Guy Hoffman: Robots with "soul"
Guy Hoffman: Robot me "shpirt"
Can robots and humans interact the way that human beings interact with each other? Guy Hoffman researches embodied cognition and intelligence in robots. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
ndërtimin, dhe studimin
dhe shkova në New York
in Harlem with roommates.
me disa shokë dhome.
about building violations in New York,
për shkeljet ne ndertim në New York,
to show how bad things are.
se sa keq ishin gjërat
of pencil animation.
të animacionit me laps.
se si diçka paraqitet,
one of our teachers told us.
që një mësues na tha.
a director, you're an actor."
drejtues, por një aktor. "
right motion for a character,
e vërtetë të një personazhi,
trupin tënd për ta gjetur atë--
between humans and robots.
njerëzve dhe robotëve.
I learned in animation school,
kisha mësuar në shkollën e animacionit,
tërheqës të ishte e mundur.
bashkëvepruar me mua
e ridizenjuar robotin kështu që,
duke më ndihmuar mua.
it and doesn't really interfere.
dhe nuk ndërhyn.
ai me tregon ku ndodhet bateria.
të duket kaq i sjellshëm--
violent and confrontational.
i dhunshëm dhe kundërshtues.
just the motion is different.
vetëm lëvizja është e ndryshme.
Well, you want to know something?
building block of this whole structure
vetem një pjesë e gjithë strukturës
që është këtu në fakt.
mund te mendojme robotet
we found our own rhythm.
verbalisht për ketë.
derisa vjen përsëri radha e tij.
më pak një shahisti
të tmerrshme të karierës
dhe ndoqa leksione aktrimi.
name was the second name on the list --
that they want to express.
që ata duan të shprehin
to plan every muscle in your body.
to find the right movement.
trupin për të gjetur lëvizjen e duhur.
të gjetur shprehjen e saktë.
as I was reading about this trend
po lexoja për këtë tendencë
të quajtur njohuri e mishëruar.
and use our bodies to move.
dhe pastaj të përdorim trupin për të lëvizur.
nuk e publikova asnjëherë
embodied artificial intelligence,
këtë inteligjencë artificiale të inkorporuar,
as closely as possible,
sa më saktë të jetë e mundur,
to use the robotic desk lamp,
artificial intelligence.
inteligjencës artificiale të inkorporuar.
of brains for the same robot.
truri për të njëjtin robot.
analizon çdo gjë dhe planifikon.
tru që ndërmer rrezikun.
everything it has to know.
friends and high-fived mentally."
mirë dhe u përshëndetëm mentalisht”.
to do and nothing more.
dhe asgje me shume.
had higher expectations
kishin pritshmeri me te larta
thought robots should be doing.
embodied way of behaving.
aventuriere, dhe te misheruar.
at Georgia Tech in Atlanta,
Georgia Tech ne Atlanta,
human-robot improvisation --
human-robot improvisation --
ne improvizimin robot-njeri--
and artificial intelligence.
dhe inteligjence artificiale.
ne studimet e grupit te punes
nobody is stopping it for a moment.
nuk po ndalon per nje moment.
things, this time with music,
here me muziken,
when I was 17 taught me.
kur isha 17 vjec.
nje robot i cili po ben dicka
from this performance.
kete performance.
by what the robot came up with.
per te pare nje shfaqe live.
a robot musician on stage,
muzikant ne skene
nje muzikant i zhvilluar.
from a bar in Atlanta,
tools and tried to figure out
dhe u mundova te zbuloja
musician would move like.
what the other person is playing --
e pelqen cfare luan personi tjeter
to build this robot, which was nice.
te ndertuar ate robot, i cili ishte i kendshem.
same kind of performance,
that the robot knows what it's doing.
e kupton çfare roboti po performon.
that doesn't touch the instrument
so obviously some rapper
keshtu qe mesa duket ndonje reper
your own head when it does it.
koken bashke me te.
is really focused on his iPhone,
i fokusuar ne iPhonin e tij,
the periphery of his vision --
vizionit te tij--
it's very powerful.
me shoket e tu
or their smartphone too much,
per nje kohe te gjate,
of surprising that we found:
about the robot being so intelligent,
interesonin shume robotat inteligjent,
things that I spent years on developing.
per te cilat shpenzova vite per t'i zhvilluar.
enjoying the music. (Laughter)
shijonin muziken. (Te qeshura)
robot was moving to the music,
sipas muzikes,
shijonte muziken.
lamp; it was a speaker dock.
por nje lloj aparature.
plug your smartphone in.
ti i vendos smartphonin tend.
just play the music for you,
luante vetem muzike per ju
kane ndikim te njerezit.
u kushtoj shume rendesi
te komunikojne
secret we roboticists are hiding --
going to be living with a robot
going to be a robot in your life.
jete nje robot.
e femijeve tuaj.
take chances and improvise.
te kapin shance dhe te iprovizojne.
anticipate what you're about to do.
asaj qe ju do te beni.
that are a little less than perfect
Guy Hoffman - RoboticistCan robots and humans interact the way that human beings interact with each other? Guy Hoffman researches embodied cognition and intelligence in robots.
Why you should listen
As co-director of the IDC Media Invention Lab, Guy Hoffman researches robots with soul. He explores the humanity of robots -- how they think, feel, act, and move, as they interact with humans. He and his team staged the world’s first human-robot theater piece, as well as the first human-robot jazz duet, improv and all.
Hoffman’s work has been named one of TIME Magazine’s Best Inventions of the Year, and in 2010 and 2012, he was listed as one of Israel’s most promising researchers under 40.
Guy Hoffman | Speaker |