Dave Isay: Everyone around you has a story the world needs to hear
Dave Isay: Vsakdo ima zgodbo, ki jo svet mora slišati
Over thousands of archived and broadcast interviews, StoryCorps founder Dave Isay -- winner of the 2015 TED Prize -- has created an unprecedented document of the dreams and fears that touch us all. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
or even a stranger
prijatelju ali celo tujcu,
important moments in that person's life,
v življenju tega človeka
da sem odkril svoje poslanstvo,
I was lucky enough to find my calling
s katerim sva si bila zelo blizu, gej.
who I was very, very close to, was gay.
of our strained conversations,
da se je v neki noči leta 1969
and Latino drag queens
in latino transvestitov
at a gay bar in Manhattan
v gejevskem baru na Manhattnu,
the modern gay rights movement.
moderno gibanje za gejevske pravice.
and it piqued my interest.
je podžgala mojo radovednost.
recorder and find out more.
snemalnik in poskusim izvedeti kaj več.
named Michael Shirker,
Michaela Shirkerja
of the people we could find
ki jih je bilo moč najti,
the Stonewall Inn that night.
v baru Stonwall Inn.
gave me the license
kako mi mikrofon omogoča,
never would have gone
ki jih sicer nikoli ne bi obiskal
otherwise ever have spoken to.
s katerimi drugače ne bi nikoli govoril.
fierce and courageous human beings
prodornih in pogumnih ljudi,
the story of Stonewall
bila zgodba Stonewalla
and it changed my life.
in moje življenje.
I made many more radio documentaries,
še veliko radijskih dokumentarcev.
who are rarely heard from in the media.
o katerih se v medijih le redko govori.
of being interviewed
preprosto dejanje intervjuja
that their stories didn't matter.
da njihove zgodbe niso pomembne.
people's back straighten
kako so se vzravnali,
into the microphone.
about the last flophouse hotels
o zadnjih cenenih hotelih
cheap hotels for decades.
poceni hotelih že desetletja.
the size of prison cells
velikosti zaporniške celice,
from one room into the next.
iz ene v drugo sobo.
with the photographer Harvey Wang.
Wangom napisal knjigo o teh ljudeh.
with an early version of the book
z osnutkom knjige
stran, ki mu je bila posvečena.
the long, narrow hallway
the clarion call for StoryCorps,
imperativ, ki je privedel do StoryCorpsa,
a dozen years ago.
documentary work
običajno dokumentarno delo
to create a work of art or entertainment
z namenom ustvarjati umetnost ali zabavo,
by a whole lot of people,
veliko ljudem,
was the purpose of this work,
sam namen dela
many, many people the chance
mnogo ljudem možnost
pred enajstimi leti
can come to honor someone else
lahko prišel in počastil nekoga
o njegovem življenju.
by a facilitator who brings you inside.
kjer te sprejme moderator.
svojega starega očeta
and you listen and you talk.
if this was to be our last conversation,
Če bi bil to najin zadnji pogovor
and say to this person
in kaj povedati tej osebi,
you walk away with a copy of the interview
odideš s posnetkom pogovora,
to the American Folklife Center
Ameriškemu narodopisnemu centru
can someday get to know your grandfather
nekega dne spoznali vašega starega očeta
in one of the busiest places in the world
v enem najbolj hektičnih mest na svetu
incredibly intimate conversation
neverjetno intimne pogovore
but from the very beginning, it did.
pa je, že od vsega začetka.
with incredible respect,
z veliko mero spoštovanja
so se zgodili znotraj kabine.
at that original Grand Central Booth.
na postaji Grand Central.
interviewing his mother, Sarah.
ki intervjuva svojo mamo, Saro.
are incredibly smart
neverjetno inteligentni,
ki se pogovarja s svojo mamo Saro
From a scale of one to 10,
Na lestvici od ena do deset,
different without animals?
drugačno brez živali?
an eight without animals,
osmico brez živali,
would be different without them?
tvoje življenje drugačno brez njih?
like cockroaches and snakes.
brez ščurkov in kač.
as long as they're not venomous
če niso strupene
the insect we love to hate.
ki ga radi sovražimo.
you couldn't cope with having a child?
ko si dobila otroka?
you had really bad colic,
in si imel hude trebušne krče
SL: It's when you get this stomach ache
SL: To je, ko te zelo boli trebuh
for, like, four hours.
but Amy's was more high-pitched.
Amy pa ima bolj predirljiv jok.
seems to like Amy more,
why you think that people like Amy more,
da imajo ljudje raje Amy.
of your Asperger's syndrome,
tvojega Aspergerjevega sindroma,
it's more difficult,
to get to know you love you so much.
da te spoznajo, te imajo zelo radi.
SL: Yeah --
SL: Ja --
but less quantity? (Laughter)
in manjšo kvantiteto? (Smeh)
the quality, but I think --
ampak mislim--
loved Claudia, then she hated Claudia,
ima rada Klavdijo, potem je ne mara,
is that you have a few very good friends,
nekaj res dobrih prijateljev,
kar potrebuješ v življenju.
you wanted when I was born?
ko sem se rodil?
my expectations, sweetie,
of what your child's going to be like,
o tem, kakšen bo tvoj otrok,
so much as a parent, because you think --
se morala preseči kot starš, saj misliš--
who made you a parent.
