Pamela Ronald: The case for engineering our food
Pamela Ronald: Argumenty za genetickú modifikáciu potravín
Embracing both genetically improved seed and ecologically based farming methods, Pamela Ronald aims to enhance sustainable agriculture. Full bio
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resistant to disease
milióny ľudí na celom svete veriť,
have come to believe
je niečo zlovestné.
about genetic modification.
a different perspective.
a variety of different crops.
ecological farming practices
Biofarmár a rastlinná genetička?
and a plant geneticist?
pretože máme rovnaký cieľ.
because we have the same goal.
the growing population
the environment.
challenge of our time.
ktorému v súčasnosti čelíme.
nie sú žiadna novinka.
has been genetically modified
geneticky modifikované.
obalené tvrdou šupkou.
that's covered in a hard case.
the ancient ancestor of banana.
techniky na vytvorenie nových odrôd.
genetic techniques over the years.
zmiešali dva rôzne druhy
that's half tomato and half potato.
a spolovice zemiak.
other types of genetic techniques,
aj iné genetické techniky.
netypické mutácie.
that many of us fed our babies
even more options to choose from.
from my own work.
pre viac ako polovicu ľudí na svete.
for more than half the world's people.
of the potential harvest
a chorobám 40 % potenciálnej úrody.
farmers plant rice varieties
for nearly 100 years.
identifikovať správne gény.
that scientists finally uncovered
rezistencie až v 90. rokoch 20. storočia.
for immunity to a very serious
chorobe v Ázii a Afrike.
into a conventional rice variety
on the bottom here
sú vysoko rezistentné voči infekcii.
that my laboratory published
náš objav génu odolnosti ryže,
priateľ a kolega Dave Mackill.
stopped by my office.
are having trouble growing rice."
má problém dopestovať ryžu.
z menej ako 2 dolárov denne.
on less than two dollars a day.
in standing water,
if they're submerged
to be increasingly problematic
Kenong Xu and himself
že so študentom Kenongom Xuom
ktorá mala jednu úžasnú vlastnosť.
that had an amazing property.
of complete submergence.
izolovať ten správny gén.
to help them isolate this gene.
pretože som vedela, že ak uspejeme,
because I knew if we were successful,
millions of farmers grow rice
dopestovať ryžu aj v prípade,
looking for this gene.
To musíš vidieť.“
You've got to see it."
ktorá bola zaplavená 18 dní, uhynula.
that was flooded for 18 days had died,
had genetically engineered
s novoobjaveným génom Sub1 prežila.
called Sub1, was alive.
this dramatic effect.
a four-month time lapse video
Medzinárodného inštitútu pre výskum ryže.
Rice Research Institute.
a rice variety carrying the Sub1 gene
nesúcu gén Sub1
ktorá sa volá molekulárne šľachtenie.
called precision breeding.
is the conventional variety.
three and a half times more grain
ako tradičná odroda.
genetika rastlín pomôcť farmárom.
of plant genetics to help farmers.
dopestovalo odrodu Sub1
of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation,
grew Sub1 rice.
Billa a Melindy Gatesovcov.
genetic modification
genetické modifikácie nevadia,
z jednej odrody do druhej
pomocou štepenia a náhodnej mutagenézy.
to mixing species together
from viruses and bacteria
z vírusov alebo baktérií,
najbezpečnejší a najefektívnejší spôsob,
it's the cheapest, safest,
a podporiť udržateľné poľnohospodárstvo.
and advancing sustainable agriculture.
Vyzerá chutne, však?
It's delicious, right?
with papaya ringspot virus.
nearly wiped out the entire production
na havajskom ostrove Oahu.
že havajskej papáji odzvonilo,
that the Hawaiian papaya was doomed,
Dennis Gonsalves rozhodol,
named Dennis Gonsalves,
použije genetické inžinierstvo.
using genetic engineering.
and he inserted it
ako očkovanie u ľudí.
getting a vaccination.
engineered papaya in the center.
je ťažko napadnutá vírusom.
is severely infected with the virus.
zachránila produkciu papáje.
with rescuing the papaya industry.
iný spôsob boja proti tejto chorobe.
other method to control this disease.
There's no conventional method.
alebo „tradičná“ metóda.
is genetically engineered.
geneticky modifikovaných.
gény vírusov v potravinách,
queasy about viral genes in your food,
carries just a trace amount of the virus.
len nepatrné množstvo vírusu.
alebo tradičnej papáje,
or conventional papaya
vírusového proteínu.
more viral protein.
pochutnáva na baklažáne.
feasting on an eggplant.
the back end of the insect.
celú úrodu baklažánu v Bangladéši
eggplant crop in Bangladesh,
2 až 3 razy do týždňa
aj 2 razy denne.
when pest pressure is high.
pre ľudí veľmi škodlivé,
are very harmful to human health,
nemajú prostriedky na poriadnu ochranu,
like these children.
it's estimated that 300,000 people
krajinách ročne umrie 300 000 ľudí,
insecticide misuse and exposure.
alebo ich nesprávne používali.
decided to fight this disease
sa rozhodli bojovať proti škodcom tak,
on an organic farming approach.
založenú na prístupe biofarmárov.
spray an insecticide called B.T.,
postrekujú insekticídom s Bt-toxínom,
to caterpillar pests,
konkrétne proti larvám škodcov
a vtáky je úplne neškodný.
to humans, fish and birds.
does not work well in Bangladesh.
veľmi ťažko dostupné, sú pridrahé
dostať sa dovnútra rastliny.
from getting inside the plants.
cut the gene out of the bacteria
the eggplant genome.
insekticídov v Bangladéši?
insecticide sprays in Bangladesh?
ju znížili v obrovskej miere.
able to reduce their insecticide use
na zber a opätovné zasadenie.
and replant for the next season.
of how genetic engineering can be used
genetického inžinierstva
jeho využitia na boj proti podvýžive.
can be used to reduce malnutrition.
spôsobuje nedostatok vitamínu A,
because of lack of Vitamin A.
by the Rockefeller Foundation
odrodu, tzv. Zlatú ryžu,
which is the precursor of Vitamin A.
