausiai jūsų išvaizda.
findings with an example.
atradimus pavyzdžiu.
Portia de Rossi, for example,
kaip pavyzdį,
is a very beautiful woman.
yra graži moteris.
but she's not a supermodel, either.
bet ji taip pat nėra supermodelis.
to someone like Sarah Jessica Parker,
su kuo nors kaip Sarah Jessica Parker,
myself included, I should say,
is seriously fabulous
yra tikrai pasakiška
most beautiful creatures
on the face of the Earth.
i.e., most of the Internet,
didžioji dalis Interneto,
a bit like a horse. (Laughter)
how attractive they thought
paklaustumėt kokio patrauklumo
arba Portia de Rossi
or Portia de Rossi were,
them a score between 1 and 5,
skalėje nuo 1 iki 5,
to have roughly the same score.
gautų panašų balą.
would be very different.
all be clustered around the 4
that she's very beautiful,
nuomonės visiškai išsiskiria.
completely divides opinion.
būtent tas pasiskirstymas.
that makes you more popular
tave populiaresniu
think that you're attractive,
kad jūs patrauklus
think that you're a massive minger.
kad jūs visiškas baisuolis.
than everybody just thinking
negu jei visi galvotų
makes a bit more sense
kurie jums siunčia tas žinutes.
who are sending these messages.
kad kažkas yra patrauklus,
somebody's attractive,
won't necessarily be that interested.
nebūtinai bus susidomėję.
less competition for you
mažiau konkurencijos
for you to get in touch.
motyvacijos susisiekti.
to if you think somebody is attractive
kad kažkas yra patrauklus,
is going to think they're attractive.
šis žmogus atrodys patrauklus.
humiliating yourself, let's be honest?
tam, kad nusiviltumėt?
interesting part comes.
that they use on an online dating website,
pažinčių portalams,
will find unattractive.
pasirodytų nepatrauklūs.
who are, perhaps, a little bit overweight
su šiek tiek antsvorio,
a very cropped photo,
apkarpytas nuotraukas,
where they're wearing hats.
kuriose dėvi kepures.
of what you should do
viską atvirkščiai,
whatever it is that makes you different,
kas padaro jus kitokiu
will find it unattractive.
tai gali pasirodyti nepatrauklu.
are just going to fancy you anyway,
jūs patiksite vienaip ar kitaip.
well, they only play up to your advantage.
na jie tik jums padeda.
kaip pasirinkti idealų partnerį.
How to pick the perfect partner.
that you're a roaring success
of how do you then convert that success
kaip jums tą sėkmę paversti
and in particular,
when is the right time to settle down?
kada tinkamas laikas susitupėti?
it's not advisable to just cash in
who comes along
pasitaikiusiu žmogumi,
want to leave it too long
laukti per ilgai
chance of long-term happiness.
šansus turėti ilgalaikę laimę.
Jane Austen, puts it,
Jane Austen sakė:
inspire affection again."
ką nors jausti arba įžiebti meilę.
What do you know about love?
is the right time to settle down
that you can date in your lifetime?
daug žmonių gali draugauti?
of mathematics that we can use
kuris mums padės.
optimal stopping theory.
by the time that you're 35.
susituokti kai jums 35.
date across your lifetime,
susitikinėti per savo gyvenimą
levels of goodness.
you cash in and get married,
what you could have had,
ką galėjote turėti.
and change your mind.
ir pakeisti savo sprendimo.
much like being recalled
būti prisimenamiems
for somebody else, or that's just me.
dėl kito, na o gal čia tik mano nuomonė.
that what you should do
kad jūs būtent tai ir darykite
of your dating window,
as serious marriage potential.
rimtus vedybų kandidatus.
next person that comes along
that you've seen before.
nei kada regėjot.
mathematically proven, in fact,
bus matematiškai įrodyta,
of finding the perfect partner.
idealų partnerį.
this method does come with some risks.
kad šitas metodas turi savų pavojų.
your perfect partner appeared
kad jūsų ideali pora pasirodys
you'd have to reject them.
you've seen before,
rejecting everyone and die alone.
ir taip mirsite vienišas.
nibbling at your remains.
kurios kramsnos jūsų palaikius.
let's imagine, instead,
in your first 37 percent
boring, terrible people.
neįdomūs, baisūs žmonės.
you're in your rejection phase,
nes vis dar esate atstūmimo stadijoje,
you can reject them.
person to come along
dull and terrible
neįdomus, baisus
I'm afraid you have to marry them
taisyklėmis, privalėsite susituokti
which is, frankly, suboptimal.
nuoširdžiai tariant, neoptimalūs.
an opportunity here
kad čia slypi ir galimybė
and really cater for this market.
pasipelnyti kuriant tokiai rinkai.
are marginally less terrible
mažiau baisus
of people I dated."
su kuriais susitikinėjau.“
than I normally manage.
nei man paprastai pavyksta.
