Mandy Len Catron: Falling in love is the easy part
Mandy Len Catron: Lako je zaljubiti se
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
in January of this year.
u siječnju ove godine.
u bilo koga, učinite ovo."
is about a psychological study
o psihološkom eksperimentu
in the laboratory,
romantične ljubavi u laboratoriju
trying the study myself
sam pokušala ispitati sebe
36 increasingly personal questions
36 pitanja koja postaju sve osobnija,
having gained any one quality or ability,
s jednom novom kvalitetom ili sposobnosti,
in front of another person?
plakao/la pred drugom osobom?
get more personal as they go along.
pitanja zaista postaju sve osobnija.
what you like about them;
što volite na njemu;
to someone you just met.
nekome koga ste tek upoznali.
a few years earlier,
prvi put naišla na ovaj eskperiment,
that two of the participants
u eksperimentu
to the ceremony.
cijeli laboratorij na svadbu.
manufacturing romantic love,
romantične ljubavi,
to try this study myself,
i sama isprobati taj eksperiment
but not particularly well,
pretjerano dobro poznavala,
so I sent it to the Modern Love column
sam je poslala u kolumnu moderne ljubavi
are probably wondering,
you might be wondering this
for the past seven months.
tijekom zadnjih sedam mjeseci.
what I want to talk about today.
danas želim govoriti.
on a book about love stories
about my own experiences
o vlastitim iskustvima
a couple hundred views at the most,
najviše par stotina ljudi,
just my Facebook friends,
moji prijatelji s Facebooka,
in the New York Times
u New York Timesu
da nisam imala pojma koliko.
to the traffic on my blog.
posjećenosti mog bloga.
and Good Morning America had called.
i Good Morning, America.
would receive over 8 million views,
članak je pregledan preko 8 milijuna puta,
za toliku pozornost.
the confidence to write honestly
da iskreno pišeš
has made international news --
postao svjetska vijest --
that people across the world
in the status of your new relationship.
vaša nova veza.
which they did every day for weeks,
što se događalo svakodnevno, tjednima,
ulaznu poštu u potrazi
popped up immediately.
postavili su mi to pitanje.
shouted up to the stage,
a žena iz publike mi je doviknula:
is part of the deal.
in an international newspaper,
u svjetskim novinama,
to feel comfortable asking about it.
ljudi pitati o njoj bez zadrške.
for the scope of the response.
to have taken on a life of their own.
voditi vlastiti život.
published a follow-up article
objavio je sljedeći članak
of trying the study themselves,
koji su se i sami okušali u eksperimentu
različite stupnjeve uspjeha.
in the face of all of this attention
of my own relationship.
nastrojena prema vlastitoj vezi.
for the two of us
pojavljivanje u medijima.
for photos of the two us.
for the process of falling in love,
feel qualified for.
if the study worked,
funkcionira li eksperiment,
of producing love that would last,
koja će trajati,
sustainable love.
pravu, održivu ljubav.
I didn't feel capable of answering.
odgovarati na to pitanje.
was only a few months old,
the wrong question in the first place.
zapravo postavljaju krivo pitanje.
we were still together really tell them?
jesmo li još uvijek zajedno ili ne?
of doing these 36 questions
prolaženja kroz tih 36 pitanja
about these questions
o tim pitanjima
was not to produce romantic love.
stvoriti romantičnu ljubav,
among college students,
personalistic self-disclosure."
personalizirano samootkrivanje."
did feel closer after doing it,
osjećali veću bliskost i kasnije je
used Aron's fast friends protocol
njegov protokol brzinskog sprijateljavanja
trust and intimacy between strangers.
i intimnosti između stranaca.
of the police and members of community,
i članovima zajednice,
of opposing political ideologies.
političkih ideologija.
with four minutes of eye contact,
s četverominutnim kontaktom očima
humanističkih znanosti
and it didn't work."
ali nije djelovao."
with the person you did it with?" I asked.
s kojom si ga isprobao?" upitah.
da budemo samo prijatelji."
better friends?" I asked.
bolji prijatelji?" upitah.
know each other after doing the study?"
nakon što ste isprobali eksperiment?"
he was looking for.
that any of us are looking for
kojemu se itko od nas nada
a really difficult breakup.
preboljeti težak prekid.
since I was 20,
odrasli dio života,
I could make a life without him.
uopće moći nastaviti živjeti bez njega,
about the science of romantic love,
o znanosti romantične ljubavi
somehow inoculate me from heartache.
izliječiti od slomljenog srca.
this at the time --
for this book I was writing --
za knjigu na kojoj sam radila --
čini se zaista očito.
with the knowledge of romantic love,
znanjem o romantičnoj ljubavi,
as terrible and lonely as I did then.
tako užasno i usamljeno kao tada.
has been useful in some ways.
i bilo korisno.
I am more relaxed.
Sada sam opuštenija.
about asking for what I want.
tražiti ono što želim,
is sometimes more
ja želim ponekad više
by the person I love indefinitely.
do beskonačnosti.
if we were still together.
about the 36 questions
o 36 pitanja
a shortcut to falling in love.
da postoji prečac do zaljubljivanja,
mitigate some of the risk involved,
da ublažimo neke od rizika,
do provide a mechanism
pružaju određeni mehanizam
that most of us really want from love:
traži od ljubavi:
da nas vidi, da nas razumije.
the short version of the story.
kratke verzije priče.
"Are you still together?"
"Jeste li još uvijek zajedno?"
ili niječnim odgovorom.
some more difficult questions,
when things get difficult,
kad se stvari zakompliciraju,
when to just cut and run?
da se pokupite i odete?
into every relationship,
the answers to these questions,
at having a more thoughtful conversation
u dublji razgovor
of my relationship is this:
o mojoj vezi glasi ovako:
and I did a study
i ja proveli smo ekspriment
romantične ljubavi
the same thing as staying in love.
"Love didn't happen to us.
"Nama se ljubav nije dogodila.
made the choice to be."
oboje na to odlučili."
when I read that now,
I really hadn't considered
in that choice.
we would each have to make that choice,
oboje morati donositi tu odluku
to have to make that choice
ponovno donositi tu odluku
he will always choose me.
svaki put izabrati.
and answered 36 questions,
i odgovoriti na 36 pitanja
so generous and kind and fun
tako velikodušnog, dragog i zabavnog
in the biggest newspaper in America.
američkim novinama.
is turn my relationship
I don't quite believe in.
u koji baš i ne vjerujem.
I will spend my life wanting,
željeti cijeli svoj život,
implied by the title to my article,
podrazumijeva u nazivu mog članka
that I didn't actually write.
to make the choice to love someone,
donijeti odluku voljeti nekoga
to love me back,
i on odlučiti voljeti mene,
Mandy Len Catron - WriterMandy Len Catron explores love stories.
Why you should listen
Originally from Appalachian Virginia, Mandy Len Catron is a writer living and working in Vancouver, British Columbia. Her book How to Fall in Love with Anyone, is available for preorder on Amazon. Catron's writing has appeared in the New York Times, The Washington Post, and The Walrus, as well as literary journals and anthologies. She writes about love and love stories at The Love Story Project and teaches English and creative writing at the University of British Columbia. Her article "To Fall in Love with Anyone, Do This" was one of the most popular articles published by the New York Times in 2015.
Mandy Len Catron | Speaker |