That's a good point. (Laughter)
Imaš prav. (Smeh)
in the parenting books,
outside of the box with you,
izven svojih običajnih okvirjev;
as a parent and as a person,
kot starš in kot oseba.
ko si rodila Amy?
but you are so incredibly special to me
Ti si zame tako nekaj posebnega;
ran on public radio,
predvajana na radiu,
together in a book,
je iz njih naredila knjigo
they would read the letters together.
spravili na Josha, sta jih skupaj brala.
that two of my heroes
who is now an honors student in college.
ki je zdaj odličen učenec na kolidžu.
crying when they hear StoryCorps stories,
ko poslušajo zgodbe StoryCorpsa,
something authentic and pure
nekaj pristnega in čistega
when sometimes it's hard to tell
da bi obogatel.
velikodušnosti in ljubezni.
courage, decency and dignity,
prijaznostjo, pogumom in dostojanstvom
like you're walking on holy ground.
da hodiš po sveti zemlji.
in Grand Central worked,
je torej deloval,
in all 50 states
v vseh petdesetih državah
and towns across America
of human voices ever gathered.
zbirka človeških glasov.
hundreds of facilitators
stotine moderatorjev,
through the experience.
skozi to izkušnjo.
gathering the wisdom of humanity.
in zbirajo modrosti človeštva.
that the most important thing
da je najpomembnejša stvar,
during these interviews
pričevanju tem intervjujem
of StoryCorps, you could argue
StoryCorpsa bi lahko temu oporekali,
of a selection bias happening,
with every kind of person
z vsemi mogočimi ljudmi,
across the political spectrum --
različna politična prepričanja --
are actually onto something.
morda ti ljudje prav.
from these interviews.
iz teh intervjujev.
and the wisdom and the grace
of people all around us
named Danny Perasa
Dannyjem Perasem,
to talk about his love for her.
da bi ji povedal o svoji ljubezni do nje.
the thing of it is,
ko ti rečem "ljubim te."
"I love you" to you.
I say it to remind you
Povem ti zato, da te spomnim,
to prihaja iz mene.
it's coming from me.
from a busted old radio,
iz starega, hreščečega radia
the radio around the house.
da si obdržala ta star radio.
on the kitchen table,
sporočila na kuhinjski mizi,
ljubezensko pismo.
to me every morning.
that could possibly be wrong
is extremely rainy.
I love you. I love you.
Ljubim te.
no matter what happens at work,
ni važno kaj se zgodi v službi,
in the rest of the day,
that you can hug somebody
and saying, "Get your hands off me."
"Pusti me na miru."
a color television set.
barvno televizijo.
to black and white.
and one single snaggletooth,
more romance in his little pinky
več romantike v svojem mezincu,
leading men put together.
unimaginable capacity
nepredstavljivi sposobnosti
and I've learned about strength.
and Mary Johnson.
med Osheo Israelom in Mary Johnson.
he murdered Mary's only son,
je ubil Maryjinega edinega sina,
who this person was
kdo je ta oseba,
they became friends,
sta postala prijatelja.
from the penitentiary,
poleg Maryjinega doma.
of a conversation they had
ki sta ga imela
is no longer here.
ni več tu.
and now you're going to college.
zdaj pa greš ti na kolidž.
to see you graduate.
to experience that with you.
lahko to izkusila pri tebi.
say those things and to be
te tvoje besede, in da si
in which you are is my motivation.
je zame motivacija.
that I stay on the right path.
da se trudim ostati na pravi poti.
despite how much pain I caused you,
vso bolečino, ki sem ti jo povzročil,
to be able to share our story together,
deliti najino zgodbo,
looking at each other right now.
so I admire that you can do this.
občudujem, ker to zmoreš.
MJ: I love you too, son.
MJ: Tudi jaz te imam rada, sin.
of the courage and goodness of people,
na pogum in dobroto ljudi
truly does bend towards justice.
usmeri proti pravičnosti.
who was born Arthur Martinez
ki se je rodila kot Arthur Martinez
v Chicagu.
with her daughter Lesley
kot mlad fant pridružila tolpi
into the woman she was always meant to be.
spremenila spol in postala ženska.
difficult things for me was
stvari zame je bil
I wouldn't be allowed
out of the water,
in my relationship with my granddaughters,
odnosu z vnukinjami je,
over whether I'm he or she.
če sem ona ali on.
to talk about it.
lahko govorijo o tem.
but that, to me, is a miracle.
ampak zame je to pravi čudež.
