Siddhartha Mukherjee: Soon we'll cure diseases with a cell, not a pill
Siddhartha Mukherjee: Čoskoro budeme choroby liečiť bunkami, nie tabletkami
When he’s not ferreting out the links between stem cells and malignant blood disease, Siddhartha Mukherjee writes and lectures on the history (and future) of medicine. Full bio
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about the future of medicine.
o budúcnosti medicíny.
povedať niečo o jej minulosti.
a little bit about the past.
sme o chorobe a liečbe premýšľali
of the recent history of medicine,
zjedzte tabletku, zabite niečo.
for the dominance of this model
revolúcii, ktorú priniesli antibiotiká.
but we happen to be celebrating
zavedenia antibiotík v USA.
of antibiotics into the United States.
prinieslo veľkú zmenu.
was nothing short of transformative.
either from the natural world
umelo syntetizovaná v laboratóriu,
in the laboratory,
alebo jeho časť, zamerala sa naň,
a presnosťou otočila kľúčom v zámku.
exquisite specificity.
a previously fatal, lethal disease --
into a curable, or treatable illness.
a zabíjaním taká silná,
snahou tento model opakovane aplikovať
over and over again
and hypertension and heart disease.
a srdcové choroby.
but it's only worked partly.
chemických reakcií v ľudskom tele,
in the human body,
ktorej je vaše telo schopné,
that your body is capable of,
počet je niekde okolo milióna.
is on the order of a million.
alebo na akú časť reakcií
náš liekopis, celá medicínska chémia?
all of medicinal chemistry?
chemických reakcií vo vašom tele
of all chemical reactions in your body
mechanizmu zámku a kľúča.
by this lock and key mechanism.
about human physiology
ako obrovskú telefónnu sieť,
and interacting pieces,
funguje v jednom maličkom kútiku,
of that network.
prevádzkovala jeden telefónny stĺp
pharmaceutical chemistry
15 telefónnymi linkami.
10 or 15 telephone lines.
that the natural world
svet nám poskytuje príklad,
might think about illness
naše zmýšľanie o chorobe,
is organized hierarchically upwards,
organizovaný smerom nahor, nie nadol,
semiautonómnou jednotkou nazývanou bunka.
semi-autonomous unit called a cell.
semi-autonomous units
semiautonómne jednotky
jednotky nazývané orgány,
semi-autonomous units called organs,
organizmy nazývané ľudia,
to form things called humans,
ultimately live in environments,
a čiastočne semiautonómne.
and partly semi-autonomous.
this hierarchical scheme
smerom nahor, a nie nadol, je pekné to,
o chorobe trochu iným spôsobom.
to think about illness as well
snažili aplikovať model zámku a kľúča.
this lock and key model to cancer.
alebo inými cielenými terapiami,
or targeted therapies,
of breast cancer,
po strop tohto prístupu.
to the ceiling of that approach.
premýšľať o využití imunitného systému,
about using the immune system,
že rakovinové bunky nerastú vo vákuu.
doesn't grow in a vacuum.
túto schopnosť organizmu,
a napadnúť rakovinu?
have an immune system, to attack cancer?
najúžasnejším novým liekom na rakovinu.
spectacular new medicines in cancer.
of the environment, isn't there?
aj úroveň prostredia, však?
as altering the environment.
nad zmenou prostredia.
rakovinotvorného prostredia.
of a profoundly carcinogenic environment.
you take confinement,
v malom bielom liste papiera,
white sheet of paper,
neurostimulantov, ktorý sa volá nikotín,
that we know, called nicotine,
addictive substances that you know,
z najnávykovejších známych látok,
a pro-carcinogenic environment.
environments too.
prostredia, tzv. milieu,
milieu pre rakovinu prsníka.
for breast cancer, for instance.
milieu for other forms of cancer.
milieu pre iné formy rakoviny.
napríklad depresiu.
zúfalo snažili vypnúť molekuly,
we've tried, again, desperately
that operate between nerve cells --
but then that reached the limit.
ale potom sme dosiahli strop.
really probably need to do
fyziológiu orgánu, teda mozgu,
of the organ, the brain,
we know study upon study has shown
že práve to robí terapia rozhovorom.
a liekov je oveľa efektívnejšia
has shown that talk therapy
than either one alone.
environment that will change depression?
ktoré vťahuje ešte viac, a mení depresiu?
ktoré vyvolávajú depresiu?
that elicit depression?
hierarchickou štruktúrou.
hierarchical chain of organization.
medicínu, ale o tú metaforu.
degeneratívnych chorôb,
chronic degenerative diseases --
hypertenzia, osteoartritída,
hypertension, osteoarthritis --
the metaphor to growing something.
prehodnotili naše myslenie o medicíne.
