António Guterres: Refugees have the right to be protected
António Guterres: Pengungsi punya hak untuk dilindungi
António Guterres is at the forefront of advocating for refugee rights around the world. Full bio
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thank you for coming to TED.
terima kasih telah hadir di TED.
and migrants arrived in Europe
dan migran datang ke Eropa
but also from Afghanistan
namun juga dari Afghanistan,
of two different kinds:
terbagi dua macam:
dan memagari perbatasan.
and the long-term perspective.
dan jangka panjang.
spiked so fast in the last six months?
begitu cepat dalam enam bulan terakhir?
what triggered this huge increase
peningkatan tajam ini
into Europe from Africa, from Asia,
Asia ke Eropa telah lama terjadi,
we had this massive increase
lalu tiba-tiba terjadi peningkatan tajam
in relation to Syrians,
dengan pengungsi Suriah,
clear for people.
dan tidak pasti bagi mereka.
to go back home,
untuk bisa pulang,
at the end of the tunnel.
countries have been deteriorating.
semakin memburuk.
yang bersekolah,
are living very badly.
what they have suffered,
kondisi yang sangat menyedihkan.
very dramatic conditions.
was when all of a sudden,
for lack of resources,
karena kurang sumber daya,
to the Syrian refugees.
untuk pengungsi Suriah.
on international support,
pada bantuan internasional,
is abandoning us."
"Dunia meninggalkan kita."
dalam jumlah besar
in large numbers
enough to do it,
banyak orang bukan karena ini tiba-tiba,
many people is it's not only sudden,
tidak terjadi tiba-tiba.
happening for five years.
lima tahun.
dan kota di sekitar Suriah.
and villages and towns around Syria.
about the situation
situasi ini
of a breakdown of Libya, for example,
Eropa sangat tidak siap.
you don't want to recognize the reality.
menghadapi realitas.
the capacity to make them.
lonjakan terjadi,
the spike occurred,
a mechanism to manage the situation.
untuk mengelola situasi ini.
is 550 million people,
550 juta orang,
per every 2,000 Europeans.
satu untuk setiap 2.000 penduduk Eropa.
per three Lebanese.
setiap tiga penduduk Lebanon.
of course, but it's managing.
namun mereka berusaha mengelolanya.
that could have been managed
sesuatu yang sebenarnya bisa dikelola
important thing,
addressing the root causes,
together in solidarity
reception capacity of entry points?
pengungsi yang memadai di titik masuk?
points need to be massively supported,
titik masuk harus didukung sepenuhnya,
with security checks
pemeriksaan keamanan
into all European countries,
ke seluruh negara Eropa,
of each country.
the relocation program
always too little too late,
selalu sedikit terlambat,
menerima empat ribu.
to receive four thousand.
if it is managed,
seandainya dikelola,
the pressure is at the point of entry,
tekanan ada di titik masuk,
in this chaotic way through the Balkans,
melalui negara-negara Balkan,
Sweden, basically, and Austria.
umumnya, dan Austria.
in the end, receiving the refugees.
menerima para pengungsi.
tanpa melakukan apa-apa.
without doing much.
three questions,
segamblang mungkin.
yang sering muncul
in Europe right now,
is not much, but realistically,
tidaklah banyak, namun secara realistis,
that has no answer,
the right to be protected.
hak untuk dilindungi.
as international law,
"I take 10,000 and that's finished."
"Saya ambil 10.000 saja, titik."
I remember one minister saying,
saya ingat satu menteri berkata,
up to 100,000 people."
hingga 100.000 orang."
three-hundred thousand
dua juta tiga ratus ribu,
if you count all refugees.
hitung semua pengungsi.
how many we can take.
berapa banyak yang bisa kita terima.
how we can we organize ourselves
bagaimana kita bisa mengelola negara kita
internasional kita?
because there is no solidarity
karena tidak adanya solidaritas
there are many other areas.
tapi juga dalam hal lain.
in which we need more Europe
kita memerlukan persatuan Eropa
in European institutions,
kepercayaan publik terhadap
to convince the public
mereka bahwa
untuk menyelesaikan hal ini.
to solve these problems.
shifts, particularly domestically.
pergolakan politik di dalam negeri.
and over in many countries:
dan tempat lain,
and in Switzerland and elsewhere,
drastis karena jumlah pengungsi,
because of the numbers,
in absolute numbers.
seluruh masyarakat Eropa.
opening the news every single day,
berita televisi dimulai dengan
tak terkontrol,
were of hundreds
atau ribuan orang yang berpindah.
is taking care of it --
masalah ini --
kind of management.
"They are coming to my village."
