Isaac Lidsky: What reality are you creating for yourself?
Isaac Lidsky: Ce realitate îți creezi?
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by quickly wagging their tails
mișcându-și cu repeziciune coada
little Dorothy responded,
by wagging their heads."
mișcarea rapidă a capului".
as true as any other.
by wagging their heads.
of fish swimming backwards.
care înoată înapoi.
and faulty leaps of logic.
și salturi greșite ale logicii.
and they are wrong.
iar ceilalți nu.
perfecțiunea irealizabilă.
what we can and cannot do.
frantically wagging their heads
înapoi dând din cap cu frenezie
five facts about myself.
with an honors degree in mathematics.
cu o diplomă în matematică.
a construction company in Orlando.
de construcții în Orlando.
to a rare genetic eye disease.
boli genetice rare de ochi.
to two US Supreme Court justices.
2 judecători de la Curtea Supremă SUA.
only care about the television show.
la serialul TV.
"Saved by the Bell: The New Class."
clasa nouă" pe NBC.
nerdy character on the show,
major acting challenge
with number four, my blindness?
faptul că nu văd?
about so-called disabilities.
cu presupunerile incorecte ale altora
others' incorrect assumptions
despre faptul că nu văd.
about my blindness, however.
to live my life eyes wide open.
cu ochii larg deschiși.
those backwards-swimming fish
care înoată înapoi.
Vederea e adevărul.
my retinas progressively deteriorated.
retina mea s-a deteriorat progresiv.
din ce în ce mai bizară,
of mirrors and illusions.
to spot in a store
să o văd în magazin,
a urinal I was touching, not a sink,
un pisoar și nu o chiuvetă,
adevărata formă.
the photograph in my hand,
fotografia din mână.
the image depicted.
and disappeared in my reality.
și dispăreau în realitatea mea.
transitory images,
in my crumbling kaleidoscope,
meu deteriorat,
personal, virtual reality
de creierul nostru.
constructed by our brain.
la neuroștiință de amator.
of amateur neuroscience.
about 30 percent of your brain.
30% din creier,
eight percent for touch
ochii transmit cortexului
can send your visual cortex
pieces of information.
only an additional billion.
doar un miliard.
of your brain by volume
of your brain's processing resources.
of sight is so compelling.
sight is an illusion.
vederea este o iluzie.
understanding of the world,
opinions, emotions, mental attention.
are linked in your brain to your sight.
în creier de vedere.
în ambele sensuri în subconștient.
and usually occur subconsciously.
ceea ce vezi.
can literally change what you see.
într-un video,
in a video, for example,
la ghepard sau la țestoasă.
told to think about cheetahs or turtles.
if you've just exercised,
dacă ești obosit
at a fundamental contradiction.
a minții tale,
mental construction of your own making,
of the world around you.
a lumii din jurul tău.
and you believe it.
shattered the illusion.
in many other ways.
în alte moduri.
ca necunoscutul
anything is better than the uncertain.
for what you know,
in place of the ambiguous,
în loc de ambiguități,
a great term for it: awfulizing.
cu ceva îngrozitor.
and think critically,
deep inside your mind,
for critical thought
opportunity to take action,
its prophecies fulfill themselves.
cum se îndeplinesc profețiile.
with my blinding disease,
for my independence.
la moarte a independenței mele.
fără nimic remarcabil
an unremarkable life,
dar îl credeam.
but I believed it.
in little Dorothy's mind.
din mintea lui Dorothy.
the reality of my fear,
realitatea fricii mele,
eyes wide open?
about luck and about success.
despre noroc și succes.
înțelege diferența.
and understand the difference.
responsabilitatea totală.
comes complete responsibility.
into terrain uncharted and undefined.
în teritoriu necunoscut.
o viață binecuvântată.
whom we call the Tripskys,
le spunem Tripskys,
to the family,
and write your own fictions?
și-ți scrii propria ficțiune?
creating for yourself?
in your relationships,
în relații,
do you great harm.
and unrealized potential,
oportunități și potențial,
a neîncrederii,
că mai rău decât să fii orb,
worse than being blind
was a profound blessing,
leave the stage, just a question.
of doers, of innovators.
down in Florida,
do you have, and how do you overcome them?
și cum le depășești?
the biggest challenge became a blessing.
a devenit binecuvântare.
IL: Da.
in my leadership team meetings,
expressions or gestures.
a lot more verbal feedback.
to tell me what they think.
și compania mea,
for me personally and for my company,
at a far deeper level,
și cel mai important,
chiar contează.
that what they think truly matters.
Mulțumesc, Bruno.
IL: Thank you, Bruno.
Isaac Lidsky - Author, entrepreneurIsaac Lidsky has a very eclectic resume.
Why you should listen
Lidsky runs a big construction services company based in Florida, has co-founded an Internet startup and a nonprofit and is a member of the Young Presidents’ Organization (YPO). He graduated in math and computer science from Harvard and then added a law degree magna cum laude from the same university, clerked for US Supreme Court Justices Sandra Day O’Connor and Ruth Bader Ginsburg and argued a dozen cases in federal court on behalf of the US Justice Department, not losing any. Earlier, he was a child television star in both commercials and series.
Lidsky's rich biography disguises a secret, which can be summarized in the title of his forthcoming book Eyes Wide Open: Overcoming Obstacles and Recognizing Opportunities In A World That Can’t See Clearly.
Isaac Lidsky | Speaker |