že potrebujeme posun vo vnímaní,
shift, as it were,
personal manner about 10 years ago.
dôvodov asi pred 10 rokmi.
I've been a runner most of my life --
zabehať, pričom som väčšinu života behal,
a v podstate som sa nemohol hýbať.
and I basically couldn't move.
škrípanie kosti o kosť.
of bone against bone.
is that you get to order your own MRIs.
že si môžete objednať vlastnú MRI.
a tak to vyzeralo.
and it looked like that.
ktorá sa volá meniskus, sa natrhla
that is between bone
and the bone itself had been shattered.
and feeling sorry,
of every person in this audience,
takejto degenerácie kosti a chrupky.
and cartilage degeneration like this.
miernu až vážnu degeneráciu chrupky.
cartilage degeneration.
by tiež malo takéto príznaky.
of the men in this audience
to experiment on your own ailments.
na vlastných chorobách.
into the laboratory,
mechanicky opraviť.
to fix this degeneration.
do kolien chemické látky,
into the knee spaces of animals
on a very long and painful process,
veľmi dlhý a bolestný proces,
we had a research student from Australia.
prišiel na výskum študent z Austrálie.
looking at the world upside down.
na svet dolu hlavou.
to nie je mechanický problém.
maybe it isn't a mechanical problem.
Možno je to problém kmeňových buniek.“
Maybe it's a stem cell problem."
kostná kmeňová bunka,
as a skeletal stem cell --
kosti, chrupku a vláknitú zložku,
the entire vertebrate skeleton,
elements of skeleton,
v krvi a v nervovej sústave.
in the nervous system.
dysfunkcia tejto kmeňovej bunky
or dysfunction of this stem cell
ktorá je veľmi bežná.
a very common ailment.
či sme nehľadali pilulku,
were we looking for a pill
been looking for a cell.
to look for skeletal stem cells.
we found these cells.
fotografia jednej z nich.
a real photograph of one of them.
stĺpiky a žlté bunky sú bunky,
and the yellow cells
jedinej kostnej kmeňovej bunky.
from one single skeletal stem cell --
vznikajúce z jedinej bunky.
coming out of a single cell.
Majú štyri vlastnosti.
They have four properties.
kde by sme očakávali, že budú žiť.
where they're expected to live.
kosti, pod chrupkou.
the surface of the bone,
it's location, location, location.
o miesto, miesto, miesto.
oblastí a tvoria kosť a chrupku.
and form bone and cartilage.
of the vertebrate skeleton,
v Petriho miskách v laboratóriu,
in petri dishes in the laboratory,
vytvoriť chrupku za lásku či peniaze?
form cartilage for love or money?
of cartilage around themselves.
najefektívnejšími opravármi fraktúr,
of fractures that we've ever encountered.
a nechali ju, nech sa sama zahojí.
a mouse bone that we fractured
and repaired, in yellow, the bone,
žltou, a chrupku, označenú bielou.
almost completely.
with a fluorescent dye
fluoreskujúcou farbou,
zvláštne bunkové lepidlo,
of peculiar cellular glue
a potom svoju prácu ukončí.
and then stopping their work.
desaťnásobne, päťdesiatnásobne,
decline precipitously,
fiftyfold, as you age.
in a perceptual shift.
modelu bunky, organizmy, prostredia,
back onto this idea:
o kostných kmeňových bunkách
about bone stem cells,
in terms of a cellular disease.
ako o chorobe buniek.
are there organs?
sú tu orgány?
ako orgán mimo tela?
as an organ outside the body?
do poškodených oblastí?
into areas of trauma?
and create environments?