čo je prekurzor vitamínu A
that we find in carrots.
of golden rice per day
že 1 šálka Zlatej ryže denne
of thousands of children.
aktivistov proti genetickým modifikáciám.
against genetic modification.
na Filipínach a zničili ho.
a field trial in the Philippines.
were destroying much more
that children desperately needed
potrebuje na záchranu zraku a života.
a časť rodiny chcú vedieť,
in the food are safe to eat?
že genetické inžinierstvo je proces,
genes between species,
prenášajú už viac ako 40 rokov
in plants, in cheeses.
rastlinách a syroch.
a single case of harm
pre ľudí alebo životné prostredie.
asking you to believe me.
že nežiadam, aby mi verili.
starostlivo skúmali
and rigorous peer review
tisíce nezávislých vedcov.
in the world has concluded
organizácia na svete usúdila,
on the market are safe to eat
of genetic engineering
nie sú riskantnejšie ako staršie metódy.
of genetic modification.
týmto organizáciám verí,
organizations that most of us trust
vedeckým problémom,
important scientific issues
or the safety of vaccines.
alebo bezpečnosť očkovacích látok.
v jedle by sme sa mali zaoberať tým,
worrying about the genes in our food,
children grow up healthy.
farmári na vidieku prosperovať
in rural communities can thrive,
degradáciu životného prostredia.
environmental degradation.
o genetike rastlín ma najviac trápi,
the loud arguments and misinformation
ktorí ju najviac potrebujú,
who most need the technology
the vague fears and prejudices
vinou vágnych obáv a predsudkov tých,
oslavovať a využívať.
innovation and use it.
že urobíme, čo sa dá
alleviate human suffering
zaistenie ochrany životného prostredia.
ide podľa mňa v podstate o dve veci.
comes from two things.
unintended consequence.
that we've created,
by years of evolution,
with the rest of what's going on,
nejakú pohromu alebo problém?
of cataclysm or problem,
the commercial incentive
komerčnými podnetmi,
to put them out there?
len na vedeckom podklade.
on purely scientific grounds,
unintended consequences.
možné nechcené následky.
a big risk of some unintended consequence?
do lead to big, unintended consequences
a vyvolá to reťazovú reakciu.
Čo sa týka komerčných podnetov,
so on the commercial aspects,
to understand is that,
farmers in the United States,
či už tradiční alebo bio,
they're organic or conventional,
čo najviac predať.
interest to sell a lot of seed,
čo chcú farmári kúpiť.
that the farmers want to buy.
less developed world.
certifikované organizácie.
of certification groups,
v týchto krajinách voľne dostupné.
in less developed countries
že ide o sprisahanie?
is actually part of the conspiracy?
and people have no choice
a ľudia sú na nich navždy závislí.
ale v skutočnosti to takto nefunguje.
for sure, but it doesn't work that way.
distributed, the flood-tolerant rice,
odolnej voči záplavám
a bangladéšske certifikačné agentúry,
seed certification agencies,
Rockefellerovej nadácie.
support of the Rockefeller Foundation.
about, well, mixing genes,
we do something different,
má to nechcené následky.
tak trochu šialené veci už aj predtým
kind of crazy things to our plants,
or chemical mutagenesis.
alebo chemickej mutagenézy.
of uncharacterized mutations,
je pri nich vyššie
of unintended consequence
not to use the term GMO
o konkrétnej rastline
about a specific crop
a myslieť na potreby spotrebiteľov.
the needs of the consumer.
is that there's a mental model
že príroda je niečo čisté a nedotknuté
and it's pure and pristine,
je ako Frankenstein.
dangerous in some way,
určitým spôsobom nebezpečné.
that that whole model
nevystihuje podstatu prírody.
interakciách genetických zmien,
interplay of genetic changes
all the time anyway.
neexistujú žiadne „čisté potraviny“.
no such thing as pure food.
eggplant with insecticides
postrekovať alebo modifikovať,
but then you'd be stuck eating frass.
aj výkaly hmyzu.
That was powerfully argued.
Pamela Ronald - Plant geneticistEmbracing both genetically improved seed and ecologically based farming methods, Pamela Ronald aims to enhance sustainable agriculture.
Why you should listen
As a proponent of sustainable agriculture using the most appropriate technologies, UC Davis researcher Pamela Ronald’s holistic vision startles some. But the success of her genetic tinkering is uncontroversial: it shows that genetic improvement is a critical component of feeding the world without further destroying the environment.
Her book Tomorrow’s Table (co-authored with organic farmer Raoul Adamchak) argues that to advance sustainable agriculture, we must not focus on how a seed variety was developed. Instead we must ask what technology most enhances local food security and can provide safe, abundant and nutritious food to consumers.
Pamela Ronald | Speaker |