Courtney E. Martin: The new American Dream
Kortni Martin (Courtney Martin): Novi američki san
Courtney E. Martin’s work has two obsessions at its core: storytelling and solutions. Full bio
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za neispričanim pričama,
under the scream of headlines.
pod vrištavim naslovnicama.
of putting down roots,
svojim putem puštanja korenja,
the 21st-century good life,
moralne i filozofske implikacije,
and philosophical implications,
need of answers myself.
očajnički potrebni odgovori.
in American history,
that their kids will be better off
da će njihovoj deci biti bolje
men and women.
muškarce i žene.
might hear this and feel sad.
i osećaju se tužno.
leapfrogs the one before it,
u odnosu na onu prethodnu,
da postaje nešto više.
all over the world,
Kini, pa čak i u Keniji
pročitala ovo istorijsko istraživanje,
for the first time,
for the rest of your life?
do kraja života?
u proseku na svakih 4,7 godina,
every 4.7 years,
imati honorarne poslove.
will be freelancers.
as much as you possibly can?
koliko god je više moguće?
we are failing.
has been flat since about 2000,
nije se menjala od oko 2000. godine,
a big house with a white picket fence?
sa belom drvenom ogradom?
their homes in the Great Recession,
je izgubilo dom tokom velike recesije,
about the lengths we were willing to go --
toga dokle smo spremni da idemo -
u mnogim pljačkaškim slučajevima -
in many predatory cases --
are at their lowest since 1995.
su na najnižem nivou od 1995. godine.
finding steady employment,
stabilno zaposlenje,
of a country's greatness,
veličine jedne zemlje
is its spirit of reinvention.
njen duh ponovnog otkrivanja.
what "better off" really means.
šta „bolje“ zaista znači.
with community and creativity
sa zajednicom i kreativnošću
living in poverty need money,
Amerikanaca koji žive u siromaštvu,
that protect us from exploitation
da nas štete od eksploatacije
that the gap between rich and poor
da je jaz između bogatih i siromašnih
the conversation stop there.
it were a monolithic experience;
kao da se radi o monolitnom iskustvu;
they were solely victims.
kroz svoje istraživanje i izveštavanje
in my research and reporting
upražnjavaju najugroženiji.
is the mother of invention,
the father of consciousness.
or distracted to ask
ili rasejani da bismo ih postavili
kind of whispering in our ears.
was a drunk in Detroit,
to hold down a factory job.
da zadrži posao u fabrici.
of ovarian cancer.
od raka jajnika.
what she must have gone through.
kroz šta sve mora da je prošla.
there were six sets of twins.
bilo je šest pari blizanaca.
i doživeo je veliki uspeh i nagli pad.
the door for debt collectors
otvarajući vrata uterivačima dugova
da mu roditelji nisu kod kuće.
with pliers in the garage,
svoju protezu kleštima u garaži
he didn't have money
da se vrate kod ortodonta.
bolji roman napisati, zar ne?
a secure foundation
sigurnih temelja
by way of a few generations of struggle.
prolazeći kroz nekoliko generacija borbe.
on a kind of steady ground
da odrastem na čvrstoj podlozi
and risk and leap.
rizikuje i načini skok.
sometimes to their frustration,
na njihovo razočaranje,
commitment to security
sigurnosti je upravo ono
da preispitujem njenu vrednost,
as we've historically defined it
kako smo je istorijski definisali
built for company men.
koji je izgrađen za kompanijske muškarce.
a more unconventional path,
to do what they need to do
da bi radili ono što moraju
„prosto učiniti da funkcioniše“.
call it "a portfolio career."
to nazivaju „portfolio karijerom“.
these whole, if not harried, lives.
ako ne i napregnutim životima.
and duty to be present fathers and sons.
da budu prisutni očevi i sinovi.
cared for the little ones
starale o mališanima, bolesnima i starima,
of knowing there is:
no longer works for anyone.
više ne funkcioniše za bilo koga.
kao i karijerne lestvice.
as are career ladders.
and dying every day.
i umiru svakoga dana.
