Jason deCaires Taylor: An underwater art museum, teeming with life
Jason deCaires Taylor: Un muzeu de artă subacvatic, mustind de viaţă
Jason deCaires Taylor's underwater installations offer views of another world, where the artistic efforts of man meet the vivifying power of nature. Full bio
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aici am avut prima expoziţie.
or was at all possible,
sau dacă era posibil,
and a very steep learning curve,
called "The Lost Correspondent."
numită „Corespondentul pierdut”.
and a local dive center,
şi o firmă locală de scufundări,
off the coast of Grenada,
aveam primul parc subacvatic de sculpturi.
underwater sculpture park.
and started by casting local fisherman.
şi am început să modelez pescari locali.
in defense of the sea.
în apărarea mării,
cu peste 500 de statui vii.
is not just for greenhouses.
că nu-i doar pentru sere.
rising 16 feet up to the surface
ridicându-se 5 m deasupra apei,
an underwater botanical garden,
in the Atlantic Ocean.
and designs that help encourage life;
care susţin viaţa:
provides a stable and permanent platform.
oferă o platformă stabilă şi permanentă.
coral polyps to attach.
polipilor de coral să se ataşeze de ea.
from natural reefs
faţă de recifele naturale
there's areas for them to settle.
de care coralii să se ataşeze.
so that they aggregate fish
bancurilor de peşti de multe specii.
has an internal living habitat
are un habitat intern viu,
such as lobsters and sea urchins.
precum crabii şi aricii de mare.
în largul mării?
under a hundred-foot crane,
sub o macara de 100 de metri,
down to the sea floor,
8 tone pe fundul mării,
have taken up watercolor painting instead.
de pictat cu acuarele?
always blow my mind.
incredible exhibition space
pentru o expoziţie
changing by the hour,
care se schimbă oră de oră,
the sculptures in a cloud of mystery,
într-un nor de mister,
şi perindarea vizitatorilor curioşi,
of inquisitive visitors,
special touch to the site.
la faţa locului.
thing about what we do,
al muncii noastre,
submerge the sculptures,
ele nu ne mai aparţin,
ele aparţin mării.
literally starts to evolve,
o lume nouă îşi începe efectiv evoluţia,
but nothing man-made
nu va depăşi vreodată imaginaţia naturii.
par ca nişte vene pe chipuri.
când se hrănesc.
hrănindu-se noaptea.
the bodies feeding at night.
a kind of purple paint.
e cel din adâncuri.
in my life lives underwater.
unduiesc odată cu valurile.
ca şi cum ar fi aer.
glide silently overhead.
we've had to these works
to plug into something really primal,
că am descoperit un lucru primar
translate across the world,
sunt grăitoare lumii întregi.
on my responsibility as an artist
la responsabilitatea mea ca artist
in the middle of the ocean,
în mijlocul oceanului,
really important effect of my work.
cu adevărat important al muncii mele.
şi că oceanele sunt în pericol.
and our oceans are in trouble.
şi mai popularizată imagine
e asta.
sau măcar aşa sper.
are beginning to understand
and the destruction of nature,
şi la distrugerea naturii
about our oceans, too.
we've seen some phenomenal
rezultate fenomenale şi neaşteptate.
of new habitats and living reef,
de habitat nou pentru recife vii,
ai parcului marin din Cancun,
now divide half their time
şi parcul natural de recife,
for natural, overstressed areas.
zonelor oceanice naturale supraaglomerate.
in the Bahamas highlighted a leak
din Bahamas,
de la o rafinărie din apropiere.
forced the local government
a forţat guvernul local
pentru curăţarea zonelor de coastă.
in coastal cleanups.
was instrumental
a zonei, ca fiind zonă marină protejată.
a marine-protected area.
now help fund park rangers
îi ajută azi pe paznici,
cotele de turism şi de pescuit.
as a "Wonder of the World"
ca o „minune a lumii”
că nu ne protejăm destul oceanele.
că nu le considerăm sacre
our oceans as sacred,
or the La Sagrada Família,
places and things,
le înţelegem importanţa.
to cherish them, to protect them
să le protejăm
noi suntem cei care le conferim valoare;
to assign that value;
de cineva care nu le înţelege valoarea.
understand that value.
by talking about sacred things.
vorbind despre lucrurile sacre.
i-am spus muzeu,
important and simple reason:
objects of great value to us,
care au valoare pentru noi,
for them being themselves.
an egg at the Sistine Chapel,
în Capela Sixtină,
to build a seven-star hotel
un hotel de 7 stele
i-am da afară din Arizona.
and overfish our oceans.
şi pescuim în exces din oceane.
so plain and so enormous, as fragile.
e fragil.
too vast, too endless.
prea imens, prea nemărginit.
look past to the horizon.
prin faptul că nu vedem cu adevărat marea,
şi nu-i vedem măreţia,
that we take it for granted.
pentru începutul primăverii
can ride around on Jet Skis
se dau în Jet-schiuri şi în bărci banana.
there's now a little corner of Cancun
acum există în Cancun un colţişor
Cancun sau insulele Bahamas.
these Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
„Patru călăreţi ai apocalipsei”
of the Houses of Parliament,
chiar în faţa Parlamentului,
about climate change
despre schimbarea climatică
the power to help change things.
să schimbe ceva.
the beginning of the mission.
acesta e doar începutul unei misiuni.
educators, biologists,
al oceanelor noastre.
şi chiar dincolo de artă.
că eşti un băiat de 14 ani de la oraş
to the natural history museum
muzeul de istorie a naturii
through a dry-glass viewing tunnel,
all the wildlife of the land
viaţa sălbatică a uscatului
dar profund.
and willpower can lead us?
imaginaţia şi voinţa?
our art into the ocean,
operelor de artă în ocean,
of amazing creativity
de o creativitate debordantă
giving something back,
new environments to thrive,
or maybe it's a really old way
– sau poate vechi – de a privi mările:
care merită protecţia noastră.
Jason deCaires Taylor - SculptorJason deCaires Taylor's underwater installations offer views of another world, where the artistic efforts of man meet the vivifying power of nature.
Why you should listen
Born in 1974 to an English father and Guyanese mother, Taylor grew up in Europe and Asia, where he spent much of his early childhood exploring the coral reefs of Malaysia. Educated in the South East of England, Taylor graduated from the London Institute of Arts in 1998 with a BA Honours in Sculpture and went on to become a fully qualified diving instructor and underwater naturalist. With over 20 years diving experience under his belt, Taylor is also an award winning underwater photographer, famous for his dramatic images, which capture the metamorphosing effects of the ocean on his evolving sculptures.
In 2006, Taylor founded and created the world’s first underwater sculpture park. Situated off the west coast of Grenada in the West Indies, it is now listed as one of the Top 25 Wonders of the World by National Geographic and was instrumental in the creation of a national marine protected area by the local government. In 2009, he co-founded MUSA (Museo Subacuático de Arte), a monumental museum with a collection of over 500 of his sculptural works, submerged off the coast of Cancun, Mexico. Both of these ambitious, permanent public works have a practical, functional aspect, facilitating positive interactions between people and fragile underwater habitats while at the same relieving pressure on natural resources.
Taylor's pioneering public art projects are not only examples of successful marine conservation but also works of art that seek to encourage environmental awareness, instigate social change and lead us to appreciate the breathtaking natural beauty of the underwater world. He is currently based in Lanzarote part of the Canary Islands where he is working on a major new underwater museum for the Atlantic Ocean.
Jason deCaires Taylor | Speaker | TED.com