"Orang-orang ini akan datang ke desaku."
that Europe was being invaded
bahwa Eropa sedang diinvasi
and everything will --
segalanya akan berubah --
had been properly managed,
apabila arus ini dikelola dengan baik,
[prosedur yang] benar,
screened at point of entry,
di titik masuk, diperiksa di sana,
to different European countries,
negara-negara Eropa lainnya,
a lot of people scared,
to do the job properly.
management of the situation
of people all over Europe,
merata ke seluruh Eropa,
the percentage that I mentioned:
properly managed
dengan baik,
and of course if you have a village --
lokal dan mereka menerimanya.
Lebanon has been living with that.
to happen in Europe,
pengungsi daripada orang lokal.
more refugees than inhabitants.
to do the job properly,
menanganinya dengan baik,
to receive people
untuk menerima pengungsi
were forced to do in the past.
melakukannya sebelumnya.
situation not only at Europe --
di luar Eropa --
so, not only at Europe,
tidak hanya di Eropa,
a long list of countries
in the other part --
pada bagian yang lain --
who's doing the right thing?
of the refugees in the world
countries like Ethiopia --
more than 600,000 refugees.
600.000 pengungsi.
that every refugee should be received.
bahwa setiap pengungsi harus diterima.
Sudan, Somalia.
welcoming of refugees coming,
menerima pengungsi yang datang,
for borders to be open.
cenderung terbuka.
with the Syrian situation,
dengan situasi Suriah,
into also a major security crisis,
krisis keamanan yang serius,
were open for, at the time,
dan ketika itu
the trend in the developing world
tren di negara berkembang
is for these questions to become
yang ada cenderung
in the public opinion,
protections on one side
perlindungan pengungsi di satu sisi
yang menurut saya disalahartikan.
misinterpreted -- on the other side.
pemotongan dana dan bantuan
of funding and the vouchers
of the organizations
masalah ini.
menyadari tentang ini,
and more support,
close to the levels of last year.
yang diterima tahun lalu.
sepanjang musim panas.
to address the needs of the people
menangani kebutuhan pengungsi
of the criteria, the objectives,
atas kriteria, tujuan,
cooperation that is required.
pembangunan yang dibutuhkan.
are middle-income countries.
adalah negara ekonomi menengah.
atau hibah dari Bank Dunia.
or grants from the World Bank.
a global public good.
menangani masalah global.
of stability in the region,
tonggak kestabilan di wilayah tersebut,
of our collective security.
kita bersama.
are not a first priority
in very dramatic circumstances
kondisi yang sangat menyedihkan
themselves are suffering,
juga terkena dampaknya,
at today's situation
situasi saat ini
their poor groups of the population,
penduduk miskin di negara mereka,
because of the crisis they are facing.
krisis yang mereka hadapi.
organizations, the European Union?
internasional, atau Uni Eropa?
cooperation is essential.
itu penting.
juga penting.
cooperation is essential.
institutions should have flexibility
international harus bisa fleksibel
more massively
and to understand that today,
instrumen yang ada dan memahami bahwa
at a certain moment,
ada waktu dimana
to make a distinction
and development aid
dan bantuan pembangunan
about children in school,
that is overcrowded.
tidak mencukupi.
that require a long-term perspective,
memerlukan perspektif jangka panjang,
humanitarian aid perspective.
bantuan darurat kemanusiaan.
dibuat oleh calon terdepan
by the current front-runner
for US President, Donald Trump.
Presiden AS, Donald Trump.
penutupan total menyeluruh
and complete shutdown
can figure out what's going on."
memahami situasinya."
around the world
yang mengatakan, misalnya,
saying, for instance,
should not be received.
tidak bisa diterima.
that by doing or saying this,
melakukan atau mengatakan ini,
the security of their countries.
to Muslim refugees,"
bagi pengungsi muslim,"
is the best possible help
of terrorist organizations.
by all the Muslims in your own country,
oleh semua muslim di negara Anda,
for the recruitment
dan mekanisme
through technology,
Daesh, al-Nusra, al-Qaeda, dan lainnya
and all those other groups
lewat teknologi.
"You are right, we are against you."
