Isaac Lidsky: What reality are you creating for yourself?
Isaac Lidsky: Akú realitu si vytvárate sami pre seba?
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
by quickly wagging their tails
tak, že rýchlo vrtia chvostíkmi,
little Dorothy responded,
malá Dorothy odpovedala:
by wagging their heads."
že vrtia hlavami.“
presne taký pravdivý ako hocijaký iný.
as true as any other.
by wagging their heads.
že vrtia hlavami.
of fish swimming backwards.
rýb plávajúcich dozadu.
and faulty leaps of logic.
a urýchlené logické závery.
and they are wrong.
a že ostatní sa mýlia.
what we can and cannot do.
a čo nemôžeme robiť.
frantically wagging their heads
horúčkovito kývajúc svojimi hlavami,
five facts about myself.
with an honors degree in mathematics.
na Harvarde s diplomom v matematike.
a construction company in Orlando.
stavebnú spoločnosť v Orlande.
to a rare genetic eye disease.
zriedkavej dedičnej chorobe očí.
to two US Supreme Court justices.
pre dva súdy Najvyššieho súdu USA.
only care about the television show.
iba o televíznu šou.
"Saved by the Bell: The New Class."
„Konečne zvoní: Nová trieda.“
nerdy character on the show,
major acting challenge
with number four, my blindness?
s číslom štyri, mojou slepotou?
about so-called disabilities.
o tzv. postihnutiach.
others' incorrect assumptions
s nesprávnymi predpokladmi iných
about my blindness, however.
to live my life eyes wide open.
žiť život s otvorenými očami.
those backwards-swimming fish
na ryby plávajúce dozadu,
my retinas progressively deteriorated.
sa stav mojej sietnice postupne zhoršoval.
viac a viac bizarné.
of mirrors and illusions.
zrkadiel a ilúzii.
to spot in a store
zbadal v obchode,
a urinal I was touching, not a sink,
ktorého sa dotýkam, a nie umývadlo,
skutočný tvar.
the photograph in my hand,
the image depicted.
znázornený obrázok.
and disappeared in my reality.
a mizli v mojej realite.
a vyčerpávajúce.
transitory images,
nestále obrazy,
in my crumbling kaleidoscope,
v mojom meniacom sa kaleidoskope,
personal, virtual reality
osobná, virtuálna realita,
konštruovaná naším mozgom.
constructed by our brain.
amatérskej neurobiológie.
of amateur neuroscience.
about 30 percent of your brain.
spotrebuje asi 30 % kapacity mozgu.
eight percent for touch
8 % pre hmat
can send your visual cortex
každú sekundu do mozgu
pieces of information.
only an additional billion.
iba jednu ďalšiu miliardu.
of your brain by volume
jedna tretina vášho mozgu
of your brain's processing resources.
dve tretiny zdrojov v mozgu.
of sight is so compelling.
sight is an illusion.
zrak je ilúzia.
kde to začína byť zaujímavé.
understanding of the world,
abstraktné chápanie sveta,
opinions, emotions, mental attention.
názory, emócie, mentálnu pozornosť.
are linked in your brain to your sight.
sú prepojené v mozgu s vaším zrakom.
and usually occur subconsciously.
a zvyčajne sa objavia v podvedomí.
ako sa cítite,
can literally change what you see.
môže doslovne zmeniť to, čo vidíte.
in a video, for example,
človeka na videu,
told to think about cheetahs or turtles.
ste mysleli na gepardov alebo korytnačky.
if you've just exercised,
ak ste práve docvičili,
at a fundamental contradiction.
mental construction of your own making,
konštrukcie, ktorú si sami vytvárate,
of the world around you.
sveta okolo vás.
and you believe it.
až kým sa nerozpadla.
shattered the illusion.
in many other ways.
mnohými inými spôsobmi.
anything is better than the uncertain.
je všetko lepšie ako neistota.
for what you know,
in place of the ambiguous,
za nejednoznačné,
a great term for it: awfulizing.
skvelý termín: vystrašenosť.
and think critically,
a myslieť kriticky,
deep inside your mind,
hlboko vo vašej mysli,
for critical thought
zobrať veci do svojich rúk,
opportunity to take action,
its prophecies fulfill themselves.
ako sa jeho proroctvá samy vypĺňajú.
with my blinding disease,
for my independence.
an unremarkable life,
že budem žiť všedný život,
ale tomu som veril.
but I believed it.
in little Dorothy's mind.
v hlave malej Dorothy.
the reality of my fear,
realitu s mojím strachom,
s očami doširoka otvorenými?
eyes wide open?
about luck and about success.
o šťastí a úspechu.
and understand the difference.
a pochopte ten rozdiel.
ktoré vnímate ako realitu.
comes complete responsibility.
into terrain uncharted and undefined.
do terénu nezmapovaného a nedefinovaného.
požehnaný život.
whom we call the Tripskys,
to the family,
and write your own fictions?
a píšete vlastnú fikciu?
creating for yourself?
in your relationships,
vo vašich vzťahoch,
do you great harm.
vedia narobiť veľké škody.
and unrealized potential,
príležitostí a nezrealizovanom potenciáli,
worse than being blind
že jediná vec horšia ako slepota,
was a profound blessing,
hlbokým požehnaním,
opustíte pódium, iba jedna otázka.
leave the stage, just a question.
of doers, of innovators.
mužov činu, inovátorov.
down in Florida,
spoločnosti na Floride
do you have, and how do you overcome them?
sa stretávate a ako sa s nimi vyrovnávate?
the biggest challenge became a blessing.
sa stala požehnaním.
in my leadership team meetings,
na stretnutiach s mojim riadiacim tímom,
expressions or gestures.
a lot more verbal feedback.
omnoho viac z verbálnej spätnej väzby.
to tell me what they think.
povedali, čo si myslia.
for me personally and for my company,
a pre moju spoločnosť,
at a far deeper level,
na ďaleko hlbšej úrovni,
that what they think truly matters.
že na tom, čo si myslia, naozaj záleží.
IL: Thank you, Bruno.
IL: Ďakujem, Bruno.
Isaac Lidsky - Author, entrepreneurIsaac Lidsky has a very eclectic resume.
Why you should listen
Lidsky runs a big construction services company based in Florida, has co-founded an Internet startup and a nonprofit and is a member of the Young Presidents’ Organization (YPO). He graduated in math and computer science from Harvard and then added a law degree magna cum laude from the same university, clerked for US Supreme Court Justices Sandra Day O’Connor and Ruth Bader Ginsburg and argued a dozen cases in federal court on behalf of the US Justice Department, not losing any. Earlier, he was a child television star in both commercials and series.
Lidsky's rich biography disguises a secret, which can be summarized in the title of his forthcoming book Eyes Wide Open: Overcoming Obstacles and Recognizing Opportunities In A World That Can’t See Clearly.
Isaac Lidsky | Speaker |