„Kako želiš da budeš kada porasteš?“
"How do you want to be when you grow up?"
društvenu sigurnosnu mrežu
the social safety net
fragmented economy.
u ovu sve više podeljenu ekonomiju.
prenosive zdravstvene beneficije.
that everyone deserves to be vulnerable
toga da svi zaslužuju da budu ranjivi
univerzalni osnovni prihod.
a universal basic income.
that is structured to actually fit
u naše vrednosti 21. veka,
about bringing home the bacon,
o donošenju hleba u kuću,
kako treba da živimo?
survival tactics, child care --
taktike preživljavanja, brigu oko dece -
još jedan stomak,
na raspolaganju.
leaving the village behind
da ostave selo za sobom
of the American Dream,
američkog sna,
we see a white picket fence
the sentimentality,
the white picket fence
belu drvenu ogradu
koji je nastupio u okviru nje
that happened within it,
with the Great Recession,
sa velikom recesijom,
zapravo dopada da tako žive.
actually like living this way.
with multiple generations under one roof
sa više generacija pod jednim krovom
to share homes not with family,
ne sa porodicom,
zdravstvene i ekonomske koristi
the health and economic benefits
for single moms looking to share homes
za samohrane majke
sa drugim samohranim majkama,
su naročito naklonjeni
living arrangements.
životnim uređenjima.
of solitude and solidarity.
when you think about it,
kad razmislite o tome,
that happiness is a king in his castle.
da je sreća kralj u svom zamku,
happiest and even safest --
najsrećniji i čak najbezbedniji -
in terms of crime, all of that --
klimatskih promena, kriminala, svega tog -
intertwined with their neighbors.
blisko povezani sa svojim susedima.
in a cohousing community.
živela sam u stambenoj zajednici.
that snakes around a community garden,
koji vijuga po bašti zajednice,
in the middle of urban Oakland.
usred urbanog Ouklanda.
tako da budu različite,
to be different,
što je moguće zelenije.
as green as possible.
solar cells on our roof
solarne ćelije na našem krovu
retko prelazio više od pet dolara mesečno.
different ages and political persuasions
smo različite starosti,
a typical home would have.
sve što bi imao tipičan dom.
ogromnog kapaciteta,
kitchen and eating area,
dva puta nedeljno.
I live like this,
od dve ekstremne reakcije.
everyone live like this?"
totally horrifying.
a sacred respect for privacy among us,
sveto poštovanje prema privatnosti,
"radical hospitality" --
„radikalna gostoljubivost“ -
by the Four Seasons,
hotel „Četiri godišnja doba“,
single person is worthy of kindness,
da je svaka osoba vredna ljubaznosti,
of living in a community like this?
vezano za život u ovakvoj zajednici?
popravke, kuvanje, uklanjanje korova,
the repairing, the cooking, the weeding --
samo na idealizovanu porodičnu jedinicu
on the idealized family unit
sve svoje emocionalne potrebe,
that you can go to
kod kojih možete otići
u vezi sa nasilnim nastavnikom.
an abusive teacher.
to an adult that is not their parent
često će otići kod odrasle osobe
called "revolutionary parenting,"
„revolucionarno roditeljstvo“,
a wider range of adults
kada imaju širi krug odraslih
behind that white picket fence.
savršena porodica iza bele drvene ograde.
as I've come to call it,
in the perfect family
u savršenu porodicu,
in the imperfect village,
koji žive pod jednim krovom,
living under one roof,
who pledge to really know
koji se obavežu da se zaista upoznaju
an individual prospect at all.
pojedinačne izglede za uspeh.
or you think you're a failure,
ili mislite da ste neuspešni,
koje još niste ispoštovali.
you have not yet honored.
but a masterful father.
ali ste izvanredan otac.
kuću svojih snova,
neighborhood parties.
legendarne žurke za komšiluk.
could be more grim for you.
mogle bi biti lošije za vas.
by standards you hold dear
po standardima do kojih vam je stalo,
i okrutnim životom,
every creature comfort.
da priuštim svako svetovno zadovoljstvo.
out of suffering or into meaning.
svoj put iz patnje ili do smisla.
that she must have endured.
and courageous as possible.
povezan i hrabar.
widespread uncertainty,
da nas ta nesigurnost učini slabim
make us brittle
in the power of institutions to change --
u moć institucionalne promene,
to reach out, to connect, to create.
povezujemo, stvaramo.
the American Dream.
where what you do every single day,
gde je ono što radite svakoga dana,
and ingenuity and energy to,
domišljatosti i energije,
with what you believe.
sa onim u šta verujete.
as making money,
kao što je zarađivanje novca,
vašim precima.
Courtney E. Martin - JournalistCourtney E. Martin’s work has two obsessions at its core: storytelling and solutions.
Why you should listen
In her upcoming book, The New Better Off, Courtney E. Martin explores how people are redefining the American dream with an eye toward fulfillment. Martin is a columnist for On Being, and the cofounder of the Solutions Journalism Network, Valenti Martin Media, and FRESH Speakers, as well as a strategist for the TED Prize and an editor emeritus at
In her previous book Do It Anyway: The New Generation of Activists, she profiled eight young people doing social justice work, a fascinating look at the generation of world-changers who are now stepping up to the plate.
Courtney E. Martin | Speaker |