"Memang benar, kami menolak kalian."
in societies that are all multiethnic,
di dalam masyarakat yang multi etnis,
in which, really,
of these terrorist organizations
organisasi teroris
people for terror acts
orang untuk melakukan aksi teror
of sentences are expressed.
seperti ini.
and the reactions to them
dan reaksi yang muncul
for many people the first reaction
attacks is: close all borders --
adalah: tutup semua perbatasan --
problem in Europe is largely homegrown.
di Eropa, mayoritas berasal dari dalam.
of European fighters in Syria and in Iraq,
di Suriah dan Irak,
by just not allowing Syrians to come in.
perbatasan bagi pengungsi Suriah.
by the person who has blown --
oleh pengebom --
bom bunuh diri.
of Daesh is against refugees,
melawan pengungsi,
that should be with the caliphate
seharusnya mendukung khalifah mereka,
negara Kristen.
strategy to make Europe react,
untuk membuat Eropa bereaksi
bagi pengungsi muslim
towards Muslims inside Europe,
terhadap umat muslim di Eropa,
it was not the refugee movement
bukan pergerakan pengungsi
is today a homegrown movement
sekarang muncul dari dalam
that we are facing,
saat ini,
to prove these groups wrong,
membuktikan bahwa mereka salah,
secara efektif
belahan dunia tersebut.
from that part of the world.
is that to a large extent,
sebagian besar dari
in the '70s, in the '80s,
70-an, dan 80-an,
that took place at that time
in many of the people, for instance,
generasi kedua saat ini
dimana mereka merasa terpinggirkan,
that are not adequately provided
sometimes even anger,
kadang bahkan perasaan marah
of integration policies,
kegagalan kebijakan integrasi,
a much stronger investment
to live together and respect each other.
dengan saling menghormati.
will be multiethnic, multicultural,
menjadi multi etnis, multi budaya,
in my opinion, impossible.
menurut pendapat saya.
that they will be like that,
yang bagus,
for that to work properly,
bahwa untuk bisa berhasil,
of your own societies.
dalam masyarakat kita.
failed in that investment
from your job at the end of the year,
turun dari jabatan Komisaris UNHCR
for the first time, what do you see?
apa yang Anda saksikan?
one million people go back home
orang untuk kembali pulang
because conflicts had ended.
karena konflik telah berakhir.
displaced by conflict in the world.
tergusur karena konflik di dunia.
of new conflicts
berlipat ganda
tak kunjung berakhir:
Democratic Republic of Congo.
Republik Demokrat Kongo.
is much more dangerous than it was.
lebih berbahaya daripada sebelumnya.
of the international community
komunitas internasional
menyelesaikannya tepat waktu,
and to timely solve them,
than what it was 10 years ago.
daripada 10 tahun yang lalu.
power relations in the world,
yang jelas di dunia,
pemerintahan global yang bekerja,
tend to prevail, and that means
dan ketidakpastian terus ada
orang menderita,
terusir karena konflik.
displaced by conflicts.
the Oval Office for the last time,
Kantor Oval terakhir kalinya,
on the desk for his successor
tulisan tangan di meja
akan menggantikannya.
to your successor, Filippo Grandi,
untuk penerus Anda, Filippo Grandi,
I would write any message.
menulis apapun.
when one leaves an office
seseorang meninggalkan jabatan
menyetir dari kursi belakang,
and do your best."
lakukan yang terbaik."
for the job you do.
kerja keras Anda.
António Guterres - Designate Secretary-General of the United NationsAntónio Guterres is at the forefront of advocating for refugee rights around the world.
Why you should listen
A former Portuguese prime minister, António Guterres was elected by the UN General Assembly to become the 10th United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in June 2005. In October 2016 the United Nations Security Council announced he would be the next United Nations Secretary General, succeeding the retiring Ban Ki-moon.
As High Commissioner, he heads one of the world's foremost humanitarian organizations. UNHCR has twice won the Nobel Peace Prize. Its over 9,300 staff members work in 123 countries providing protection and assistance to nearly 55 million refugees, returnees, internally displaced people and stateless persons. Some 88 percent of UNHCR staff work in the field, often in difficult and dangerous duty stations.
Before joining UNHCR, Guterres spent more than 20 years in government and public service. He served as Portuguese prime minister from 1995 to 2002, during which time he was heavily involved in the international effort to resolve the crisis in East Timor. As president of the European Council in early 2000, he led the adoption of the so-called Lisbon Agenda and co-chaired the first European Union-Africa summit. He also founded the Portuguese Refugee Council in 1991 and was part of the Council of State of Portugal from 1991 to 2002.
From 1981 to 1983, Guterres was a member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, as well as chairman of the Committee on Demography, Migration and Refugees. In addition, he has been active in Socialist International, a worldwide organization of social democratic political parties. He was the group's vice-president from 1992 to 1999 and president from 1999 until mid-2005.
Guterres was born on April 30, 1949, in Lisbon and educated at the Instituto Superior Técnico, where he remains a visiting professor. He is married and has two children.
António Guterres | Speaker |