Dave Isay: Everyone around you has a story the world needs to hear
Svi oko tebe imaju priču koju svijet mora ćuti
Over thousands of archived and broadcast interviews, StoryCorps founder Dave Isay -- winner of the 2015 TED Prize -- has created an unprecedented document of the dreams and fears that touch us all. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
or even a stranger
prijatelja ili čak stranca
important moments in that person's life,
trenutaka u životu te osobe,
I was lucky enough to find my calling
srećom sam pronašao svoje zvanje
u izradu priča za radio.
who I was very, very close to, was gay.
s kojim sam bio iznimno blizak, bio gay.
of our strained conversations,
smo primoran razgovor,
and Latino drag queens
i latinaca transvestita
at a gay bar in Manhattan
u gay bircu
the modern gay rights movement.
za prava gay populacije.
and it piqued my interest.
koja je pobudila moj interes.
recorder and find out more.
kako bi saznao više.
named Michael Shirker,
Michaela Shrikera,
of the people we could find
koje smo mogli pronaći
the Stonewall Inn that night.
te noći.
gave me the license
mikrofon dao mogućnost
never would have gone
inače ne bih nikada mogao
otherwise ever have spoken to.
drugačije nikada ne bih mogao razgovarati.
fierce and courageous human beings
žestokih i odvažnih ljudskih bića
the story of Stonewall
da je priča o Stonewallu
iz cijele nacije.
svojem ocu,
and it changed my life.
s njim, ali i moj život.
I made many more radio documentaries,
još mnoge radio dokumentarce,
who are rarely heard from in the media.
u medijima, omogućio da izađu na vidjelo.
of being interviewed
kao što je biti intervjuiran,
that their stories didn't matter.
da njihove priče nisu važne.
people's back straighten
se ispravljaju
into the microphone.
about the last flophouse hotels
o zadnjem jeftinom hotelu
cheap hotels for decades.
u tim jeftinim hotelima.
the size of prison cells
veličine zatvorskih ćelija
from one room into the next.
da skoče iz jedne u drugu sobu.
with the photographer Harvey Wang.
zajedno s fotografom Harvey Wangom.
with an early version of the book
hotela s ranijom verzijom te knjige
stranicu posvećenu njemu.
the long, narrow hallway
the clarion call for StoryCorps,
postao poziv na djelovanje StoryCorpsa,
a dozen years ago.
prije desetak godina.
documentary work
dokumentarni rad
to create a work of art or entertainment
stvorio rad umjetnosti ili zabave
by a whole lot of people,
i slušaju velika skupina ljudi,
was the purpose of this work,
many, many people the chance
dati mnogim ljudima priliku
prije 11 godina,
can come to honor someone else
može doći i dati počast nekom drugom
by a facilitator who brings you inside.
na voditelja koji te dovede unutra.
and you listen and you talk.
if this was to be our last conversation,
bio moj zadnji razgovor s tom osobom,
and say to this person
htio pričati s tom osobom
you walk away with a copy of the interview
s kopijom tog razgovora,
to the American Folklife Center
American Folklife Center-u
can someday get to know your grandfather
mogu jednog dana upoznati vašeg djeda
in one of the busiest places in the world
od najprometnijih mjesta na svijetu
incredibly intimate conversation
nevjerojatno intiman razgovor
but from the very beginning, it did.
ali od samog početka, ipak jest.
with incredible respect,
s nevjerojatnim poštovanjem,
su se odvijali unutra.
at that original Grand Central Booth.
u izvornom Grand Central Boothu.
interviewing his mother, Sarah.
koji intervjuira svoju majku, Sarah.
are incredibly smart
su nevjerojatno pametna
sa svojom mamom Sarah
From a scale of one to 10,
Na ljestvici od jedan do 10,
different without animals?
bio drugađiji bez životnija?
an eight without animals,
bez životinja
would be different without them?
drugačiji bez njih?
like cockroaches and snakes.