you a 100 percent success rate,
neatneš 100% sekmės,
strategy that can do any better.
geresnių rezultatų nėra.
there are certain types
ten yra tam tikrų žuvų,
employ this exact strategy.
pagal tokią strategiją.
suitor that turns up
of the mating season,
per poravimosi sezoną,
that comes along after that window
pasitaikiusią po tų 37%,
didesnė ar riebesnė
that they've seen before.
humans, we do sort of do this anyway.
ir dabar daro, tik pasamoniškam lygyje.
to play the field,
kol esam jauni,
or whatever when we're young.
kas yra rinkoje, ar panašiai.
at potential marriage candidates
dvidešimtmetyje pradedame
if ever it were needed,
jeigu jo kada prireiktų,
to be just a little bit mathematical.
nustatytos būti šiek tiek matematiškos.
kaip išvengti skyrybų.
that you picked your perfect partner
savo idealų partnerį
a lifelong relationship with them.
would ideally like to avoid divorce,
visi vengtų skyrybų,
Piers Morgan's wife, maybe?
Piers Morgan žmona?
pasekmė yra ta,
States ends in divorce,
JAV baigiasi skyrybomis,
not being far behind.
visame pasaulyje.
that precede a marital breakup
for mathematical investigation.
or what you should be quantifying.
ar apskaičiuoti.
John Gottman, who did exactly that.
John Gottman, kuris būtent tai ir padarė.
having a conversation
everything you can think of.
apie ką tik galite pagalvoti.
in the conversation,
or not the wife was actually always right,
buvo iš tiesų visada teisi,
most important predictors
is going to get divorced
partner was being in the conversation.
kalbant buvo pozityvus arba negatyvus.
riziką išsiskirti
on Gottman's scale than negative.
pozityvumo, nei negatyvumo taškų.
going to get divorced,
kurie greičiausiai nutrūks,
into a spiral of negativity.
ridenosi negatyvumo kalnu.
was going to get divorced
with a mathematician, James Murray,
su matematiku James Murray
and how they occur.
kalnus ir kaip jie susikuria.
impressively simple and interesting.
paprasti ir įdomūs.
the wife or husband is going to respond
vyras arba žmona reaguos
they're going to be.
negatyviai jie bendraus.
when they're on their own,
kai yra tiesiog su savimi,
they're with their partner,
kai jie su savo partneriu,
influence one another.
daro vienas kitam įtaką.
to point out at this stage,
have also been shown
countries in an arms race.
per ginklavimosi varžybas.
spiraling into negativity
besiridenanti negatyvumo kalnu,
the beginning of a nuclear war.
sulygintina su atominio karo pradžia.
in this equation
kintamasis šioje lygtyje
have on one another,
the negativity threshold.
vadinamas negatyvumo slenksnis.
how annoying the husband can be
really pissed off, and vice versa.
rimtai pykti, ir atvirkščiai.
were about compromise and understanding
susijusi su kompromisais ir supratingumu,
have the space to be themselves.
turėti asmeninę erdvę sau.
the most successful relationships
patys sėkmingiausi santykiai
a really high negativity threshold.
slenksnis yra labai aukštas.
they really were a big deal.
dalykus tik kai jie tikrai daug reiškia.
and subsequent findings by the team
ir vėlesni komandos atradimai
variantas yra teisingas.
or the most successful couples,
negativity threshold.
negatyvumo slenksnį.
let anything go unnoticed
pro akis nepastebėtai
some room to complain.
trying to repair their own relationship,
bando savo santykius sutvarkyti
outlook on their marriage.
pozityvesnį požiūrį į savo santuoką.
end up being a really big deal.
dalykams tapti dideliu burbulu.
just a low negativity threshold
nei tik žemo negatyvumo slenksčio
have a successful relationship.
tikintis sėkmingų santykių.
mathematical evidence
eiti miegoti pikti,
let the sun go down on your anger.
with love and relationships.
meilėje ir santykiuose.
that aside from their use as tips,
into the power of mathematics.
į matematikos galią.
and symbols aren't just a thing.
ne šiaip dalykas.
about the incredible richness of nature
neapsakomą gamtos turtingumą
and warp and evolve all around us,
sukasi ir rutuliojasi aplink mus,
ir kaip mes elgiamės.
for just a couple of you,
the mathematics of love
matematikai šiek tiek meilės
a little bit more love for mathematics.
meilės matematiką.
Hannah Fry - Complexity theoristHannah Fry researches the trends in our civilization and ways we can forecast its future.
Why you should listen
Hannah Fry completed her PhD in fluid dynamics in early 2011 with an emphasis on how liquid droplets move. Then, after working as an aerodynamicist in the motorsport industry, she began work on an interdisciplinary project in complexity sciences at University College London. Hannah’s current research focusses on discovering new connections between mathematically described systems and human interaction at the largest scale.
Hannah Fry | Speaker | TED.com