You don't have to tiptoe.
in biti previdna glede besed.
and that's something I've always
To je nekaj, kar sem vedno
that you're loved.
and I really am at peace with who I am.
in res sem pomirjena s tem kdo sem.
da bi imela nežnejši glas,
and I try to live that way every day.
in tako skušam živeti vsak dan.
a secret about StoryCorps.
o StoryCorpsu.
to have these conversations.
da imamo take pogovore.
will be heard long after they're gone.
slišani dolgo po tem, ko jih več ne bo.
on recording interviews
"The Four Things That Matter Most"
"Štiri najpomembnejše stvari"
to the most important people in your life
najpomembnejšim ljudem v tvojem življenju
we can say to one another,
ki jih lahko izrečemo en drugemu
in a StoryCorps booth.
v kabini StoryCorpsa.
with someone you care about --
z nekom, ki nam je drag --
and Chris a few months ago
TED in Chris pred meseci
I was completely floored.
sem bil povsem prevzet.
with a very brief wish for humanity,
kratko željo za človeštvo,
I wrote my 50 words,
Chris called and said, "Go for it."
me je poklical Chris in mi dal zeleno luč.
through StoryCorps
skozi StoryCorps
can easily record a meaningful interview
z lahkoto posnel pomemben intervju
which will then be archived for history.
ki bo potem arhiviran za prihodnje rodove.
where everyone in the world
kjer bo imel vsak na svetu
could have imagined 11 years ago
nisem mogel pred enajstimi leti,
is already underway.
has been working furiously
StoryCorps out of our booths
StoryCorps ven iz kabin,
by anyone, anywhere, anytime.
kdorkoli, kjerkoli, kadarkoli.
been two people and a facilitator
predstavljal dva človeka in moderatorja,
which is preserved forever,
ki se ga bo hranilo za vse čase.
of the StoryCorps app.
StoryCorps aplikacije.
that walks you through
ki te vodi skozi
StoryCorps interview,
StoryCorps intervju,
to our archive at the Library of Congress.
arhiviraš v Kongresni knjižnici.
how we can use it
ugotovite, kako ga lahko uporabimo
thousands of StoryCorps interviews a year,
StoryCorp intervjujev letno,
tens of thousands
a national homework assignment
nacionalno domačo nalogo,
studying U.S. history across the country
ameriške zgodovine po celi državi
with an elder over Thanksgiving,
ob zahvalnem dnevu.
and experiences are captured.
in izkušnje celotne generacije.
sides of a conflict somewhere in the world
straneh konflikta nekje na svetu,
about that conflict
pa ne da bi govorile o konfliktu,
begin to build bonds of trust;
graditi vezi zaupanja;
a tradition all over the world
postala tradicija po vsem svetu,
with a StoryCorps interview
s StoryCorps intervjujem
or homeless shelters or even prisons
ali v zavetišča za brezdomce, v zapore
least heard in our society
ljudi, ki sicer niso slišani,
what they've learned in life,
kaj so se naučili v življenju
a StoryCorps interview with my dad
StoryCorps intervju s svojim očetom,
and became a well-known gay activist.
in je postal znan gejevski aktivist.
of us at that interview.
until a couple of years ago,
do pred nekaj leti,
to be in perfect health
da je popolnoma zdrav,
40 hours a week,
40 ur na teden,
a few days later.
je povsem nenadno umrl.
for the first time at three in the morning
poslušal ob treh zjutraj
they were going to get to know this person
da bosta lahko spoznala to osebo,
would be through that session.
skozi ta posnet pogovor.
any more deeply than I did,
še bolj verjeti v StoryCorps,
the importance of making these recordings.
občutil pomembnost teh posnetkov.
my father or my grandmother or my brother,
intervjuval očeta ali babico ali brata,
is fleeting and inconsequential,
bežne in nepomembne,
ustvarjanju digitalnega arhiva
enduring and important.
to darilo za naše otroke,
we are as human beings.
kar smo kot človeška bitja.
this wish come true.
izpolniti to željo.
or even a stranger.
prijatelja ali celo tujca.
of the wisdom of humanity,
arhiv modrosti človeštva
and shout a little less.
what's really important.
na to, kar je zares pomembno.
that simple truth
prepoznati preprosto resnico,
prav vsako
Dave Isay - Story collectorOver thousands of archived and broadcast interviews, StoryCorps founder Dave Isay -- winner of the 2015 TED Prize -- has created an unprecedented document of the dreams and fears that touch us all.
Why you should listen
From the first interview he recorded, 2015 TED Prize winner and MacArthur Fellow Dave Isay knew he’d found his calling: preserving the stories of everyday Americans. Since then, Isay has amassed hundreds of thousands of recordings, most of previously unheard or ignored voices, all speaking in their own words. The archives of StoryCorps -- which Isay founded in 2003 -- are included at the Library of Congress’ American Folklife Center, and now constitute the largest single collection of recorded voices in history.
StoryCorps invites friends, loved ones and strangers to conduct 40-minute interviews at intimate recording booths in Atlanta, Chicago, San Francisco, and (until 2011) New York, as well as in mobile studios nationwide. Offering moving and surprising glimpses into the hearts of often marginalized and forgotten subjects, the interviews are a familiar feature of NPR’s Morning Edition and Storycorps.org.
At TED2015, Isay shared an audacious wish for StoryCorps: to open up the format from its signature booths with a StoryCorps app that allows anyone to add to this "digital archive of the collective wisdom of humanity." The vision: to broaden this idea, and begin to take it global.
Dave Isay | Speaker | TED.com