žohara i zmija.
as long as they're not venomous
sve dok nisu otrovne
the insect we love to hate.
koje volimo mrziti.
you couldn't cope with having a child?
da se ne bi mogla nositi s djecom?
you had really bad colic,
imao si jake grčeve u želucu,
SL: It's when you get this stomach ache
SL: To je kada dobiješ tu bol u želucu
for, like, four hours.
i to, na primjer, 4 sata.
but Amy's was more high-pitched.
ali Amyin je bio više piskutav.
seems to like Amy more,
više vole Amy,
why you think that people like Amy more,
misliš da ljudi više vole Amy,
of your Asperger's syndrome,
zbog tvog aspergerovog sindroma,
prijateljski nastrojena,
it's more difficult,
to get to know you love you so much.
upoznaju te toliko puno vole.
SL: Yeah --
SL: Da --
but less quantity? (Laughter)
prijatelje, ali ih imam manje? (Smijeh)
the quality, but I think --
loved Claudia, then she hated Claudia,
voli Claudiu, pa ju onda mrzi,
is that you have a few very good friends,
par jako dobrih prijatelja,
you wanted when I was born?
si htjela kada sam se rodio?
my expectations, sweetie,
of what your child's going to be like,
o tome kakvo će ti dijete biti,
so much as a parent, because you think --
kao roditelj, zato jer razmišljaš --
who made you a parent.
zbog kojeg si postala roditelj.
That's a good point. (Laughter)
postala roditelj. Dobro rečeno. (Smijeh)
in the parenting books,
u roditeljskim knjigama,
outside of the box with you,
razmišljati izvan okvira s tobom,
as a parent and as a person,
kao roditelja i kao osobu,
but you are so incredibly special to me
ali ti si mi tako nevjerojatno poseban
ran on public radio,
bila puštena na javni radio,
je nevjerojatan dječak bio.
together in a book,
spojila u knjigu,
they would read the letters together.
zajedno bi čitali pisma.
that two of my heroes
da su moja dva junaka
who is now an honors student in college.
koji je sada odličan student fakulteta.
crying when they hear StoryCorps stories,
kada ćuju StoryCorps priče,
something authentic and pure
što slušaju nešto autentično i čisto
when sometimes it's hard to tell
da bi se obogatio.
dobroćudnosti i ljubavi.
courage, decency and dignity,
hrabrosti, poštenja i dostojanstva,
like you're walking on holy ground.
kao da hodate po svetoj zemlji.
in Grand Central worked,
Grand Centralu uspjeo,
in all 50 states
u svih 50 država
and towns across America
of human voices ever gathered.
ljudskih glasova ikada sakupljena.
hundreds of facilitators
stotine voditelja
through the experience.
kroz to iskustvo.
gathering the wisdom of humanity.
skupljajući mudrost čovječanstva.
that the most important thing
da je najvažnija stvar
during these interviews
tijekom tih razgovora
of StoryCorps, you could argue
StoryCorpsa argumentirati
of a selection bias happening,
pristrano biranje,
with every kind of person
sa svakom vrstom osobe
across the political spectrum --
kroz politički spektar --
are actually onto something.
ovi ljudi zapravo na tragu nečega.
from these interviews.
iz tih razgovora.
and the wisdom and the grace
i mudrosti i naklonosti
of people all around us
ljudi svuda oko nas
named Danny Perasa
u Brooklynu Danny Perasa
to talk about his love for her.
na razgovor o ljubavi prema njoj.
the thing of it is,
stvar je u tome što
"I love you" to you.
kada ti kažem "Volim te."
I say it to remind you
Govorim ti to da bih te podsjetio
it's coming from me.
to dolazi od mene.
from a busted old radio,
na starom strganom radiju,
the radio around the house.
držiš taj radio oko kuće.
on the kitchen table,
na kuhinjskom stolu,
to me every morning.
svakoga jutra.
that could possibly be wrong
može krenuti po krivu
is extremely rainy.