that exercise remodels bone,
is going to exercise.
zaťažovanie a odľahčovanie kosti tak,
loading and unloading bone
alebo regenerovať degenerujúcu chrupku?
or regenerate degenerating cartilage?
and more importantly,
globálnejšie, mimo medicíny?
more globally outside medicine?
zabiť, ale o to niečo vypestovať.
is not killing something,
some of the most interesting questions
z najzaujímavejších otázok o tom,
about medicine in the future.
be a cell and not a pill?
zhubný rast týchto buniek?
the malignant growth of these cells?
so spustením rastu.
of unleashing growth.
vložiť samovražedné gény,
suicide genes into these cells
that's created outside the body
ktorý sa vytvorí mimo tela,
niektoré z tých orgánov mali pamäť.
some of those organs had memory.
those memories back in?
človeku na mieru a potom mu implantovaný?
for an individual human being
šamani prostredia ako liečbu.
environments as medicines.
v našej budúcnosti?
I began this talk with models.
Túto prednášku som nimi začal.
myšlienkami o tvorbe modelov.
about model building.
builds a model,
a world in miniature.
the world in metaphor.
a new way of seeing.
ako sa na veci pozerať.
To druhé je zmena vnímania.
The latter is a perceptual shift.
such a perceptual shift
zmenu vnímania medicíny,
that it really colored, distorted,
about medicine for the last hundred years.
sto rokov premýšľali.
to think about medicine in the future.
premýšľania o medicíne v budúcnosti.
a popular trope out there
na liečbu choroby preto,
the transformative impact
powerful-enough drugs,
ways of thinking about medicines.
premýšľania o liekoch.
skvelé mať nové lieky.
are three more intangible M's:
ide o tri abstraktnejšie M-ká:
I really like this metaphor.
Veľmi sa mi páči táto metafora.
diskutuje o personalizácii medicíny,
and that medical treatments of the future
a že liečby budúcnosti budú určené
your genome, your current context.
váš momentálny kontext.
do toho, čo tu máte vy?
you've got here?
To je veľmi zaujímavá otázka.
It's a very interesting question.
premýšľali v spojitosti s genomikou.
personalization of medicine
is such a dominant metaphor,
metafora, aby som použil rovnaké slovo,
in medicine today,
the personalization of medicine.
personalizáciu medicíny.
na začiatku dlhého reťazca bytia.
is just the bottom
organized unit of that, is the cell.
vykonávať medicínu takto,
in medicine in this way,
bunkových terapií
cellular therapies,
orgánov alebo terapií organizmu
organ or organismal therapies,
hĺbkových terapií pre prostredie.
immersion therapies for the environment.
o korytnačkách odvrchu až nadol.
there's turtles all the way.
personalization all the way.
medicine could be a cell
by mohla byť o bunke a nie o pilulke,
o svojich vlastných bunkách.
potentially your own cells.
CA: Čiže bunky zmenené na kmeňové bunky,
CA: So converted to stem cells,
of drugs or something, and prepared.
liekom a podobne, a pripravené.
Toto naozaj robíme.
This is what we're doing.
vzďaľovania sa od genomiky,
and in fact, we're slowly moving,
but incorporating genomics
semiautonómne, samoregulačné systémy,
semi-autonomous, self-regulating systems,
like environments.
Siddharthu Mukherjee je v predaji.]
Siddhartha Mukherjee - Cancer physician and writerWhen he’s not ferreting out the links between stem cells and malignant blood disease, Siddhartha Mukherjee writes and lectures on the history (and future) of medicine.
Why you should listen
While discussing a diagnosis with a patient, Siddhartha Mukherjee realized that there were no easy answers to the question, “What is cancer?” Faced with his hesitation, Mukherjee decided to do something about it.
Over the next six years, Mukherjee wrote the influential, Pulitzer-winning The Emperor of All Maladies, a 4,000-year “biography” of cancer. He collaborated with Ken Burns on a six-hour documentary for PBS based on his book, updating the story with recent discoveries in oncology.
In his new TED Book, The Laws of Medicine, he examines the three principles that govern modern medicine -- and every profession that confronts uncertainty and wonder.
Siddhartha Mukherjee | Speaker |