Richard St. John: Success is a continuous journey
Ričards St. Džons: Panākumi ir nebeidzams ceļojums
A self-described average guy who found success doing what he loved, Richard St. John spent more than a decade researching the lessons of success -- and distilling them into 8 words, 3 minutes and one successful book. Full bio
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gūst panākumus un tad visu zaudē?
mūsuprāt, panākumi ir vienvirziena ceļš.
atgriežamies savā komforta zonā
kas mūs padarīja veiksmīgus.
es smagi strādāju un piespiedu sevi,
jo iedomājos: „Esmu to paveicis.
es vienmēr centos attīstīties un darīt labus darbus.
Man nevajag kļūt vēl labākam.”
man tīri labi padevās ideju radīšana,
kas noveda pie idejām.
ka esmu baigais brašulis
Tām būtu jānāk pašām no sevis.
es vienmēr pievērsos klientiem un projektiem,
Taču tad sāka gāzties iekšā visa šī nauda,
un nekustamo īpašumu aģentu,
es vienmēr darīju to, kas man patika.
kas man nepatika, piemēram, pārvaldību.
savilkās melns mākonis,
Es zināju, kā to atrisināt.
es varu nopirkt visu, ko vēlos,
kamēr tas nenotika ar mani,
„taču par to var nopirkt Prozac.”
taču tas pats notika ar darbu,
kad bizness nogrima kā akmens.
bija jāatlaiž visi darbinieki.
un mēs bijām bankrota priekšā.
man nebija, ko pārvaldīt.
kas man sagādāja prieku.
es smagi strādāju, un īsi sakot,
atkal noveda pie panākumiem,
izauga lielāks kā jebkad.
šo astoņu principu ievērošanas,
nav vienvirziena ceļš.
Tas drīzāk izskatās šādi.
„panākumu zaudēšanas sindroma”,
Richard St. John - Marketer, success analystA self-described average guy who found success doing what he loved, Richard St. John spent more than a decade researching the lessons of success -- and distilling them into 8 words, 3 minutes and one successful book.
Why you should listen
Richard St. John was on his way to the TED conference when a girl on the plane asked him, "What really leads to success?" Even though he had achieved some success, he couldn't explain how he did it. So he spent the next ten years researching success and asking over 500 extraordinarily successful people in many fields what helped them succeed. After analyzing, sorting, and correlating millions of words of research, and building one of the most organized databases on the subject of success, he discovered "The 8 Traits Successful People Have in Common" and wrote the bestseller 8 To Be Great.
In his books and talks,he shares a wealth of wisdom from the world's most successful people -- knowledge that can help others succeed in their own way, whether it's escaping poverty, building a business, raising a family, or changing the world.
Richard St. John | Speaker |