I love you. I love you.
no matter what happens at work,
bez obzira što se dogodi na poslu,
in the rest of the day,
that you can hug somebody
and saying, "Get your hands off me."
govoreći, "Makni ruke s mene."
a color television set.
televizor u boji.
to black and white.
and one single snaggletooth,
more romance in his little pinky
više romanse u svojem malom prstu
leading men put together.
u Hollywoodu zajedno.
unimaginable capacity
nezamislivom kapacitetu
and I've learned about strength.
i naučio sam o jačini.
and Mary Johnson.
i Mary Johnson.
he murdered Mary's only son,
ubio je Marynog jedinog sina,
Mary je otišla u zatvor
who this person was
i saznala tko je ta osoba bila
they became friends,
postali su prijatelji,
from the penitentiary,
pušten iz kaznenog zatvora,
u Maryno susjedstv0.
of a conversation they had
iz razgovora koji su imali
is no longer here.
više nije ovdje.
and now you're going to college.
a sada ćeš ti ići na fakultet.
to see you graduate.
to experience that with you.
to moći doživjeti s tobom.
say those things and to be
da izgovaraš te stvari i da si
in which you are is my motivation.
je moja motivacija.
that I stay on the right path.
da ostanem na pravom putu.
despite how much pain I caused you,
bez obzira na bol koju sam ti prouzročio,
to be able to share our story together,
dijeliti našu priču zajedno,
looking at each other right now.
gledajući se.
so I admire that you can do this.
i zato ti se divim što to možeš.
MJ: I love you too, son.
MJ: I ja tebe volim, sine.
of the courage and goodness of people,
puta na hrabrost i dobrotu ljudi,
truly does bend towards justice.
naklanja prema pravdi.
who was born Arthur Martinez
koja je rođena kao Arthur Martinez
with her daughter Lesley
sa svojom kćeri Lesley
into the woman she was always meant to be.
u ženu kakva je oduvijek trebala biti.
difficult things for me was
najtežih stvari za mene je bila
I wouldn't be allowed
da neću imati dopuštenje
out of the water,
in my relationship with my granddaughters,
over whether I'm he or she.
da li sam on ili ona.
to talk about it.
slobodne govoriti o tome.
but that, to me, is a miracle.
ali to je, za mene, čudo.
You don't have to tiptoe.
Ne moraš hodati na prstima.
and that's something I've always
i to je nešto što sam oduvijek
that you're loved.
and I really am at peace with who I am.
i stvarno sam u miru s time tko sam.
imati nježniji glas,
and I try to live that way every day.
i htjela bih tako živjeti svaki dan.
a secret about StoryCorps.
to have these conversations.
za ovakve razgovore.
will be heard long after they're gone.
biti slušana dugo nakon ih više nema.
u domu za nemoćne
on recording interviews
na snimanju razgovora
"The Four Things That Matter Most"
"The Four Things That Matter Most"
to the most important people in your life
najvažnijim ljudima u svom životu
we can say to one another,
koje možemo reći jedan drugome,
in a StoryCorps booth.
u StoryCorps govornicama.
with someone you care about --
pomirbe sa nekim vama važnim --
and Chris a few months ago
i Chrisa prije par mjeseci
I was completely floored.
bio sam potpuno šokiran.
with a very brief wish for humanity,
sa kratkom željom za čovječanstvo,
I wrote my 50 words,
napisao sam 50 riječi,
Chris called and said, "Go for it."
Chris je zvao i rekao, "Učini to."
through StoryCorps
naučili kroz StoryCorps
can easily record a meaningful interview
lako snimiti značajan razgovor
which will then be archived for history.
koji će onda biti arhiviran za povijest.
where everyone in the world
kada će svi u svijetu
could have imagined 11 years ago
nisam mogao zamisliti prije 11 godina
is already underway.
has been working furiously
radio je mahnito
StoryCorps out of our booths
iznijeti StoryCorps izvan govornica
by anyone, anywhere, anytime.
bilo tko, bilo gdje, bilo kada.
been two people and a facilitator
bio između dvije osobe i voditelja
which is preserved forever,
koji je sačuvan zauvijek,
of the StoryCorps app.
StoryCorps aplikacije.
that walks you through
koji vas vodi kroz
StoryCorps interview,
to our archive at the Library of Congress.
u arhivu Knjižnice Kongresa.
how we can use it
kako ga možemo koristiti
thousands of StoryCorps interviews a year,
tisuće StoryCorps razgovora na godinu,
tens of thousands
desetke tisuća
a national homework assignment
nacionalni domaći zadatak
studying U.S. history across the country
koji studira američku povijest kroz zemlju
with an elder over Thanksgiving,
preko Dana Zahvalnosti,
and experiences are captured.
i iskustava su snimljeni.
sides of a conflict somewhere in the world
stranama sukoba negdje u svijetu
about that conflict
begin to build bonds of trust;
a tradition all over the world
tradicija diljem svijeta
with a StoryCorps interview
StoryCorps razgovorom
or homeless shelters or even prisons
skloništa za beskućnike ili čak zatvore
least heard in our society
ljudima od kojih se najmanje čuje
what they've learned in life,
što su naučili u životu,
a StoryCorps interview with my dad
StoryCorps razgovor sa svojim ocem
and became a well-known gay activist.
i postao poznati gay aktivist.
of us at that interview.
until a couple of years ago,
sve do prije par godina,
to be in perfect health
da je savršenog zdravlja
40 hours a week,
40 sati na tjedan,
a few days later.
par dana poslije.
for the first time at three in the morning
prvi put u 3 ujutro
they were going to get to know this person
mogu upoznati tu osobu,
would be through that session.
životu, je samo bilo kroz taj razgovor.
any more deeply than I did,
u StoryCorps dublje nego već jesam,
the importance of making these recordings.
važnost izrade ovih snimaka.
my father or my grandmother or my brother,
svog oca ili djeda ili brata,
is fleeting and inconsequential,
tako prolazan i beznačajan,
u stvaranju ove digitalne arhive
enduring and important.
we are as human beings.
tko smo kao ljudska bića.
this wish come true.
ostvariti tu želju.
or even a stranger.
ili čak stranca.
of the wisdom of humanity,
mudrosti čovječanstva,
and shout a little less.
i vikati malo manje.
what's really important.
što je stvarno važno.
that simple truth
jednostavnu istinu
Dave Isay - Story collectorOver thousands of archived and broadcast interviews, StoryCorps founder Dave Isay -- winner of the 2015 TED Prize -- has created an unprecedented document of the dreams and fears that touch us all.
Why you should listen
From the first interview he recorded, 2015 TED Prize winner and MacArthur Fellow Dave Isay knew he’d found his calling: preserving the stories of everyday Americans. Since then, Isay has amassed hundreds of thousands of recordings, most of previously unheard or ignored voices, all speaking in their own words. The archives of StoryCorps -- which Isay founded in 2003 -- are included at the Library of Congress’ American Folklife Center, and now constitute the largest single collection of recorded voices in history.
StoryCorps invites friends, loved ones and strangers to conduct 40-minute interviews at intimate recording booths in Atlanta, Chicago, San Francisco, and (until 2011) New York, as well as in mobile studios nationwide. Offering moving and surprising glimpses into the hearts of often marginalized and forgotten subjects, the interviews are a familiar feature of NPR’s Morning Edition and Storycorps.org.
At TED2015, Isay shared an audacious wish for StoryCorps: to open up the format from its signature booths with a StoryCorps app that allows anyone to add to this "digital archive of the collective wisdom of humanity." The vision: to broaden this idea, and begin to take it global.
Dave Isay | Speaker | TED.com